

In October 2003, the first Chinese citizen saw his homeland from outer space and the mythology and dreams of thousands of years became a reality.


Our songs of how the earth is our garden and our pride in surviving our long history suddenly became more vivid and clear.



Who are the Chinese? 我们是谁

What makes us who we are? 我们在想什么

But even before this momentous chapter in our history, Chinese people have always regarded themselves from multi-faceted angles.


Is tradition a burden or kind of a driving force for development?


Do we take our cultural heritage too seriously or not seriously enough?


Do you see conflict or fusion, nostalgia or visions of the future?


Opening the door with confidence开放而有自信


化 In 1979, China opened the biggest window in the world to the outside and China suddenly dazzled people with the panorama of change. 或许有人认为,在这样巨大的物质和信息刺激下,想保持镇定都非常困难Some may argue under such huge material and

mental stimulation, it would be hard to maintain equilibrium.

在我心目中,中国是一个包容性非常强的国家In my mind, China is a country that has very strong inclusiveness.

她是一个很有文化的一个国家She is a country with rich culture.

又有历史的沧桑感,但是又在日新月异的变化着She has a long history, but also changes everyday..

但是接下来30年间发生的事情,却让全世界都看到一个有着悠久历史底蕴的文化在面临全新变革之时,能够展现出怎样的包容性和应变能力But after 30 years, the world has

seen how much China’s profound history and cultural essence has given, lead us to flexibility and unity when facing fast transformation.

(龙永图 WTO谈判中国首席代表):加入世贸以后,整个国力的增强使得中国人更加自信,也更加开放After China’s accession to the WTO,Chinese people are getting more and more confident because of the increasing national strength.

人们不得不承认,中国在和全世界接轨的同时,保持着自己鲜明的特色Observers must

admit in its meeting with the world, China has preserved its own special character. 30年开放,30年面对新事物而勇敢无畏,自信地选择着适合自己国情和民情的发展道路。

Thirty years of opening has been a time of bravely facing the new and stepping forward on a path of our own choosing. 近年来多次海内外专业机构的调研都可以显示,民众信心指数一项,中国多次排在世界第一。Several respective international polls rank us No.1 in terms of public confidence in the future.自信的背后,是GDP的支持,还是千年文明的底气,还是亿万份努力的投入?Is this confidence underpinned by GDP growth or thousands of years of culture or the efforts of many millions of people? 相信不用太久中国就会交出答案。We believe China will deliver an answer before too long.

Growth with sustainability增长而能持续

早在两千多年前,中国的哲人孟子就提出了不要过度捕捞鱼虾,这样才可以不断得到鱼虾;要按严格的时令进山伐木,这样才能有利于森林的生长。Over two thousands of years

ago, the great Chinese philosopher Mencius observed, “a refraining from overfishing will ensure fishing last forever, and also cutting wood according to the season ensures healthier forest.”这类思想,如今被称作循环经济Such century-resulted wisdom now goes

by the name “sustainable development”在今天的中国,你可以看见GDP的增长,收入的增长,甚至梦想的增长。In China today, you can see GDP increasing, personal income increasing, and with that the increase of people’s dreams. 也可以看到更多人享受着教育的增长You can also see people sharing the increase in educational opportunities.

中国近几年教育发展的可以用天翻地覆来形容Recently ,the development of Chinese education is amazing

在逐步的完成从应试教育到素质教育的转变。The exam-oriented education is changing to quality-oriented education step by step.

我们的教学越来越丰富,我们的孩子得到的教育也越来越多元化。It will be more and more kinds of method for teaching and our children will get diversified education 能源的增长,以及责任心的增长。As energy needs have increased, so has China’s international environmental responsibility. 中国人已经懂得,任何增长也不值得拿牺牲自己美丽的家园和后代的未来来换。Chinese people know that our beautiful country and our children’s futures are too high a price to pay for economic growth.

Development with sharing发展而能共享

很难说出这是欧洲的什么地方吧A leading European city? 这里是上海。It’s actually Shanghai. 出现在中国街头的外国人中,游客正在被大批真正在中国生活和工作的外籍人士所取代。In China today, foreign professionals are arriving with tourists to be the largest overseas group.


I came here twice a year for businesses, and feel Chinese people are very nice...


(M) 社会保障制度也越来越完善……

Social insurance system is also improving... Multiculturalism with shared prosperity多元而能共荣

While living some 5.000 km apart, the 55 ethnic minorities in the far North, South, East, West of China, over thousands of years, have mixed with Han culture and added to our cultural richness and diversity. Our new-found prosperity has given minorities more choices to enhance traditional lifestyles and increase mobility and communication. Minorities enjoy relative liberal regulations allowing them to pass their unique heritage on to their children. Such unique freedom further adds to our country’s rich cultural diversity and odditiously blends the imaginations of east and west, ancient and modern.

