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动词不定式的基本形式是“to +动词原形”,有时可以不带to,动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,在句子中不能作谓语( 又称为“非谓语动词”)。动词不定式仍具有动词的特点,它可以有自己的宾语和状语,一起构成不定式短语。


Ⅰ. 作主语

1. To give is better to take . 奉献总比索取好。

2. To play football in the street is dangerous . 在街上踢足球是危险的。


“It is + adj. + (for/ of sb.) + to do sth. …”

“It ”是形式主语,真正的主语是复合结构“for /of sb. to do sth.”。使用这种结构为了使句子平衡,以免头重脚轻。

3. It is dangerous to play football in the street .

4. It is impossible to make robots think like humans .

5. It took them 90 minutes to plant the trees.



1-2. want to do sth. =would like to do sth.

3. like to do sth.

4. help ( to ) do sth.

5. begin / stop to do sth.

6. love to do sth.

7. have to do sth.

8. stop to do sth.

9 . forget to do sth.

10. remember to do sth.

11. try to do sth.

12. hate to do sth.

13. learn to do sth.

14. need to do sth.

15. plan to do sth.

16. expect to do sth.

17. seem to do sth.

18. be/ get ready to do sth.

19. decide to do sth.

20. hope to do sth.


21. Internet makes it possible to get a lot of information in a short time .

22. She thinks it difficult to work out the math problem .

不定式可以与疑问词what ,when ,where , how ,which 连用一起做宾语。

1.Could you tell me how to get to the hotel ?

2.I don’t know when to turn off the machine .

3.I know where to buy fruit cheaply .

4.I’m wondering what to wear for the party .

Ⅲ. 作宾语补足语


1.ask sb. to do sth.

2. want sb. to do sth. = would like sb . to do sth.

3. tell sb. to do sth.

4. help sb. ( to ) do sth.

5.like sb. to do sth.

6. expect sb. to do sth.

感官动词see, watch , hear , feel 和使役动词let , make后跟不定式作宾补时,不定式都省略不定式to。

1.I saw Tom swim across the river yesterday.

2.Mom watched the baby put on his shoes.

3.I heard Steve sing the song with his dog at the talent show .

4.I just felt one of my teeth drop.

5.Tom made his baby sister cry yesterday.

6.Let the children go out for dinner tonight.

Ⅳ. 作表语

1.His job is to make the streets clean.

2.The coffee shop near Greenwood Park seems to be the quietest place you can enjoy

your time .

Ⅴ. 作定语修饰名词

1.It’s time to have lunch .

2.I have some books to give you .

3.Mr Black , you have five letters to answer.


1.Brownsvill is not a bad place to live in .

(live in the place) 住在Brownsvill 可不坏。

2. I need a desk to write on .

(write on the desk ) 我需要一张写字用的书桌。

3. Susan is a nice person to talk to .

( talk to the person ) 苏珊是个可以与之谈心的贴心的人。

4. I need a tool to open it with .

(open it with a tool) 我需要一个打开它的工具。

5. Give me a chair to sit on .

( sit on the chair ) 给我一把可以坐的椅子。

Ⅵ. 作目的状语
