


interest 利息

International Finance Corporation/IFC 国际金融公司

International Monetary Found/IMF 国际货币基金组织

investment trust 投资信托

investment 投资,资产

investor 投资人

issue 发行股票

land tax 地租,地价税

lender 债权人

liberal economy 自由经济

London Stock Market 伦敦股票市场

long term loan 长期贷款

manufactured goods/finished goods 制成品,产成品

maturity 到期日,偿还日

medium term loan 中期贷款

mixed economy 混合经济

money 货币

mortgage 抵押

National city Bank of New York 花旗银行

national income 国民收入

net income 纯收益,净收入,收益净额

New York Stock Exchange/NYSE 纽约证券交易所

opening price 开盘

operating costs 生产费用,营业成本

operating expenses 营业费用

Organization for Economic cooperation and Development/DECD 经济合作与开发组织Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries/OPEC 石油输出国组织

output 产出,产量

overhead costs 营业间接成本

overheads 杂项开支,间接成本

overproduction 生产过剩

par value 股面价格,票面价格

petrodollar 石油美元

planned economy 计划经济

political economy 政治经济学

preference stock 优先股

price index 物价指数

price-curbing policy 抑制物价政策

primary sector 初级成分

private sector 私营成分,私营部门

producer 生产者,制造者

productive/producing 生产的

productiveness 赢利性

productivity 生产率

Economic Commission for Europe/ECE 欧洲经济委员会

economic depression 经济衰退

economic fluctuation 经济波动

economic policy 经济政策

economic recession 经济衰退

economic recovery 经济复原

economic sanction 财经制裁

economic situation 经济形势

economic stability 经济稳定

economic takeoff 经济起飞

economic trend 经济趋势

economist 经济学家

endorsement 背书;批注

Eurogroup 欧洲集团

European Economic Community/EEC/European Common Market 欧洲经济共同体exchange rate 汇率,兑换率

excise tax 特许权税

expenditure/outgoings 开支,支出

fiscal year 财政年度

fixed assets 固定资产

fixed costs 固定成本

floating debt 流动债务

floating exchange rate 浮动汇率

Food and Agricultural Organization/FAO 粮食与农业组织

foreign exchange 外汇

free exchange rates 自由汇兑市场

frozen assets 冻结资产

frozen capital 冻结资金

funded debt 固定债务,长期债务

gold reserve 黄金储备

gold standard 金本位

gross income/gross earnings 总收入,总收益

Group of Ten 十国集团

hard currency 硬通货

hard times 低潮

holding company 控股公司

income gain 股利收入

income tax 所得税

income 收入,收益

increase in value/appreciation 增值,升值

infrastructure 基本建设

initial capital 创办资本

input 投入

insurance 保险


2013年12月大学英语四级听力真题 PartⅡListening Comprehension(30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 1. A) The woman is now working in a kindergarten. B) The man will soon start a business of his own. C) The man would like to be a high school teacher. D) The woman is going to major in child education. 2. A) The furniture has to be rearranged. B) The sound equipment has to be set up. C) The conference room has to be cleaned. D) The video machine has to be checked. 3. A) She is exhausted. B) She is near-sighted. C) She cannot finish work in time. D) She cannot go straight home. 4. A) The woman is too particular about food. B) He would rather have a meal an hour later. C) The woman should order her food quickly. D) He usually prefers ice-cream to sandwiches. 5. A) He is not a good mechanic. B) He doesn't keep his promises. C) He spends his spare time doing repairs. D) He is always ready to offer help to others. 6. A) Sam has a big family to support. B) Sam is not interested in traveling. C) The pay offered by the travel agency is too low. D) The work hours in the travel agency arc too long 7. A) International trade.


2019英语四级听力高 频词汇(1)

精品文档 2019英语四级听力高频词汇(1) 作业类: term paper(最近考点:2019年6月,配合词汇:grade 打分) thesis(毕业论文,六级考点) composition 作文 textbook教科书/reference book参考书/ assigned books 指定书目 搭配作业的一些常见表达: be through with sth 结束,完成(四级四次考到,最新考点2019年12月) due 到期(多次考点) You've known for months that the report is due today. have sb's hands full with sth=be up to one’s neck in sth 忙于做某事(两次考到) narrow down the topic 细化题目/话题(两次考到) 课程类: seminar(研讨会) 例句:Do you have the seminar schedule with you? (你有研讨会的日程表么?) optional course/elective (选修课) evening/day course (晚间/白天课程) compulsory course/requirement (必修课) presentation (多次考到,展示或演示课) 搭配课程的一些常见表达 2019年12月最新考点: 例句:I am getting nowhere with these statistics. 我对这些统计一头雾水。 hardly/ barely stay awake (四级三次考到) tutoring service 一对一辅导课程/服务(四六级双料考点) 近年真题中提及课程名称 advanced physics (高级物理) data processing (数据处理) computer programming (计算机编程,两次考到) biology 生物(注意和自传“biography”的区别) 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


