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必修4 Unit2 Working the land教学案

Model 4 Unit2 Working the land -----Reading





The facts: 1. Today our world houses 6.55 billion people.

2. More than 800 million people go to bed hungry every day.

Think about it: What should we do? ——————————————————————————————————


Rice is the main food in all East Asian and Southeast Asian countries. What do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat?

____________________________________________________________________ Fast-reading


Para1 A. Dr Yuan’s dreams.

Para2 B. Dr Yuan’s personality.

Para3 C. Dr Yuan’s biography.

Para4 D. Dr Y uan’s appearance and his achievement.


Find detailed information

Name:________________ Nationality ___________________

Age:_________________ Occupation:__________________

Education:________________________________________________________ Careful-reading


1.What does Dr.Yuan look like?

__________________________________________________________________ 2.What is his achievement?

__________________________________________________________________ Para.2

1.Why did Dr. Yuan want to increase the rice output when he was young?

_________________________________________________________________ 2.How does he help rid the world of hunger?

_________________________________________________________________ 3.Put the following sentences in right order.

a. He was born.

b. He graduated from Southwest Agriculture college.

c. Chinese farmers could only produced 50 million tons of rice.

d. 200 million tons of rice was produced by growing his hybrid ric


e. He searched a way to increase rice outputs without expanding (扩大)the area of


f. He helps rid the world of hunger by circulating (传播)his knowledge in less

developed countries.

Proper order: _____→_____→_____→_____→_____→_____


1. Which of the following description about Dr Y uan’s personality is not true?

A. He is satisfied with his life because he is now rich and famous.

B. He cares little about money and fame.

C. He would rather work than lead a comfortable life.

D. He enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people.

2. Find out his hobbies.



Dr. Yuan’s two dreams.

The first dream:

________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

The second dream:




Dr.Yuan leads a simple life. He ___________ work on the farm _____ have a rest. He has struggled for five decades to search for a way to increase _____ output. He cares _____ about money and fame. Thanks to the discovery of _______________ , his dream of ridding China of ________ is realized.

Now, he has another _______ ----to export his rice so that it can be grown all over the


Model 4 Unit2 Working the land -----Using language

