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M2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained 短语Welcome to the unit & Reading

1.无法解释的传说,未解之谜tales of the unexplained

2.充满神秘full of mysteries

3.先进的科技advanced science and technology

4.偶遇run into/come across/meet by chance

5.相信未解之谜believe in unexplained things

6.某天(将来的) some day

7.做某事的理由reason for doing sth

8.提前in advance

9.加紧,促进step up

10.寻找某人search for sb

11.失踪go missing

12.对……表现出极大的兴趣show (a) great interest in

13.由于due to/because of

14.看见/目睹令人迷惑的光亮sightings of puzzling lights

15.因为头疼because of a headache

16.回家很晚stay out late

17.出现;显露show up

18.径直走到go straight to

19.播放音乐put on music

20.根据,依据according to

21.拉开窗帘pull back the curtains

22.感到害怕feel/be frightened

23.排除可能性rule out the possibility

24.负责这个案件take charge of the case

25.令人信服的证据convincing evidence

26.调查look into

27.放弃give up

28.取得巨大进步make much /great progress

29.对……感到失望be disappointed with

30.在某人身上做研究do research on

31.…..发生在某人身上happen to sb

32.失踪的男孩 a missing boy

33.准备睡觉be ready for bed

34.做…..噩梦have nightmares about

35.带走take away

36.编故事make up a story

37.做报告make a speech

38.外太空outer space

39.以/从……开始begin/start with

40.以……为结束 close with/end up with

Word power

41.发射到太空launch into space

42.没有生命的证据no evidence of life

43.目前so far

44.梦想;向往;渴望dream of

45.实行;执行;进行;完成;实现 carry out

46.实现 come true

47.分离出来separate from

48.接收,拾起,学会pick sth.up;

49.抱起,搭载某人pick sb.up

50.太空行走take a space walk (take a walk in space )

51.在外太空in outer space

52.脱下,起飞,休假take off

53.保护免受……protect sth. from

54.提供provide sth.

55.人类human being

Grammar and usage

56.与。。。有联系be connected to

57.一项活动的确切时间the exact time of an action

58.寻找财宝look for treasure

59.关于外星人的卡通 a comic strip about aliens


60.一系列问题 a list of questionnaire

61.构建一份好的问卷construct a good questionnaire

62.导致混淆cause confusion

63.一次at a time

64.被分成be divided into

65.陈述你关于某事的观点state your opinions on sth.

66.购物习惯shopping habit

67.指出point out

68.代表stand for

69.起草一份问卷draft a questionnaire

70.作为交换作为回报.in return

71.以正确的方式in a appropriate manner

72.在工作面试中in a job interview

73.打算做。。。intend to do sth.

74.。。。。的目的the purpose of

75.近期的计划recent plan

76.校刊的下一期the next issue of the school magazine

77.修改过的问卷revised questionnaire

78.完成的问卷completed questionnaire

79.以任何顺序in any order

80.得出结论draw a conclusion/draw conclusions

81.作出推荐make a recommendation

82.分析某一组特定的数据analyze a certain group of statistics

83.我们的主要目的之一our major goal


appropriate recommendations based on the conclusions

85.再有三个结论three more conclusions

86.体育设施sport facility


87.一个类人的野生动物 a wild man-like creature

88.据说……It is said that……

89.从山水上下来come down from the mountains

90.袭击村民attack villagers

91.一名美国登山者an American mountain climber

92.在中国边界上on the Chinese side

93.追赶run after

94.以惊人的速度和气力at/ with amazing speed and strength

95.平均on average

96.14到18英尺长/宽14 to 18 inches long/wide

97.开玩笑play a joke (on sb.)

98.往前……,艰难前进make one’s way to
