

letters of invitation & replies

letter of acceptance.letter of regret.

2. 词汇与句型:

2.1 常用词汇和短语:

宴舞会, get-together聚会, social reunion社交舞会,

weekend celebration周末度假, house and weekend

party家中小住及周末聚会, to give a dance开个舞会, cocktail party鸡尾酒会, look forward to期待、盼望,

pleasure高兴 , regret遗憾, unfortunately很遗憾, turn

down the invitation辞谢邀请, kind invitation盛情邀

请, have previous engagement有约在先, accept another


2.2 常用句型

(1) you are cordially invited to the

dinner party.

(2) we’re having a get-together on our

lawn next saturday

(3) it would give us a great pleasure to

have your presence at the meeting(4) it would be very nice if you and your with us

(5) george and i would be pleased if

you and john would have dinner with us

at our home on sunday

(6) we would be delighted if you could

find the time to join us for a small party

we are having at our office to celebrate

(7) we do hope you can join us

(8) it would be an honor to me if you

would accept our invitation

(9) if i don’t hear from you before then,

i’ll be expecting you that day

(10) we should be very pleased if you

could honor us with your presence

(12) we would be very pleased if you

(13) we are looking forward to seeing

you both(14) if the date and time suggested above

is not convenient to you, please suggest

an alternative

(16) i will be very happy to accept your

kid invitation

(17) nothing can prevent me .i’ll be there

on time

(18) it is with great pleasure that we shall

(19) how regretful to have to turn down

your invitation

(20) please accept my sincere regrets for

not being able to join you at your

birthday party

(21) we regret that we can’t make it

because of a previous engagement

(22) unfortunately, the pressure of urgent

business will not allow me to be present

on this festive occasion

(23) but heavy official duties prevent me

from having the pleasure to join theparty. for this i am awfully sorry

(24) i hope that you would be kind

enough to repeat your invitation at some

later date

3. examples

3.1 dear mr. and mrs. smith,

will you have dinner with us at our home on

monday, january 10th, at five o’clock?

it has been a long time since we had the pleasure

of seeing you , and we do hope you will find it possible

to be with us.



wang lin

3.2. dear mary,

as you may have already heard, jack and i

are to be married at church on monday, the eighth ofmarch, at ten a.m. we hope you and your husband will be able to join us and to stay for the dinner afterward. affectionately,


3.3 邀请参加会议

dear professor smith,

it would give us great pleasure to have your presence at a meeting of language teaching scheduled for january the third, 2005 at the english department of shijiazhuang professional college to discuss various problems in english language teaching.

your thinking on the subject would contribute greatly to the success of conference. do let us know if you can make it.篇二:怎样拒绝面试邀请




















1) 说出感谢

2) 说“不”

3) 给出理由


4) 建议其他时间或日期


? “非常感谢您的邀请,但我已经有约了。(thank you so much for the invitation, but i’m

afraid i have a prior engagement.)”



? “我很想去,不过恐怕不行。(i’d love to, but i’m afraid i can’t.) 可以换个时间吗?

(would another time be possible?)”

? “很抱歉,我无法去。(i’m very sorry, but i won’t be able to make it.) 要是换个时间就

太好了!(another time would be great, though!)”

? “好主意,但我这次无法参加了。(it’s a lovely idea, but i won’t be able to join you this


? “您太好了,不过...(that’s very kind of you, but …)”

? “我可以稍后加入你们吗?(could i join you later?) 我必须先完成一些事情。(i just have

to finish something.)”

? “今天不太合适,明天如何?(today’s not so good - how about tomorrow?)”

如何打断唠叨:? “我了解您所说的事情,只是我现在(不感兴趣/无法去/不可能去)。(i understand what

you’re getting at, but (i’m just not interested/i just can’t /it just won’t be possible) at the moment.)”


? “michael,实在抱歉,只是我现在确实不能去。(look, (michael), i’m sorry, but it’s just

not going to be possible at the moment.)”




? “我很想帮助您,但现在恐怕无法再增加任何新任务了。(i’d like to help you but i can’t


? “事实上,我觉得您完全可以自己做好!(actually, i think this is something you could do

really well yourself!)”

? “要不您先自己做着,在需要帮助时喊我?(why not have a go yourself, and give me a shout if you need help?)”


? “我需要仔细考虑一下。(i need to think it over.) 我稍后告诉您好吗?(can i get back to

you later?)”

? “让我考虑一下,然后再告诉您,可以吗?(i’ll think about it and let you know, ok?)”或者尝试建议对方找其他人帮助:

? “我恐怕对它并不熟悉,不过您问过 (x) 了吗?(i’m afraid i’m not familiar with that, but

have you asked (x)?)”? “对不起,我实在做不来这事。也许 (x) 可帮助您。(sorry, but that’s not really

something i can do. maybe (x) can help you.)”