Painting, sculpture, music, architecture, movies, Chinese arts are unified by a clear national identity. China is more encouraging of unique individuals and styles. Such diversity is the corner stone of our brave and open-minded future.

Freedom with responsibility

China today is home to 780.000.000 mobile phone users and 420.000.000 Internet users. And everyday many millions communicate and express themselves to a modern technology. Chinese netizens are becoming accustomed to influencing regional and global opinions.

From all over the globe, Chinese netizens are showing their instant compassion and eagerness to strengthen the society by helping those most in need.

Our people’s optimism and generosity is born of huge loyalty and love for their country.

Expanding democracy with stable authority

Understanding a little of Chinese history shows that recent years have involved compression or even skipping over important stages of development. Heroes of China have always struggled during complex s tages of development to build democracy. It’s not hard to imagine how hard this has been. Today around 900.000.000 people in the Chinese countryside enjoy village voting rights. The world applauds such training for democracy. After all, before flourishing nationally, free elections must begin at the village level. The National People’s Congress remains China’s supreme legislate body. Since the late 1970s, far fair and more transparent margin elections have been used to elect NPC delegates. Here the most important decisions in the country are made.

This is China’s period of greatest change. A proper legal framework is starting to replace the habit of personal relationships as the principle weapon and defense the people’s interests.

Economic differences with mutual respect

During an economic takeoff, difference between rich and poor can sometimes be seen. Is this something Chinese should worry about? Much Chinese new wealth calls a rags-to -riches story.

And people remember, not so long ago, they had only a dream in their pocket. People can transform from poverty to richness in a single day but it will never change the respect and love between people. And everyone who has a dream deserves respect. Improved living conditions ensure everyone can contribute to public service initiatives.

Prosperity with prudence

Chinese people are shifting from being consumers of materials to non-material goods. Besides buying cars and houses, people are buying a modern life style.

As saving money has long been a national virtue, China can back its development with strong financial reserves. When celebrating China’s 60th anniversary, the government also demonstrated the value of thrifty. The Shanghai Expo is similarly leading the way in recycling.

Chinese people understand future happiness must be built on the foundation of the past. Chinese people have never cherished their cultural heritage more than today, nor felt more its lingering charm which is why after so many generations we are still here. From tradition to revelation, inspired by the future, Chinese people are creating an even newer way of thinking: building this generation’s new common spirit.


中国国家形象宣传片与软实力提升-管理聚焦国务院新闻办公室启动国家形象系列宣传片的拍摄工作该片塑造和提升中国繁荣发展、民主进步、文明开放、和平和谐的国家形象而设立的重点项目是在新时期探索对外传播新形式的一次有益尝试。共分为两个部分一部分是30秒长度的电视宣传片另一部分是15分钟长度的短纪录片国家形象系列宣传片自立项以来得到了社会各界人士的踊跃参与和民众的广泛关注。此次的国家形象宣传片分为两个部分。一部分是30秒长度的电视宣传片即目前已经开拍的人物篇参与拍摄的人员都是国内外比较有影响力人其中有李嘉诚、王建宙、李彦宏、马云、丁磊、郎平、邓亚萍、姚明、刘翔、丁俊晖、陈鲁豫、马艳丽。陈鲁豫将会在国际主流媒体播出以“中国人”概念打造中国形象。另一部分是15分钟长度的短纪录片并供我国驻外使领馆及重要外宣活动使用力图从更多角度、更广阔的视野展示当代中国。企管专家谭小芳老师近日接受南方都市报采访时表示此次启动的国家形象宣传片体现了中国国家形象与软实力的提升这标志着中国国家公关时代已经到来我们说国家形象宣传片体现了软实力——那么什么是“软实力” 国家文化软实力是“软实力”的一个方茴而“软实力”和“硬实力”都属于“实力”的范畴。所谓实力”就是实力的拥有者在与物质世界和社会环境打交道的时候实现自己意志的能力。“软实力”区别于“硬实力”之处在于它的拥有者