一、听力练习 1. A. To defend Africa against sandstorm. B. To restore damaged land across areas south of the Sahara. C. To protect natural recourses. D. To improve living standard by selling fruits. 2. A. Being drought resistant. B. Providing nutrients. C. Providing a way to make money. D. Requiring a lot of rainfall. 二、听力文本 Many areas of North Africa have seen a sharp decrease in rainfall over the last 50 years. Some experts say the lack of rainfall will worsen in the future. In Tunisia, fresh groundwater supplies are decreasing quickly. About two-thirds of the land is threatened by a lack of rain and loss of trees. A report by the Netherlands Foreign Ministry from 2018 says that the effects of climate change may slow Tunisia's growth in its two main industries - tourism and agriculture. Tunisian officials plan to cut the amount of carbon dioxide the country produces to 41 percent of levels measured in 2010 by the 2030s. Carbon dioxide gas is linked to warming of the Earth's atmosphere. However, critics say Tunisia has been slow to match words with action. The African Union is leading an effort called the ‘Great Green Wall' initiative. The project aims to restore damaged land across areas south of the Sahara, commonly called the Sahel. In North Africa, some national projects to fight climate change are making a difference. Tunisia will reportedly present an oases protection project at the Madrid climate conference. Local farmers in northern Algeria are seeking help from Mexican experts to plant prickly pear cactus. The desert plant needs little rainfall and provides nutrients and a way to make money. Algeria is also trying to renew efforts for a reforestation project that did not have good results. Question 1: According to the news report, what’s the aim of the ‘Great Green Wall' initiative? Question 2: According to the news report, which of the following is not mentioned as a feature of prickly pear cactus? 三、重点词汇 1. worsen: to become worse or to make something become worse (使)恶化;(使)更糟 2. initiative: a new plan or process to achieve something or solve a problem 倡议;新措施 3. restore: to return something or someone to an earlier good condition or position 修复;使复位;使复职 4. reportedly: according to what many people say 据传闻,据称 5. oasis: a place in a desert where there is water and therefore plants and trees and sometimes a village or town绿洲(复数oases) 6. prickly pear cactus:仙人掌 7. nutrient: any substance that plants or animals need in order to live and grow 养分;营养物,滋养物


2010年12月大学英语四级听力真题的试题与答案, Section A 短对话(11~18) 11. M: Oh my god! The heat is simply unbearable here. I wish we’ve gone to the beach instead. W: Well, with the museums and restaurants in Washington I’ll be happy here no matter what the temperature. Q:What does the woman mean? 12. M: How’s the new job going? W: Well, I’m learning a lot of new things, but I wish the director would give me some feedback. Q:What does the woman want to know? 13. M: Can you help me work out a physical training program John? W: Sure, but whatever you do be careful not to overdo it. Last time I had two weeks’ worth of weight-lifting in three days and I hurt myself. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? 14. M: I have an elderly mother and I’m worried about her going on a pl ane. Is there any risk? W: Not if her heart is all right. If she has a heart condition, I’d recommend against it. Q: What does the man want to know about his mother? 15. M: Why didn’t you stop when we first signaled you at the crossroads? W: Sorry, I was just a bit absent-minded. Anyway, do I have to pay a fine? Q: what do we learn from the conversation? 16. M: I’m no expert, but that noise in your refrigerator doesn’t sound right. Maybe you should have it fixed. W: You’re right. And I suppose I’ve put it off long enough. Q: What will the woman probably do? 17. M: I did extremely well on the sale of my downtown apartment. Now, I have enough money to buy that piece of land I’ve had my eye on and build a house on it. W: Congratulations!Does that mean you’ll be moving soon? Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?