? “哦,亲爱的,我最不擅长做这种事情了!(oh dear, i’m terrible at that sort of thing!) 让 (x) 来看一下怎么样?(what about getting (x) to have a look at it?)”


英语拒绝邀请回信范文(精选12篇) (经典版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制单位:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢! 并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注! Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!


邀请信回信拒绝英语作文 English Response: ---。 English Response: Dear [Sender's Name],。 I hope this letter finds you well. I received your invitation letter and I truly appreciate the opportunity you've extended to me. However, after careful consideration, I regret to inform you that I won't be able to accept your invitation. There are several reasons behind my decision. Firstly, I have prior commitments during the time of your event that I cannot reschedule. As much as I would love to attend, it conflicts with my existing obligations. Additionally, considering my current workload, I fear that attending your

event would only add to my stress and affect my ability to fulfill my responsibilities effectively. Please understand that this decision was not made lightly. I value our relationship and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience my absence may cause. I hope we can find another opportunity to connect in the near future. Thank you once again for the invitation. I wish you all the best for your event, and I hope it is a great success. Warm regards,。 [Your Name] ---。 中文回答: 亲爱的[发件人姓名],。 希望你一切都好。我收到了你的邀请函,非常感谢你给予我的


篇一:请柬写作和邀请信,接受与拒绝 letters of invitation & replies letter of acceptance.letter of regret. 2. 词汇与句型: 2.1 常用词汇和短语: 宴舞会, get-together聚会, social reunion社交舞会, weekend celebration周末度假, house and weekend party家中小住及周末聚会, to give a dance开个舞会, cocktail party鸡尾酒会, look forward to期待、盼望, pleasure高兴 , regret遗憾, unfortunately很遗憾, turn down the invitation辞谢邀请, kind invitation盛情邀 请, have previous engagement有约在先, accept another invitation另有安排 2.2 常用句型 (1) you are cordially invited to the dinner party. (2) we’re having a get-together on our lawn next saturday (3) it would give us a great pleasure to have your presence at the meeting(4) it would be very nice if you and your with us (5) george and i would be pleased if you and john would have dinner with us at our home on sunday (6) we would be delighted if you could find the time to join us for a small party we are having at our office to celebrate (7) we do hope you can join us (8) it would be an honor to me if you would accept our invitation (9) if i don’t hear from you before then, i’ll be expecting you that day (10) we should be very pleased if you could honor us with your presence (12) we would be very pleased if you (13) we are looking forward to seeing you both(14) if the date and time suggested above is not convenient to you, please suggest an alternative (16) i will be very happy to accept your kid invitation (17) nothing can prevent me .i’ll be there on time (18) it is with great pleasure that we shall


接受和拒绝邀请信写法 【导语】下面是作者为大家整理的接受和拒绝邀请信写法(共6篇),仅供大家参考借鉴,希望大家喜欢,并能积极分享! 篇1:接受和拒绝邀请信写法 接受和拒绝邀请信写法 受邀请而及时答复,是起码的礼节,复信要写得热情、诚恳、简洁。对正式邀请,通常用第三人称答复,不用签名,文字简短;对非正式邀请,作书面答复时,通常用第一人称,要签名,而且要有一个较大段落,或分成几小段。包括:感谢对方的邀请; 愉快地接受对方的邀请; 表示期待应邀赴约的心情。 婉拒邀请书信的写法 这种书信总的要求是要写得简洁明了而婉转,不给人被拒绝的感觉。对于正式邀请的'谢绝,一般用第三人称写,或由秘书写作,不必签字;对于非正式邀请的谢绝,一般由第一人称写,并要签名。其内容包括: 首先感谢对方盛情邀请,并对不能应邀赴约表示遗憾; 再简单陈述不能应邀的理由; 最后表示相信今后一定会有机会见面,或向邀请人致以问候。 工作邀请函 xx同学: 你已被#有限公司聘用为行政管理人员。你需要通过公司指定的医院的医疗检查并确定您的身体状况良好后,此工作邀请函方为有效, 在此提醒:你有义务按照中华人民共和国的相关法律就你的基本工资、伙食补助、奖金或你从公司得到的其他报酬(若有)缴纳个人所得税。你的工资具有私密性。公司规定每个人的工资详情应当保密,且不得向任何其他方披露。 如果任何一方决定解除劳动关系,必须向对方提前一个月发出通知,否则将支付相应的补偿,但是如果发生附于本聘用通知函后的“解除条件”中规定的任何情形,本条款不予适用