国家形象宣传片《角度篇》中英文稿 In October 2003, the first Chinese citizen saw his homeland from outer space and the mythology and dreams of thousands of years became a reality. Our songs of how the earth is our garden and our pride in surviving our long history suddenly became more vivid and clear. Who are the Chinese? What makes us who we are? But even before this momentous chapter in our history, Chinese people have always regarded themselves from multi-faceted angles. Is tradition a burden or kind of a driving force for development? Do we take our cultural heritage too seriously or not seriously enough? Do you see conflict or fusion, nostalgia or visions of the future? Opening the door with confidence In 1979, China opened the biggest window in the world to the outside and China suddenly dazzled people with the panorama of change. Some may argue under such huge material and mental stimulation, it would be hard to maintain equilibrium. In my mind, china is a country that has very strong inclusiveness. She is a country with rich culture. She has a long history, but also changes every day. But after 30 years, the world has seen how much China’s profound history and cultural essence has given, lead us to flexibility and unity when facing fast transformation. China’s WTO accession negotiations Chief Expert Long Y ongtu Chinese people are getting more and more confident because of the increasing national strength. Observers must admit in its meeting with the world, China has preserved its own special character. Thirty years of opening has been a time of bravely facing the new and stepping forward on a path of our own choosing. Several respective international polls rank us No.1 in terms of public confidence in the future. Is this confidence underpinned by GDP growth or thousands of years of culture or the efforts of many millions of people. We believe China will deliver an answer before too long. Growth with sustainability Over two thousands of years ago, the great Chinese philosopher Mencius observed, “a refraining from overfishing will ensure fishing last forever, and also cutting wood according to the season ensures healthier forest.” Such century-resulted wisdom now goes by the name

中国形象宣传片 国庆前全球开播

中国形象宣传片国庆前全球开播 2010年08月04日08:20:09 来源:北京青年报 中国《国家形象宣传片》近日在京开拍,此次的《国家形象宣传片》分为两部分:一部分是30秒长度的电视广告片——《人物篇》,将以“中国人”概念打造中国形象,并将于国庆之前通过BBC、CNN等国际主流媒体面向全球播出;另一部分是15分钟的专题长片——《角度篇》,将用于外事活动展示,力图从更多角度、更广阔的视野展示当代中国社会。 该宣传片由国务院新闻办公室发起,并委托上海灵狮广告有限公司制作。据介绍,50多位华人明星将集体亮相,共同诠释“中国形象”。 将在全球多个 知名媒体播放 近日,国务院新闻办公室正式启动了国家形象系列宣传片的拍摄工作。该片是为塑造和提升中国繁荣发展、民主进步、文明开放、和平和谐的国家形象而设立的重点项目,是在新时期探索对外传播新形式的一次有益尝试。 据悉,此次先期启动的《国家形象宣传片》包括时长15分钟的专题长片和30秒的广告短片,其中15分钟的专题长片以“以人为本、科学发展”的理念为核心,涉及政治、经济、社会、文化、科研、教育、环境、民族等多个领域,拍摄地点分布各地,力图多角度、全景式地展示当代中国的建设成就,弘扬积极向上的当代中国精神。 宣传片制作完成后,将于国庆前在全球多个知名主流电视媒体上播放,面向全世界推介。总制片人沈赞臣—— 没什么广告比国家广告更大了 灵狮广告董事长、摄制组总制片人沈赞臣表示,“我目睹了中国大半个世纪的变迁,外国入侵、内战,然后又有过饥饿、动乱,更有后来的改革开放三十年。我认为变化最大的就是这三十年,是真正翻天覆地的变化,尤其应该让外国人了解经历改革开放三十年后的今天,中国已经变成什么样子了。现在中国有这个需要,我们就上了。” 但沈赞臣也不讳言自己的“私心”,他说:“我们广告人都有一个梦,梦想有一天能拍一个很大的广告。我认为没有什么广告是比国家的广告更大的了。这就是我们圆梦的一个机会。现在国家有这个需求,我们又有这个理想,机会难得啊。” “拍摄国家形象广告这种做法世界上早就有了。”沈赞臣认为,此前一些国家的成功经验,正是国务院新闻办公室此次发起拍摄《国家形象宣传片》希望达到的效果之一。 摄制组总策划朱幼光—— 告诉世界到底什么代表今天的中国 摄制组总策划人朱幼光说,2008年奥运会以后,外国人对中国的兴趣达到了一个空前的高度。朱幼光的一位外国朋友这样告诉他:“我们很想了解中国,但是京剧、书法、武术我们都已经看了许多了,我们知道这些是中国的传统文化,但不是今天的中国人的生活。我们想看到一个鲜活的中国。”正是这么一句话提醒了朱幼光,开始思考到底什么能够代表今天的中国。 “要了解一个国家,就要了解那里有着什么样的人民。真正与世界互动的,影响着世界,也被世界影响着的,是这个国家的人。中国人就是中国这个概念的核心,是中国的政治、经济、文化、体育等一切成就的载体,中国人的形象就是中国国家形象的本质所在。”朱幼光解释道,《人物篇》的构思即诞生于此,“我们会聚各领域杰出华人,表现华夏精神,民族魂魄。中国人的拼搏进取,中国人的自强自立,中国人的百折不挠,中国人的孜孜不倦,中国人的认真严谨,中国人的美丽仁爱,这些都能折射出当今中国社会可贵的精神主旋律,是中国在世界上不断崛起的能量来源。”