听力学习:英语四级听力的常见问题盘点 英语四级听力弱原因一:能听懂的词汇太少 相对应快速提升“战术”:反复、大声跟读听力材料 相信很多同学单词背了很多,做阅读理解的时候,也能看懂,就 是一到听力却发现自己听不懂。这种情况一是因为很多考生在记单词 的时候就是背英文单词,然后背对应的汉语意思,从来不注意发音; 二是因为没有注意去积累听力词汇,总结听力过程中自己不会的错误点。针对以上两种情况,建议考生: 1) 任何背过的单词、做过的阅读理解,都要大声朗读过! 2) 听过的听力材料,杜绝“仅仅听1遍就过了”的浪费,一定 要看着原文,至少大声跟读过1次。 理由很简单,你的耳朵、你的大脑、你的听觉神经,需要你自己 的声音去刺激,去唤醒!英语四级听力弱原因二:听力时间一长,就开始走神 相对应快速提升“战术”:泛听保证10分钟以上,精听逐渐增 大力度到30分钟以上 短对话现在难不倒大家了吧?仍然觉得短对话难的同学,一句话 送给你:对自己凶悍一点!你练听力的时间太少了!想要快速提升, 看完赶紧练起来!奥运冠军要想夺冠,还须天天练呢! 难倒考生的主要是短文听力和复合式听写,已经连续听了很长时间,开始有点疲劳,再加上每篇听力材料长度还不短,精力就开始难 以集中。 建议考生:

1) 每周至少2-3次泛听练习,听力材料能够是任何自己感兴趣 的内容,且第一遍听至少10分钟以上,不按暂停键,不看原文,不纠 结是否听懂,就纯“磨耳朵”。 2) 考前的一段时间,每次坐下来练,只练习短文听力和复合式 听写!一开始,每天坚持听1篇,大概10分钟左右:一篇短文约3分钟,要听2-3遍: 第1遍,做题、看答案; 第2遍,边听边琢磨答案来自听力文章哪儿,不要看原文; 第3遍,看着听力原文,听1遍。 慢慢地,以周为单位,第2-3周增加为20分钟左右集中时间训练!最后,加为每次30分钟以上!英语四级听力弱原因三:来不及 预读,非要等到问题出来才能做选择 相对应快速提升“战术”:多多练习预读并划关键词,适当掌握、使用听力常识 所有听力考试做题的步骤、节奏均为:预读——猜——听——答。 预读怎么练?预读只能在边听direction的时候,边实行阅读。 所以练习阅读一定要在有干扰的情况下,练习定力!要假装听不见, 读得进去!另外,预读的过程中,跟阅读完全一样,要拒绝用笔或手 去点,拒绝口头默念,拒绝头去晃着移动,而是用目光扫!扫一眼, 划出几个单词,作为该选项的特征。


2016年6月大学英语四级真题(第1套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to your parents or any family members upon making memorable achievement. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1. A)The International Labor Organization's key objective. B)The basic social protection for the most vulnerable. C)Rising unemployment worldwide. D)Global economic recovery. 2. A)Many countries have not taken measures to create enough jobs. B)Few countries know how to address the current economic crisis. C)Few countries have realized the seriousness of the


2016年12月英语四级新闻听力高频词汇(100个) 火灾类 1. flame [fle?m] n. 火焰 2. ash [??] n. 灰烬 3. burn [b?:n] v. 燃烧 4. consume [k?n?sju:m] v. 烧毁,毁灭 5. authority [?:?θ?r?ti] n. 当局;官方 6. emergency worker 应急人员 7. site [sa?t] n. 现场;发生地;场所 8. explosion [?k?spl???n] n. 爆炸 9. rubble [?r?bl]n. 碎石;碎砖 10. blast [blɑ:st] n 爆炸;(爆炸引起的)气浪 11. oxygen canister [??ks?d??n][? k?n?st?(r)] 氧气罐 12. footage [?f?t?d?] n. 视频片段 13. debris [?debri:] n. 碎片,残骸 爆炸类 14. suicide bombing 自杀式炸弹袭击 15. detonate [?det?ne?t] v. (使某物)爆炸;引爆 16. explosive vest 炸弹背心 17. troop [ tru:p] n. 军队; 18. bomber [?b?m?(r)]n. 投掷或安放炸弹的人 19. police patrol [ p??tr?ul] 巡警队 20. civilian [s??v?l??n] 平民,百姓 21. shatter [ ???t?(r)] v. 粉碎(某事物) 22. explode [?k?spl?ud]v. (使某物)爆炸 23. terrorist group 恐怖分子组织 24. claim responsibility for 声称对…负责 25. bombing [?b?m??]n. 轰炸,投弹 海难类 26. cargo ship [?kɑ:g?u] n. 货船 27.sink [s??k] v. 下沉;沉没 28. coast [k?ust] n. 海岸 29. rescueeffort 救援工作 30. signal [?s?gn?l] 信号;暗号 31. vessel [?vesl] 船(尤指大船) 32. rescuevessel 救援船只 33. fishingarea 捕鱼区 34. port [p?:t] n. 港;港口 35. ferry [?fer?] 渡轮 36. refugee [?refju?d?i:] n. 难民,流亡者(尤指因遭政治上或宗教上的迫害)


