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姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________

一、单项选择 (共20题;共40分)

1. (2分)I have ______ old friend and _____ new friend.

A . a; a

B . a; an

C . an; a

D . an; an

2. (2分)Our teacher told us ________late ______ the class meeting.

A . be, in

B . not be, for

C . not to be, for

D . not to be, in

3. (2分)people watched the basketball match on TV yesterday.

A . Million

B . Millions

C . Million of

D . Millions of

4. (2分)In Thailand, the white elephant is a _____ of good luck.

A . south

B . danger

C . symbol

D . flag

5. (2分)Some girls like to stay at home on weekends, but _______ like to go shopping.

A . the other

B . another

C . others

D . other

6. (2分)____ bad the weather is!

A . What

B . How a

C . How

7. (2分)—Your father never shops online.Why's that?

—He says they're much ________ but the products are not really good.

A . nicer

B . cheap

C . nice

D . cheaper

8. (2分)Lily's mother made her _______ up early this morning to catch up the early bus.

A . to get

B . getting

C . got

D . get

9. (2分)As everyone knows, rubbish everywhere.

A . need be thrown

B . mustn't be thrown

C . can't throw

10. (2分)Mike used to be a top student, but he ______ behind since he lost himself in computer games.

A . fell

B . has fallen

C . was

D . has been

11. (2分)Jim finds Geography and he can find places while travelling.

A . easy; easy

B . easily; easy

C . easy; easily

D . easily; easily

12. (2分)Kate, Angela and Cindy are ______ cute kids that they have _______ many fans in China.

A . so; such

B . such; such

C . such; so

D . so; so

13. (2分)The Greens TV while we at this time yesterday.

A . was watching; were dancing

B . watched; danced

C . were watching; were dancing

D . were watching; danced

14. (2分)—Excuse me, can I smoke here?

—Sorry, _______ is not allowed here.

A . to smoking

B . smoke

C . smoking

D . smoked

15. (2分)—What's your brother like?

A . He likes reading

B . He is tall

C . He is a student

D . He is 13

16. (2分)The museum will not ______people today because it's being repaired.

A . be closed to

B . be open to

C . be popular to

D . be opened to

17. (2分)Grandfather lives with us. We all ________ him.

A . look at