《中国国家形象宣传片》观后感 (2010级金融学本科一班班登) 中国国家形象宣传片是由国务院新闻办公室发起,并委托该公司制作的一部国家形象宣传片。此次的国家形象宣传片分为两个部分。一部分是30秒长度的电视宣传片,即目前已经公映的人物篇,参与拍摄的人员都是国内外比较有影响力人,其中有:李嘉诚、李彦宏、马云、丁磊、郎咸平、邓亚萍、姚明、刘翔等多位公众人物。并在国际主流媒体播出,以“中国人”概念打造中国形象。另一部分是17分钟长度的短纪录片,并供我国驻外使领馆及重要外宣活动使用,力图从更多角度、更广阔的视野展示当代中国 观看中国国家形象片,让我心中充满了无限的民族自信与自豪,纵观中国近代史,曾几何时,列强的铁骑肆虐中国,1840年以来,亡国灭种的危机一直威胁着千年古国。在中华民族危难之际,一代民族精英觉醒:魏源等的“师夷之长技以制夷”;洪秀全领导的反清农民起义;康有为、梁启超的“变法图强”;孙中山的国民革命。正是他们在民族生死存亡的紧要关头,挺身而出,为反对外来侵略,争取民族独立和解放,同仇敌忾,英勇奋斗,前赴后继,拼搏不息,谱写了中国近代

史上可歌可泣的悲壮篇章。直到中国共产党的成立,才领导中国人民最终取得了中国革命的胜利。 新中国成立以后,广大劳动人民翻了身,在中国共产党领导下,进行了土地改革、农业、手工业和资本主义工商业的社会主义改造,走上了社会主义道路,但由于建设经验的缺乏,我过在生产建设以及政治思想发面走了不少弯路,错误的阶级斗争,以及大大跃进和人民公社化,还有文革十年动乱,给我过各方面建设带来了极大的破坏,知道1978年的十一届三中全会以后,我过开始了改革开放,经济,政治文化等各方面才开始走向正常轨道,然而也正是30年前中国开始的“改革开放”,让中国有了今天的实力和发展。正是由于“发展是硬道理”的共识,才让中国融入了全球化的进程,取得了举世瞩目的成就,整个社会有一种奋发向上的精神,一种激励我们共同向前的梦想。正是这些东西鼓舞我们走向未来。我们在改革开放中所营造的精神,是通过自己的奋斗,在为国家贡献的同时,创造自己的未来的“中国梦”,同时也是我们走到今天的最为宝贵的文化和社会资源。


中国国家形象宣传片(角度片) ——中文字幕和对白听译 2003年10月,中国人第一次从外太空亲眼看到了自己的国家。那数千年的神话和畅想,变成了真实的注视。那些关于地球是个家园的歌颂,关于自己在漫长历史里生存下来的骄傲,这时刻比别的时候更加清晰而具体。 我们是谁?我们在想什么?早在创造中国历史的这一刻之前,中国人也从未中断过从其他的角度来审视自己的国家。传统是一种背负,还是一种推动发展的动力?文化的传承是太受到关注,还是太漫不经心?你看到的是冲突还是融合?是回忆还是未来? 开放而有自信。Opening the Door with confidence. 30年前,一扇世界上最大的窗户打开了……这个国家,旋即迎接了令人眼花缭乱的变化。或许有人认为,在这样巨大的物质和信息刺激下,想保持镇定都非常困难。 “在我心目中,中国是一个包容性非常强的国家”(女中学生) “它是一个很有文化的一个国家”(女青年) “又有历史的沧桑感,但是呢,又在日新月异地变化着”(男青年) 但接下来30年间发生的事情,却让全世界都看到,一个有着悠久历史底蕴的文化在面临全新变革之时,能够展现出怎样的包容性和应变能力。 “加入世贸以后,整个国力的增强使得中国人更加自信,也更加开放了”(龙永图) 人们不得不承认,中国在和全世界接轨的同时,保持着自己鲜明的特色。30年开发,30年面对新事物而勇敢无畏,自信地选择着适合自己国情和民情的发展道路。近年来多次海内外专业机构的调研都可以显示,民众信心指数一项,中国多次排在世界第一。自信的背后,是GDP的支持,是千年文化的底气,还是亿万份努力的投入?相信不用太久中国就会交出答案。

