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中文摘要 (2)

Abstract (3)

一、传统手机游戏价值评估方法相关内容 (4)

(一)手机游戏相关概念和发展状况 (4)

(二)传统手机游戏评估方法 (4)

1.成本法 (4)

2.市场法 (5)

3.收益法 (5)

4.实物期权法 (5)

(三)对传统手机游戏价值评估方法的总结 (5)

二、手机游戏产品的生命周期特征分析 (6)

(一)手机游戏产品具备显著的生命周期特征 (6)

1.导入期 (7)

2.成长期 (7)

3.成熟期 (7)

4.衰退期 (7)

三、基于产品生命周期理论的手机游戏价值评估体系构建 (8)

(一)成熟期前手机游戏价值的评估方法 (8)

1.导入期的价值评估方法 (8)

2.成长期的价值评估方法 (8)

(二)成熟期手机游戏价值的评估方法 (9)

1.评估模型的确定 (10)

2.主要模型参数的确定 (10)

四、《王者荣耀》的案例分析 (12)

(一)《王者荣耀》概况 (12)

1.《王者荣耀》运营收益状况 (13)

2.评估模型对于《王者荣耀》的适用性分析 (17)

(二)《王者荣耀》的价值评估过程 (17)

1.《王者荣耀》剩余生命周期的确定 (17)

2.《王者荣耀》预期收益的确定 (18)

3.活跃用户数 (18)

4.活跃用户付费率和每付费用户平均收入 (21)

5.后续运营成本C (22)

6.所得税率T (22)

7.预测期内《王者荣耀》各期的预期收益 (23)

8.折现率的确定 (25)

9.计算《王者荣耀》的价值 (25)

五、研究结论与不足 (26)

(一)结论 (26)

(二)不足 (27)

参考文献 (29)

致谢 (30)





Research on Value Evaluation of Mobile

Games Based on Product Life Cycle


Mobile games have experienced rapid development in 2014 after the exploratory period of 2009-2011. Today, it is a period of rapid development. Relative to computer-based mobile games and mobile games, mobile games can use discrete time to enable users to develop a habit in mobile games. This article mainly discusses its impact on mobile game value evaluation from the aspects of product life cycle investment period, growth period, maturity period and recession period. The value of mobile games is a considerable amount of revenue for game companies. Only by properly assessing the value of related mobile games, can we provide pricing basis for interested parties in the wave of merger and acquisition of mobile game companies in order to increase the number of mobile games. A fair price is made in value-related disputes. This article takes the value of mobile games as the research object, combines the existing achievements of the product life cycle, uses random simulation methods and mathematical predictions to predict the value of mobile games, and evaluates the value of mobile games in stages.

[Keywords]Product Life Cycle,Mobile Games,Value Assessment