英语四级听力常见词汇汇总(二) 51 implement vt.实施 【派】implementation n. 52 incline vi.倾向 【考】be inclined to do sth. 倾向于做某事 53 inferior a.下级的、下等的 【考】be inferior to 比…低级 54 injure vt. 受伤 【派】injured a.受伤的; injury n. 受伤 55 inquire vi. 询问 56 instinct n.本能、直觉 【考】human instinct 人类本能 57 integrate vt. 使结合、使一体化 【派】integral a.一体的;integration n.一体 【考】as an integral whole 作为一个整体global economic integration 全球经济一体化 58 internship n.实习 59 inverse a.倒转的、反转的 60 justify vt.证明…是正当的

61 launch vt. 发射、开展 【考】launch the spacecraft 发射飞船launch a movement 发起一项运动 62 negative a.消极的 63 notify vt.通知、告诉【派】notification n. 64 obligation n. 责任、义务 【考】legal obligation 法律责任 65 obstacle n.障碍 66 optimistic a. 乐观的 【考】be optimistic about sth.对…很乐观 67 originate vt.由…产生 【考】originate from 由…产生 68 overcome vt.战胜, 克服 【例】overcome difficulties 克服困难 69 phenomenon n.现象 70 positive a.积极的 71 potential a.潜在的 【考】potential customer 潜在客户 72 preferable a. 更好的 73 prevail vt.压倒、胜过 【派】prevailling a. 流行的 74 priority n. 优先



2017年6月大学英语四级真题及答案 (第一套) Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and questions will be spoken only once. After you hear questions, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 Questions 1 to 2 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1.A) The man in the car was absent-minded. B) The test driver made a wrong judgment. C) The self-driving system was faulty. D) The car was moving at a fast speed. 2. A) They have done better than conventional cars. B) They have caused several severe crashes. C) They have posed a threat to other drivers. D) They have generally done quite well. Questions 3 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 3. A) He works at a national park. B) He is a queen been specialist. C) He removed the beyond from the boot. D) He drove the bees away from his car. 4. A) They were looking after the queen B) They were making a lot of noise C) They were looking for a new box to live in 第2页共 18 页


英语四级听力常考词汇和短语 A a couple of a great deal of a little further a loaf of a moderate amount of a variety of advanced in years agree with accuse of anything wrong with add to all aspect of all the time all the way apply to apply for arrange for airport staff any longer as a result as soon as as well as at a time at a loss at least at that time at this point address abuse accident advertise affect agent ambition analyze ancient announce anytime arise appreciate approve arrest artificial attitude article audience authorities automatically available awfully B barber shop be allowed to be angry at be aware of be determined to be eager to be expose to be free to be full of be lost be supposed to be tired of be used to be used for behind schedule believe in belong to benefit from blow up business trip by coach book up by the name of buy out by now by this time beyond one’s reach by far barely board bother bill blame briefcase C call off call on call back can’t stand catch a cold catch fire care for can’t bear chase away check in check out come out of come to realize come to common cold come up with count the days contribute to classic music cut off cut down on compensate for cancel cafe cafeteria challenge change choke circle comb collect complain composer conduct comprehend conference confuse concept