2011.1.21 国家宣传片(Other)

17日一早开始,一则醒目的中国国家形象宣传片在纽约曼哈顿的时报广场户外大屏幕不断播放。这则宣传片以中国红为主色调,在短短60秒钟时间内,展示了包括邰丽华、吴宇森、宋祖英、刘欢、郎平、姚明、丁俊晖、袁隆平、吴敬琏、杨利伟在内的,涵盖文艺、体育、商界、智库、模特、航天等各行各业的数十个杰出华人,以“智慧、美丽、勇敢、才能、财富”等诠释中国人形象。 The portion of China's national publicity film that focuses on individual characters, such as Yao Ming, has been completed and is expected to air by the end of this month in the United States, said Wang Zhongwei, deputy director of China's State Council Information Office. Wang Zhongwei said that the national publicity film is divided into two parts. One is the point-of-view chapter, and the other is the characters chapter. At present, the characters chapter has been completed. 中国国务院新闻办公室的副主任王仲伟称,国家形象宣传片的人物篇已经制作完成,有望本月底在美国播放。王仲


从《中国国家形象宣传片》看中国软实力的提升 20 世纪90 年代初,美国哈佛大学教授约瑟夫·奈首创“软实力”(Soft Power )概念,他把实力分为硬实力和软实力。所谓硬实力是指通过军事手段和经济手段使别国屈从于自己的意志的能力,而软实力则是通过其文化、政治价值观的吸引力而非威逼或利诱达到目的。 中国人民大学党委书记程天权认为软实力可能要说到两个方面含义:一个是内部的,一个是外部的。外部的当然比如说国家的创造力、思想影响力、观念文化的亲和力。文化产品传播能力和辐射能力。对内部来讲,文化软实力,包括民族团结精神,传统文化的一种认同点,比如说我们经常提到中华文化是中华民族的共同的精神财富。加之现实政策对国民的凝聚力、号召力,公民的一种创造能力,民族发展的生命力,比如我们说中华民族、民族复兴。这个民族复兴是讲这个民族复兴的愿望和能力,这种生命力表现出来。 软实力,实际上就是讲文化实力,讲一个国家除了单一经济实力外很多涉及到文化方面的一种力量,这种影响力,这种对外界的形象,都构成这个国家综合国力的概念。具体软实力所指的是指文化、教育、法律环境、制度建设、国家的执政能力、管理能力、国民的心态、国民的形象、中华民族精神和凝聚和来自文化传统持久的一种对国民的影响感,凝聚力。它包括:政治制度的吸引力、价值观的感召力、文化的感染力、外交的说服力以及领导人与国民形象的魅力和亲和力

等。软实力的核心,是价值认同。在信息化条件下,进一步表现为话语认同。 这一概念的提出,明确了软实力的重要价值,将它提高到了与传统的“硬实力”同等甚至“以文化建设为主要内容的国家软实力建设”。软实力是相对于硬实力而言的,软与硬是一种比喻意义,是对实力的一种比喻性描述。硬实力的硬是指客观的可以有影响的力量,例如一个国家的军备水平、军队战斗力等绝对是一个硬实力的标准之一。软实力的软是指对对方的实际决策的影响性力量,这种软实力取决于决策对方对这种因素的心理认知和感悟能力。例如一个国家在国际社会的外交认可和外交水平等都可以视为软实力的表现。正如约瑟夫·奈所言,“硬实力和软实力同样重要,但是在信息时代,软实力正变得比以往更为突出”。围绕“软实力”的一系列研究,明示人们以一种新型、全面和平衡的发展路径,在提升各级主体综合实力问题上启迪着人们的新思维。软实力深刻地影响了人们对国际关系的看法,使人们从关心领土、军备、武力、科技进步、经济发展、地域扩张、军事打击等有形的“硬实力”,转向关注文化、价值观、影响力、道德准则、文化感召力等无形的“软实力”。从某种意义上说,一个国家提升软实力比提升硬实力更为困难。 国家软实力(soft power of the nation),实际上是一个国家的文化实力,它是一国综合国力的重要体现。上个世纪90年代初,美国人约瑟夫·奈提出了软实力的概念,认为软实力即国家的文化力量,包括三种力量,一是对他国产生的文化吸引力;二是本国的政治价值


