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(wood engraving picture)是一种传统民间艺术,是自雕版印刷术(block printing)发明以后至近代印刷术出现之前最富特色的图画传播形式,至今仍在民间流传。挂木版年画是春节一系列庆祝活动的一项重要内容。它来源于中国古代的门神,其题材极其广泛。作为独特的民间艺术,木版年画的艺术表现力与众不同。在创作上,木版年画不受时间和空间的限制。在技法上,木版年画继承了我国传统的勾线(sketching)技法。

2.阴历(lunar calendar)丿八月十五是中国两大传统节日之一的中秋节(另一个是春节)。很多人将中秋节称为“八月十五”。由于中秋夜的圆月往往会激发人们家庭团聚的渴望,中秋节也被称为团圆节。中秋节一般都是在晚上庆祝,人们聚在一起点灯笼、吃月饼、赏明月。现如今,很多人在中秋节这天去欣赏音乐会,或者去咖啡厅、夜总会,或者乘坐观光车外出欣赏一些景点。


4.杭州湾跨海大桥(Hangzhou Bay Bridge)是一座横跨中国杭州湾海域的跨海(trans-oceanic)大桥。南起宁波慈溪,北至嘉兴海盐,全长36干米。杭州湾跨海大桥是世界上最长的跨海大桥,是世界建桥史上的一项创举和奇迹。通车后从浙江宁波到海的陆路距离缩短了12.0千米左右,大大缓解已经拥挤不堪的沪杭和杭甬高速公路的压力。大桥桥宽33米,为双向六车逍。设计时速为100千米,设计使用寿命100年以上。总投资ll8亿元。

5.京剧(Beijing Opera)是一门高雅的古典艺术,是中华民族文化的瑰宝,是中国的国


6.每年公历(solar year)4月5日的清明节,是中国人传统的扫墓祭祖、哀悼先人的纪念日。每到这一天,人们纷纷来到祖先的坟地,焚化纸钱,祭拜先人。清明节的前一天叫做寒食节,这种叫法源于春秋时期。清明节也是庆祝春天来临的节日。在这天,人们会全家出游,或开始春耕。从这一天起,天渐渐变长,变暖,逐渐萌生了春的气息。清明节还有一个非常流行的活动-放风筝。

7.京沪高速铁路两端连接环渤海(the Bohai rim economic sphere)和长江二角洲(the Yangtze River economic zone)两个经济区域,全线纵贯北京、天津、上海三大直辖市和河北、山东、安徽、江苏四省。经济区域是中国经济发展最活跃和最具有潜力的地区,也是中国对外开放和参与国际经济竞争的前沿阵地。京沪高速铁路建成之后,京沪间长期存在的运输能力紧张状况将在根本上得到解决。


1.Woodcut New Year pictures is a kind of traditional folk art, after engraving printing was invented to modern printing before the advent of the most characteristic form of picture transmission, to now is still in the folk wisdom. Hang a woodcut New Year pictures is the Spring Festival series of celebration - important content. It comes from the ancient

Chinese goalkeeper,its subject matter is extremely broad. As a unique folk art, wood version of New Year pictures of different artistic expression. On the creation, wood version of New Year pictures is not restricted by time and space. On techniques, wood pictures inherited the cancel of the traditional Chinese techniques

1.The lunar calendar in August 15 the Mid-Autumn festival is one of the two major traditional festivals in China ,another is the Spring Festival. Many people called Mid-Autumn festival is “on August 15”. Because of the full moon at the Mid-Autumn night often inspire people thirst for family reunion, the Mid-Autumn festival is also known as the reunion festival. The Mid-Autumn festival is usually celebrated at night, people gathered in the starting point lanterns, eat moon cakes and enjoy the bright moon. Today, many people to enjoy the concert when the day of Mid-Autumn festival, or go to coffee shops, nightclubs, or take a sightseeing car go out to enjoy some scenic spots.

2.Embroidery is a kind of folk art with embroidery needle threading the color line, in accordance with the pre-designed patterns on the cloth and other fabrics barbed embroider the floral patterns or characters. Embroidery can be divided into su embroidery, Yue embroidery , xiang embroidery, Shu embroidery. Embroidery patterns including flowers, birds, fish, landscapes and figures. In the process of embroidery apply the China painting art. Today,Chinese embroidery process not only entered the homes of ordinary people, but also went on the world stage.

4.Hangzhou Bay Bridge is a across China hangzhou bay trans-oceanic
