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Part2 Vocabulary and Grammar

ⅡChoose the best answer:

31. It‟s honor for me to show you round West Lake.

A a, /

B an, /

C a, the

D an, the

32. It‟s patient you to spend lots of time filling the application form.

A of, in

B for , up

C with ,in

D of, with

33. I am so thirty. May I have some water?

Sorry, there‟s left in the bottle and of us has any money to buy water.

A none, no one

B nothing, none

C none, none

D nothing, no one

34. Water will be in the state of if the temperature drops below 0℃.

A gas

B liquid

C solid

D vapor

35. After he finished doing some physics , he mother told him to do eye

A exercise, exercise

B exercises, exercises

C exercise, exercises

D exercises exercise

36 .Before water comes into our house through pipes, it should be treated in a

A stream

B sewage plant

C drain

D water treatment works

37. It is a opportunity for him to win the medal in the Olympic Games.

A gold, golden

B golden, gold

C gold, gold

D golden, golden

38. It seems that his hope gets with the situation becoming worse and worse.

A faintly

B more faint

C fainter

D less faint

39. I remember him 200 yuan last week, but he forgets the money to me.

A lending, to return

B to lend, to return

C lending, returning

D to lend, returning

40 You are sure to achieve success you find the right way.

A until

B though

C as long as

D unless

41._____ good work he‟s got!



C. What a

D. How a

42.____the fish in this river has _______ dramatically due to the serious pollution.

A.The number of ,decreased

B.A number of .decreased

C. The number of ,increased

D.An amount of, increased

43.I wonder how ____ little children can recite_____ ancient poems.

A.so,such many

B.such,just a few

C.so,so many

D.such,quite a lot

44.________ the first place I must figure out ______ I am wrong.

A.At ,what

B. In,where


D. In ,what

45.After the bell rang,all the examinations were required to ______ their papers.

A.turn out

B.tuin in

C.turn up

D.turn into

46.My brother is going to Japan ______next May and he will stay there for_____.

A.some time, some times

B.sometime,some time

C.sometimes, some time

D.some times, sometimes

47.His cousin will call on him in _________.

A.one or two day

B.a day or two day

C.one and two days

D.a day or two

48.Plastic are used to _____ of wood.


B.take place

C.take the place

D.taking the place

49.Which of the following sentences is true?

A.I think he shouldn‟t give up.

B. He hasn‟t decided when he would fly to Beijing.

C.I asked him when he had arrived.

D. The doctor wondered what was wrong with me.

50.We should try our best to plant more trees to beautify our environment._________

A.I can‟t agree more.

B. I …m glad to hear that.

C.That‟s ok.

D. My pleasure.

Ⅲ. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once.










An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer of his plans to 1eave the

house-building business to live a more comfortable life with his wife. His employer was

___51___ to see his good worker go and asked if he could bulid just one more house for him. The builder said yes, but at that time , it was ___52__his heart was not in his work.he built it carelessly and used poor __53__ It was an unfortunate way to end his career.

When the builder finished his work, the employer came and handed the front-door key to the builder . …this is your house,‟ he said, …my gift to you.‟

What a shock! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all differently. Now he had to live in the home he had built ___54_.

So it is with us. We build our lives carelessly, ___55__to put up less than the best. At important points we do not give the job our best effort. Then with a shock we look at the situation we have

___56____ and find that we are now living in the house we have built . If we had realized ,we would have done it differently.