【中国国家形象宣传片解说词(英文版)】源自:中国配音网 作者 : 程晓军 In October 2003, the first Chinese citizen saw his homeland from outer space and the mythology and dreams of thousands of years became a reality. Our songs of how the earth is our garden and our pride in surviving our long history suddenly became more vivid and clear. Who are the Chinese? What makes us who we are? But even before this momentous chapter in our history, Chinese people have always regarded themselves from multi-faceted angles. Is tradition a burden or kind of a driving force for development? Do we take our cultural heritage too seriously or not seriously enough? Do you see conflict or fusion, nostalgia or visions of the future? Opening the door with confidence In 1979, China opened the biggest window in the world to the outside, and China suddenly dazzled people with the panorama of change. Some may argue under such huge material and mental stimulation, it would be hard to maintain equilibrium.



In October 2003, the first Chinese citizen saw his homeland from outer space and the mythology and dreams of thousands of years became a reality. 2003年10月,中国人第一次从外太空亲眼看到了自己的国家,那数千年的神话和畅想,变成了真实的注视 Our songs of how the earth is our garden and our pride in surviving our long history suddenly became more vivid and clear. 那些关于地球是个家园的歌颂关于自己在漫长历史里生存下来的骄傲这时刻比别的时候更加清晰具体 中国CHINA Who are the Chinese? 我们是谁 What makes us who we are? 我们在想什么

年来多次海内外专业机构的调研都可以显示,民众信心指数一项,中国多次排在世界第一。Several respective international polls rank us No.1 in terms of public confidence in the future.自信的背后,是GDP的支持,还是千年文明的底气,还是亿万份努力的投入?Is this confidence underpinned by GDP growth or thousands of years of culture or the efforts of many millions of people? 相信不用太久中国就会交出答案。We believe China will deliver an answer before too long. Growth with sustainability增长而能持续 早在两千多年前,中国的哲人孟子就提出了不要过度捕捞鱼虾,这样才可以不断得到鱼虾;要按严格的时令进山伐木,这样才能有利于森林的生长。Over two thousands of years ago, the great Chinese philosopher Mencius observed, “a refraining fr om overfishing will ensure fishing last forever, and also


In October 2003, the first Chinese citizen saw his homeland from outer space and the mythology and dreams of thousands of years became a reality. 2003年10月,中国人第一次从外太空亲眼看到了自己的国家,那数千年的神话和畅想,变成了真实的注视 Our songs of how the earth is our garden and our pride in surviving our long history suddenly became more vivid and clear. 那些关于地球是个家园的歌颂关于自己在漫长历史里生存下来的骄傲这时刻比别的时候更加清晰具体 中国CHINA Who are the Chinese? 我们是谁 What makes us who we are? 我们在想什么 But even before this momentous chapter in our history, Chinese people have always regarded themselves from multi-faceted angles. 早在创造中国历史的这一刻之前,中国人也从未中断过从其他角度审视自己的国家。 Is tradition a burden or kind of a driving force for development? 传统是一种背负还是一种推动发展的动力 Do we take our cultural heritage too seriously or not seriously enough? 文化的传承是太受到关注,还是太漫不经心 Do you see conflict or fusion, nostalgia or visions of the future?


