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2009年新课标高考英语模拟试题(四)Class _______ Name ___________ Marks _____________ (满分120 分)



1. Having failed to bring his glasses, the boy looked forward to _______

what was happe ning outside.

A. see

B. see ing

C. saw

D. sees

2. I stood there fac ing the beauty of n ature and felt ______ sort of excite—all

feeli ngs floated in _______ mind.

A. a; the

B. the; the

C. /;/

D. /;the

3. —Which of those electro nic dict ion aries do you like best?

—_________ . They ' re all both expensive and useless.

A. Neither

B. None

C. Both

D. All

4. You can depe nd on ______ that all these letters will be sent to the post

before twelve.

A. that

B. one

C. which

D. it

5. —I ' m afraid I can ' t accomplish the task before Wednesday.

A. Please go ahead

B. That ' s all right

C. Not at all

D. Take your time

6. I ' d like to go to Paris with Cathy, but we can ' t _______ it.

A. permit

B. imagi ne

C. afford

D. receive

7. Shaw n returned to Iowa after the 2008 Games, _______ , as is known to us,

she had bee n

brought up and trained to be a gold medalist of gymn astics.

A. whe n

B. that

C. there

D. where

8. She decided to work on the project after wck because she didn ' t want her


know what she ________ .

A. has done

B. had done

C. was doing

D. is doing

9. If the project ________ by the end of this year is delayed, the compa ny will

suffer a lot.

A. is completed

B. to be completed

C. being completed

D. completed

10. —Thank you for the lovely prese nt.

A. No, only a small present

B. It ' s all right

C. I couldn ' t agree more

D. I ' m glad you like it

11. I was speak ing to my mother on the phone whe n sudde nly we were ______

A. hung up

B. hung back

C. cut dow n

D. cut off

12. The teacher didn ' t believasioin for his being late __ his bike broke down on the way.

A. because

B. for

C. that

D. what

13. —Mum, are we about to have dinner?

—Yes. It ________ in the dinin g-room.

A. is serv ing

B. serves

C. has served

D. is being served

14. — Jin jia ng Hotel, can I help you?

—Yes. I ' II _________ your helping me book a table for twelve at 8 pm.

A. appreciate

B. enjoy

C. respect

D. admire

15. As a matter of fact, much of _______ we read on the Internet every day is

groun dless or eve n nonsen se.

A. that

B. which

C. what

D. /


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和D )中,选出 可以填入空白处的最佳


The public schools I atte nded from 6th grade to 12th grade had amaz ing special educati on programs for childre n with various disabilities. They participated in 16 programs along with us in

classes like gym, biology, history, and I n ever heard anyone with a (n ) 17 teased or made fun of.

I was close 18 with a darling girl with Down syndrome (抑有E 综合症)

n amed Van essa. I was 19 to see Jeff, ano ther boy with Dow n syn drome

work ing at a local big box store a few years after we 20 . Three years after I graduated from Murray High School, my 21 was a Senior and was chosen a

finalist for Homecoming Queen. Among the 10 Homeco ming Quee n fin alists, there were two girls with 22 disabilities. Shellie Eyre had Dow n syn drome, and April Perschon 43 from a brain trouble she had in her childhood. Since 24 educatio n stude nts usually stay for a few extra years, I also knew Shellie whe n I 25 Murray High School.

The finalists were escorted (护送)out to the gym floor by their 26 or frien ds. When Shellie and

April 27 out, the crowd rose to their feet (站起来), 28 and clapping (掌声).

Shellie ' s parents tried to prepare her for the possibility of n (2t9 , but it was unn ecessary. Murray High School 30 a lovely little girl with Down syn drome their 1997 Homeco ming Quee n that ni ght. And you know what? There wasn' t a dry 31 in the audienee. I ' ll never

forget Shellie 32 ' s little

shining beneath her bright crownApril ' s too, as she was crowned an attendant. Whenever I feel like all of the 33 things that happen in the world seem to be 34 , I just ope n my

old sheet of n ewspaper and read the whole story again.

35 __ in humanity (人性)makes everything feel better. 16. of

17. A. the same

B. some differe nt

C. quite difficult

D. varieties A. gift B. ability C. difficulty D. disability

18. A. n eighbors

B. relatives

C. frie nds

D. classmates 19. A. afraid B. proud C. likely D. lovely

20. A. studied

B. knew

C. graduated D |. married 21. A. elder brother B. little brother C. elder sister

D. l ittle sister

22. A. mental B. physical C. facial D. different

23. A. suffered B. injured

C. hurt

D. lost

24. A. normal B. higher C. vocational D. special
