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Famous as a great athnic pot, America is a typical nation of immigration, whose history could date back to 1620. For as long as 400 years, America nation has become a mixture of above 100 nations. Even the Statue of Liberty located on New York was a special immigrant from French. There are several immigration waves in the history of America.

At the beginning of the foundation of the US, there are only 3,900,000 people, in which expect for about 760,000 negro, almost all of them was white man from the Western Eurpoe. Warried about the Napoleonic Wars and the employment environment of the nation, the first few of the government was very coutious about the policies of immigration, which accounted to that only about 3,000 people every year had made the immigration to America from 1796 to 1815. However, after the Napoleonic Wars, the unemployment became worse and worse in Eurpoe. Meanwhile, the government began to loose the policy of immigration. These resulted in a immigration wave which lasted for as long as 100 years. About 33,500,000 people had been accepted by America in this period.

The first immigration wave between 1820 to 1860 brought about 5,000,000 immigrants for the USA, including 2,000,000 Irish , 1,700,000 Germans and a great numbers of African Slaves. Chinese who aimed at finding goals also accounted for a part. The second came from 1861 to 1880, 5,000,000 people had joined in the wave of immigration. After the

American Civil War, America had stepped into the peak of its industrialization, leading to the great needs for the workforce. America had come up with many policies in order to attract skilled workers from Eurpean. The third and the largest one happened between 1881 and 1920, in which the number of immigrants had reached an amazing data, 23,500,000. During this period, the government passed a serious of laws to limit the Eurpean immigrants and repelled those from Asia. Large quantities of immigrants from Italy Russia and other counties in Eastern and Southern Eurpeo flooded into the USA.

Through the three great waves of immigration, the population of America had first been more than 100,000,000 in 1920.

Immigration had changed America a lot. 85% of the immigrants were at the age of 14 to 44, and males accounted for a majority. Strong both in body and mind, full of energy and passion, they made a significant contribution to building the country.

The USA absorbed the technique of industry from the Northern and Western Eurpoe, skills of agriculture and gardening from Chinese, Japanese and other Asian nations, the technology of urban construction from the immigrants of Italy. Immigration not only made a vital influence on modeling the spirits of the nation but also has a tight connection with the fast-rising of America in just 100 years. It is the immigration that shaped the nature of the US and made it the superpower in the world.
