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• However, it’s our duty to protect the environment which we rely on.(it作形式 主语,rely on高级词汇,复杂结构) (陶敏)
• It can also build social bonds between people.(高级词汇) (陈楚乔)
• ....bicycle riding is the least expensive way of traveling apart from walking.(adj 最高级用于否定表达) (吕露露、程亚玮)
• We are supposed to achieve a balance between development and nature. (achieve a balance between...高级词汇) (陶敏)
• This is one of the greatest invitations to traffic accidents.(高级词汇) (吕梦娟)
• Notice:
• They have achieved much in advanced phrases and sentence structures. We should learn from them.
• First ,with the developing of socieaty,there are more and more cars on the road.
• Last but not least, when riding bikes, we will feel more relaxed after the whole day’s hard work.(省略句) (邓雪怡)
• Use bike-sharing, and you will find that it is useful.(祈使句+and+陈述句)(张子莹)
Weak points:
• 错误统计: 来自百度文库二13
错误类型 数量
搭配错误 50
单复数错误 35
单词拼写 31
动词运用 19
句首大小写 14
• ...because bikes are almost distributed to everywhere.
• As far as the promoting of the bikesharing is concerned, I think ...(活用句 型) (吴雨欣)
• Above are my opinions.(倒装)(吴雨欣)
• I can’t be in more favor of it. (can’t...more句型)(胡慧月)
• but the bike-sharing service still exists some problem.
but some problems with bike-sharing service still exist.
2.Singular and plural单复数错误
• 1)单复数 • In China, many vehicles like bbuussesand
Teaching Aims
At the end of the class ,the students are supposed to
• 1.be more aware of mistakes made in their articles
• 2.know more about the right ways of writing
• 3.be able to polish up their writings
1.What can be called a good article?
•【评分标准】内容完整,语言规范,语篇连 贯,词数适当。
•2.What are the difficulties you meet in writing articles?
cars pollute environment badly.
• What’s more, the destruction of bikesharing is a big problems.
• it seems that Bike-sharing gives away people’s information.
• What’s more, it bringsa big
convenience to people.
• we should help introducet the bikesharing to everyone.
• Besides, if city isccrroowwdeeddwith cars during rush hours, the citizen can use those bikes to their companies as soon as possible.
1).加强基础词汇和基本句子结构学习。 2).提高综合运用复合句的能力。 3).注意句子间的过渡和衔接。 4).仿写、背诵、熟读话题范文。
Comments on the writings
• Strong points:
• If so, we will build an environmentally friendly society.(省略句) (邢臻)
• Although the service of the bikesharing is notgwoeoldl, it can bring some advantages.
• you can find it easily and only pay for a little money.
• so, we should encourage people to ride Bbikicey-cslehsaring quite often than driving.