一、听力练习 1. A. European space agency. B. China National Space Administration. C. United Arab Emirates space agency. D. U.S. space agency. 2. A. Launching. B. Landing, C. Returning. D. Orbit transfer. 二、听力文本 China showed off its Mars spacecraft during a landing test last week in the northern province of Hebei. China is planning to send a lander and rover to Mars next year to explore parts of the red planet. The United States and European space agency are also sending rovers to the planet in 2020, and the United Arab Emirates plans to launch an orbiter. Officials say the Mars lander successfully passed a hovering-and-obstacle avoidance test. The landing area had small piles of rocks on the ground, similar to what the uneven surface on Mars is like. The lander will have to move around on this kind of surface when it gets to the planet. In 2016, China officially began the Mars exploration mission work, and currently all of the different development work is progressing smoothly. China has developed a powerful rocket, the Long March 5, to send the spacecraft to Mars in 2020. The trip to the plant will last about seven months. But landing on it will take only about seven minutes. The landing will be the most difficult part of the space flight. Many spacecrafts sent to Mars have been lost or destroyed over the years. Only the U.S. space agency NASA has been successful, with eight landings. China's space program plans to use a Long March 5 rocket to send a spacecraft to the Moon by the end of this year, or early next year. The Chang'e-5 spacecraft will bring back pieces of rock from the moon's surface. Last January a Chang'e-4 probe successfully touched down on the far side of the moon. While NASA sent humans to the moon, this was the first time for a probe to touch down on the lesser-known far side. The landing was a major success for China's space program. China first landed a spacecraft on the moon in 2013. Question 1: According to the news report, which of the following has successfully sent spacecrafts to Mars? Question 2: According to the news report, which of the following will be the most difficult part of the space flight? 三、重点词汇 1. hovering-and-obstacle avoidance test: 悬停和避障测试 2. uneven: not level, equal, flat, or continuous 不平整的;参差不齐的;不平等的;不平坦的;不连续的 四、背景知识


2000年1月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷 (2) 2000年6月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷 (5) 2001年1月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷 (8) 2001年6月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷 (11) 2002年1月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷 (13) 2002年6月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷 (16) 2003年1月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷 (19) 2003年6月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷 (21) 2003年9月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷 (24) 2003年12月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷 (27) 2004年6月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷 (30) 2005年1月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷 (31) 2005年6月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷 (33) 2005年12月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷 (36) 2006年6月17日大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷 (39) 2006年12月23日大学英语新四级(CET-4)真题试卷 (42) 2007年12月22日大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试题B卷 (46) 2008年6月大学英语四级考试A卷真题 (51) 2008年12月大学英语四级考试A卷真题 (56) 2009年6月英语四级考试真题与答案 (61) 2009年12月英语四级考试真题与答案 (65)

2000年1月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷 1. A) The woman is a close friend of the man. B) The woman has been working too hard. C) The woman is seeing a doctor. D) The woman is tired of her work. 2. A) This apple pie tastes very good. B) His mother likes the pie very much. C) This pie can’t match his mother’s. D) His mother can’t make apple pies. 3. A) Take a walk. B) Give a performance. C) Listen to the music. D) Dance to the music. 4. A) Read an article on political science. B) Present a different theory to the class. C) Read more than one article. D) Choose a better article to read. 5. A) The woman would understand if she did Mary’s job. B) The woman should do the typing for Mary. C) The woman should work as hard as Mary. D) The woman isn’t a skillful typist. 6. A) He wants to make an appointment with Mr. Smith. B) He wants to make sure that Mr. Smith will see him. C) He wants to change the time of the appointment. D) He wants the woman to meet him at three o’clock. 7. A) He gets nervous very easily. B) He is an inexperienced speaker. C) He is an awful speaker. D) He hasn’t prepared his speech well. 8. A) She didn’t like the books the man bought.


常用新闻词汇和术语精选的报刊或新闻中经常出现的词汇和术语。 ABM = anti-ballistic missile 反弹道导弹abortive coup attempt 未遂政变 absent trial / absent voting 缺席审判/ 缺席投票absolute majority 绝对多数 abstain from voting 弃权 abuse of power for personal gain 以权谋私 academia 学术界 academic career 学历,学业 academician 院士 Academy Award 奥斯卡金像奖 academy sciences 科学院accredited journalist 特派记者 acquit / be acquitted 宣告无罪/ 无罪释放 acting president 代总统 active capital 流动资本 active substance 放射性物质 active trade balance 顺差activist 活跃分子 administration party 执政党admit the best examinee 择优录取 adverse trade balance 逆差advisory body 顾问团 after-sale service 售后服务 air crash 飞机失事 album 专辑 allied powers 同盟国 all-out ban 全面禁止alumnus (复数: alumni)校友amendment 修正案,附加条款 amicable relations 友好关系amnesty 特赦