孙骁骥的博客计划经济时代的爱情博客相册报栏左邻右舍留言“失焦”的中国形象2011-01-25 “我本来不打算看这个片子,但在一帮骗子的建议下,我还是看了这个片子,看完片子以后我觉得拍片子的人简直就是一个骗子。”我想,用这段话来形容我观看在美国播出的中国国家形象宣传片的感受,再恰当不过了。 类似的感受,相信不少看过这部奇片的人都有所体会。这部在纽约时报广场滚动播出的国家形象宣传片,将中国的国家形象简化为章子怡、范冰冰等影视明星,以及李彦宏、丁磊、马云等成功人士,中国13亿人口,就这么轻而易举被片中的五十多个“富男人”和“靓女人”给代表了。如此不切实际的“国家形象”,不仅容易引起外国朋友的误会,就连国人看了,也不由得在心里打一个硕大的问号。旅居美国的作者南桥先生的话,颇能代表观众们的心声:“这种片子将在时报广场连续播放几千次,其轰炸之密集,不亚于“羊羊羊”和“脑白金”广告,这对于广场附近工作人员意志力的考验是空前的。我要是天天这么看,搞不好都会现场崩溃。” 这番话从南桥先生口中说出,叫做幽默,或曰“洗具”。但是同样的话,换个人再说一遍,则会大异其趣,甚至会把原本的“洗具”变为“杯具”。很不巧也很不幸,悲剧果真发生了。 这部片子的创意总监最近接受媒体采访,在回应此片投入450亿元巨资的传言时,他说道:“450亿元可以把美国主流电视媒体广告时段包下来放十年,宣传到他们都吐死。”这位自以为说话风趣幽默的总监同志,他给出的这个回答却让我感到心惊肉跳:不要说十年了,这种片子就算只看十遍,恐怕跑去厕所呕吐的,也不会在少数。当然,我说的是美国人,中国作为东方大国,早已见怪不怪,处变不惊,此片我们就算真的看上十年,那也不在话下。 但对于国人来讲,真正值得忧心的,是这位总监答案背后的那套宣传思路。至少,我的感觉是,他依然很坚定地认为所谓的国家宣传,就是要焚膏继晷、不舍昼夜,用一种几近于强制的手段把这个虚幻的“中国形象”呈现在外国人面前。并且,如果他们真有450亿来搞这个宣传,“把美国主流电视媒体广告时段包下来放十年”很可能并不只是一句玩笑。当然,我也相信450亿这个数字只是谣言,否则真的这样搞下去,中国的脸就丢大了。 愚以为,但凡宣传,涉及三个层次。首先是要让别人看见,第二是能让别人记住,最高层次是能够打动对方,让你宣传的对象能够感同身受,进而认同你所宣扬的价值观。这部中国国家形象的宣传片,通过大手笔的资金投入,无疑已经做到了第一点,那就是让受众看见,这很好。但令人无奈的是,银幕上那些转瞬即逝、表情呆滞的“中国精英”形象,无论滚动播出多少遍,几乎不存在被人记住的可能性。这种走马灯式的呆板宣传,要想打动人,那就更是天方夜谭。可以说,这部片子里,中国的国家形象完全是失焦的。 当然,作为一个外行,我依然为这部宣传片技术上的精良所折服,比如其优美的画面、清晰的英文字幕、片中人物整齐划一的微笑表情,这些无疑费了制作人员不少心思。不过,这部堪称“明星秀”的片子,却没能向外界传递中国大众的真实精神面貌。当年,英国的克伦威尔曾对为他作肖像画的画师说:“画我需似我,否则我不会支付你一个先令。”画师为确保酬劳不失,自然竭力传神描绘。如今,我们等于是先支付了画师润笔费,而等到最后却发现,那幅肖像画上面的人并不是自己。


2003年10月,中国人第一次从外太空亲眼看到了自己的国家,那数千年的神话和畅想,变成了真实的注视。那些关于地球是个真实的家园的歌颂,关于自己在漫长历史里生存下来的骄傲,这时候比别的时候更加清晰而具体。 In Octorber 2003, the first Chinese citizen saw his homeland from outer space, and the mythology and dreams of thousands of years, became a reality. Our songs of how the earth is our garden and our pride in surviving our long history suddeny became more vivid and clear. 我们是谁?我们在想什么?早在创造中国历史的这一刻之前,中国人也从未中断过从其他的角度来审视自己的国家。传统是一种背负,还是一种推动发展的动力?文化的传承是太受到关注,还是太漫不经心?你看到的是冲突还是融合,是回忆还是未来? Who are the Chinese? What makes us who we are? But even before this momentous chapter in our history, Chinese people have always regarded themselves from multi facets and angles. Is tradition a burden, or kind of driving force for development? Do we take our culture heritage too seriously, or not seriously enough? Do you see conflict or fusion, or visions of the future. Chapter 1 Opening the Door with Confidence 第一章开放而有自信 In 1979,China opened the biggest window in the world to the outside, and China suddenly dazzled people of panarama with the panorama of change. Some may argue that under such a huge material and mental stimulation, it would be hard to maintain equilibrium. 30年前,一扇世界上最大的窗户打开了…… 这个国家,旋即迎接了令人眼花缭乱的变化。或许有人认为,在这样巨大的物质和信息刺激下,想保持镇定都非常困难。 (F)在我心目中,中国是一个包容性非常强的国家…… In my mind, China is a country that has very strong inclusiveness.…… (F)她是一个很有文化的一个国家…… She is a country with rich culture…… (M)具有历史的沧桑感,但又在日新月异的变化着…… She has a long history, but also changes everyday…… But after 30 years, the world has seen how much China's profound history and culture ascent has given, leave us the flexibility and unity when facing fast transformation. 但接下来30年间发生的事情,却让全世界都看到,一个有着悠久历史底蕴的文化在面临全新变革之时,能够展现出怎样的包容性和应变能力。 (龙永图WTO谈判中国首席代表):加入世贸以后,整个国力的增强使得中国更加的自信,也更加开放了。


