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动名词的构成形式为“动词+ ing”。当动名词在句子中作主语时,其谓语动词必须用单数。

Seeing is believing .、眼见为实。

Do you mind my smoking here? 你介意我在这里抽烟吗?

Staying with him made her very happy. 和他在一起使她感到非常快乐。


1. 动名词的肯定和否定式为doing not + doing ;

2. 动名词的时态分为一般式:doing 完成式: having done.

3. 动名词的被动语态一般式:being done,完成式:having been done. He admitted not telling us the truth at last. 他最后承认没有和我们说实话。Keep the medicine away from being touched by children.(被动式)

This huge bridge succeeded in having been built up last month.(被动式)


(一) 动名词作用

1 . 动名词作主语经常采用it作形式主语。

It’s no good talking. 空谈没什么用处。

It’s no use crying. 哭没有用。

It’s no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。

2 作宾语

He is considering changing a job. 他正在考虑换一份工作。

She can’t avoid meeting him. 她免不了要碰见他。


Keep March gifts.(“保持三月礼物”)

k—keep e—enjoy e—excuse p—practice ; --- Keep m—mind a—avoid r—risk c—consider h—can’t help ;---March g—give up i—imagine f—finish,feel like t—think of s—suggest ---gifts. 温馨提示:


如:admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, enjoy, finish, keep, imagine, miss, practice, resist, risk, save, suggest, understand, pardon, can’t help, be worth doing等He admitted taking my dictionary. 他承认拿走了我的词典。

Stop talking and listen to me. 请不要说话了,听我讲。

(2 )动名词经常作下列短语动词后介词的宾语

be good at 擅长be satisfied with 对…..感到满意

be surprised at 对…..感到吃惊be interested in 对…..感兴趣

be fond of 喜欢be tired(sick) of厌倦

be afraid of 害怕be used to 习惯于belong to 属于give up 放弃put off 推迟depend on 依靠keep on 继续dream of 梦想feel like 想要prevent……from 防止stop….from 阻止look forward to 期望She is good at swimming. He is used to walking to his office every day.

3 作表语

Living is also learning. 生活也是学习。

His favorite sport is running. 他最喜欢的运动是跑步。

4 作定语

We all attended the opening ceremony. 我们都参加了开幕式。


动词stop, forget, remember, try, go on, need等动词后既可接to do sth.也可跟doing sth.但意思完全不一样。

1. stop to do sth.停下原来的事(一般不说出来)去干某事(表目的)

stop doing sth.停止(正在)干的事

After class the students stopped to have a rest. 课后,同学们停下来去休息。When the teacher came in,the students stopped talking.

2. forget to do sth.忘记去干某事(忘记的事情还没有完成,还没有去做)

forget doing 忘记做了的事情(后面的动词已经做了,只是忘记了)Don't forget to tell him the news. 别忘记告诉他这个消息。

I forgot telling him the news. 我忘了已经告诉他这个消息了。

3. remember to do 记得要做的事情(记得的事情还没有完成,还没有去做)

remember doing 记得做了的事情(后面的动词已经做了,现在记得了Please remember to turn of f the lights. 请记住关灯。

I remember turning off t he lights. 我记得关了灯。

4. regret doing sth 和regret to do sth

regret doing sth 表示“后悔过去做过的某一件事”。

She regretted telling her mother the truth. 她后悔把真相告诉了她的母亲。regret to do sth 意思是“对正在做的,或者是还未做的事表示后悔”

I regret to tell you that you failed in the exam. 很遗憾地告诉你,你考试没通过。

5 mean to do sth和mean doing sth

mean to do sth “打算做某事” mean doing sth “意味着……”

I meant to catch up with the early bus. 我曾想赶上早班的公共汽车。This means wasting a lot of money. 这意味着浪费大量金钱。

6 try to do sth 和try doing sth

try to do sth “设法尽力做某事” try doing sth “试着做某事”

You should try to overcome your shortcomings. “设法克服…”

Try working out the physics problem in another way.“试一试……”

7. go on to do sth.接着去做另一件事

go on doing sth继续做原来的一件事

He went on to write after he finished reading. 他读完了又继续写。

He went on doing his homework all day. 他整天都在做作业。

8. 在need,require,want表示“需要”的意思时,后接动名词形式,表示被动意义,也可接不定式,但要用被动形式。

These desks need repairing. = These desks need to be repaired.

The patient required examining. = The patient required to be examined.