中国国家形象片(英文版) In October 2003, the first Chinese citizen saw his homeland from outer space, and the mythology and dreams of thousands of years, became a reality. Our songs of how the earth is our garden and our pride in surviving our long history suddenly became more vivid and clear. Who are the Chinese? What makes us who we are? But even before this momentous chapter in our history, Chinese people have always regarded themselves from multi facets and angles. Is tradition a burden, or kind of driving force for development? Do we take our culture heritage too seriously, or not seriously enough? Do you see conflict or fusion, or visions of the future Chapter 1 Opening the Door with Confidence 开放而有自信 In 1979,China opened the biggest window in the world to the outside, and China suddenly dazzled people of panorama with the panorama of change. Some may argue that under such a huge material and mental stimulation, it would be hard to maintain equilibrium. But after 30 years, the world has seen how much China's profound history and culture ascent has given, leave us the flexibility and unity when facing fast transformation. Observers must admit in its meeting with the world, China has preserved its own special character. 30 years opening has been a time of bravely facing the new and stepping forward on a path of our own choosing. Several respected international reports bring us No.1 in terms of public confidence in the future. Is this confidence underlined by GDP growth, or thousands of years of culture, or the efforts of many millions of people? We believe China will deliver an answer before too long. Chapter 2 Growth with Sustainability 增长而能持续 Over two thousand years ago, the great Chinese philosopher Mencius observed the refraining of overfishing will ensure fishing last forever. And also cutting woods according to seasons ensures healthier forest. Such century with all the wisdom now goes by the name sustainable development. In China today, you can see GDP increasing, personal income increasing and with that the increase of people's dreams. You can also see people sharing the increase of educational opportunities. As energy need have increased, so has China's international environmental responsibility, Chinese people know that our beautiful country and our children's futures are too high a price to pay for economic growth. Chapter 3 Development with Sharing 发展而能共享 A leading European city? It's actually Shanghai. In China today, foreign professionals are vying with tourists to be the largest oversea group.

国家形象宣传片 角度篇 双语解说词

国家形象宣传片角度篇双语解说词 2003年10月,中国人第一次从外太空亲眼看到了自己的国家,那数千年的神话和畅想,变成了真实的注视。那些关于地球是个真实的家园的歌颂,关于自己在漫长历史里生存下来的骄傲,这时候比别的时候更加清晰而具体。 In October 2003, the first Chinese citizen saw his homeland from outer space, and the mythology and dreams of thousands of years, became a reality. Our songs of how the earth is our garden and our pride in surviving our long history suddenly became more vivid and clear. 我们是谁?我们在想什么?早在创造中国历史的这一刻之前,中国人也从未中断过从其他的角度来审视自己的国家。传统是一种背负,还是一种推动发展的动力?文化的传承是太受到关注,还是太漫不经心?你看到的是冲突还是融合,是回忆还是未来? Who are the Chinese? What makes us who we are? But even before this momentous chapter in our history, Chinese people have always regarded themselves from multi facets and angles. Is tradition a burden, or kind of driving force for development? Do we take our culture heritage too seriously, or not seriously enough? Do you see conflict or fusion, or visions of the future? Chapter 1 Opening the Door with Confidence 第一章开放而有自信 30年前,一扇世界上最大的窗户打开了……这个国家,旋即迎接了令人眼花缭乱的变化。或许有人认为,在这样巨大的物质和信息刺激下,想保持镇定都非常困难。 In 1979,China opened the biggest window in the world to the outside, and China suddenly dazzled people of panorama with the panorama of change. Some may argue that under such a huge material and mental stimulation, it would be hard to maintain equilibrium. (F)在我心目中,中国是一个包容性非常强的国家…… In my mind, China is a country that has very strong inclusiveness.…… (F)她是一个很有文化的一个国家…… She is a country with rich culture…… (M)具有历史的沧桑感,但又在日新月异的变化着…… She has a long history, but also changes everyday…… 但接下来30年间发生的事情,却让全世界都看到,一个有着悠久历史底蕴的文化在面临全新变革之时,能够展现出怎样的包容性和应变能力。 But after 30 years, the world has seen how much China's profound history and culture ascent has given, leave us the flexibility and unity when facing fast transformation. (龙永图WTO谈判中国首席代表):加入世贸以后,整个国力的增强使得中国更加的自信,也更加开放了。 (Long Yongtu China's WTO accession negotiations Chief Expert): After China's accession to the WTO, Chinese people are getting more and more confident because of increasing national strength. 人们不得不承认,中国在和全世界接轨的同时,保持着自己鲜明的特色:30年开放,30年面对新