你将依照中华人民共和国相关法律和法规的规定,享受公司福利。公司制定了企业年金计划,你可以根据自身情况参加该项计划。 如果你能够通过签署并在毕业后返还本聘用通知函的方式确认您接受这些条款和条件以及您能够开始工作的日期,我们将不胜感激。如果你未在该日之前返还适当签署的文件,我们将视为你已经决定拒绝此次工作机会,本工作邀请函失效。 我们希望借此机会祝愿你在公司能够拥有一份成功、愉快的事业。顺颂商祺! #有限责任公司(盖章) xx主管: (签字) 日期:年月日 我确认我完全接受并将遵守由广州市东乐五金有限责任公司发出的工作邀请函文件中规定的条款和条件: 已签署的聘用函附在本确认函之上。 署人: 日期:年月日 篇2:英文拒绝邀请信 Dear#, Thank you very much for# be honest,#,the currentsituation does not allow me to do this. This has been a difficule decision for me,but I have to do the onehand,# the other hand,# view of these,I regretthat# hope this does not bring you much inconwenience. I feel very sorry to disappoint #,I will # do appreciateyour#,I wish#. Sincerely yours # 篇3:接受与拒绝 要懂得在适当的时候学会拒绝和接受,下面就来看看相关的对话吧!


1.求:英语的谢绝邀请的回涵一篇(急) Dear Mr./Miss/Mrs.XXX, Good morning and many thanks for your kind invitation to me to your party. I'd love to, but i got to go to Shanghai on business exactly on your party day. What a pity it is for me to miss your party. May you understand me on that. Have fun and enjoy your party. Best regards. Sincerely yours, XXX 呵呵,你误很大啊,那好歹你用中文编个理由够80字吧,我便不出理由了 你再多写几个字?工作意外,这也简单了。. 2.拒绝邀请英语作文 父母会想方设法满足孩子的需要,因为大多时间他们都忙于工作,很少有时间陪孩子。所以父 母会对孩子的大部分要求都点头同意,来弥补缺失的关心。 然而事事都依着孩子,并不是对其真正的关怀。 Indulgence from parents is very likely to throw bad influence on their children. For one thing, the only child of a family has difficulty distinguishing right and wrong. They used to get "yes" from others. Therefore, once they are refused, they will feel angry because in their mind, nobody can say "no" to them. Now, there are many bad events that youngsters hurt or kill others just because they are refused.For another thing, children will form the habit of getting something for nothing. They take everything they get for granted with no gratitude. They have formed the view that their parents have the duty to buy everything for them.Finally, most of the only children are selfish. Being the only child in the family, they needn't share anything with other, so usually they don't realize the importance of share. 父母的溺爱很有可能对孩子造成不良影响。 一方面,独生小孩子缺乏对错的判断力。他们习惯从父母那得到顺从。 所以一旦他们遭到拒绝会很生气,因为在他们印象中,没人对他们说不。如今有很多年轻人伤 害或杀人的恶性事件发生,就是因为他们遭到拒绝。 另一方面,孩子会养成不劳而获的习惯。他们视自己所得为理所当然,没有一丝感激。 他们形成父母有义务为他们买任何东西的观念。另外,独生子一般很自私,家里的独子没必要 与别人分享什么,所以他们没意识到分享的重要性。 In short, parent are supposed to take some effective measures to prevent the negative influences of overindulgence on their children, and parents should bear in mind that it's no good to the children's growth if they always say "yes" to them. 总之,父母应该采取有效措施,抑制过度溺 爱对孩子的负面影响,父母也应该意识到一味顺从孩子,对他们的成长没有好处。 3.英文邀请函回复格式范文 邀请函模版邀请信包括宴会、舞会、晚餐、聚会、婚礼等各种邀请信件,形式上大体分为两种:一种为正规的格式(formal correspondence),亦称请柬;一种是非正式格式(informal correspondence),即一般的邀请信。


拒绝邀请的回函范文英文(通用6篇) Dear John, I’m extremely sorry to tell you that I am unable to go to your party this Sunday. It’s very kind of you to invite me and I really look forward to going to your party and sharing your wonderful experiences abroad. Much to my regret, I will be absent from your party owing to the fact that the College Entrance Exam is just around the corner, for which I am now really busy praparing. What’s worse, I have caught a bad cold lately and I’d rather stay at home instead of going , we will have many more chances to get together. Would it be convenient for you if we make it after the exam? I’m truly sorry. I hope you will forgive me and accept my sincere ’m looking forward to your early reply! Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua 拒绝邀请的回函范文英文第2篇 Dear Paul, Thank you very much for your invitation. I would really like to play in the People’s Park , which will reopen next Sunday, but I will have to pick up my uncle at the airport in the early has been studying in the USA


婉拒邀请信英语作文 英文回答: Dear [Name of inviter],。 Thank you for your kind invitation to attend the [Name of event] on [Date of event]. I am honored to have received your invitation and appreciate you considering me for this opportunity. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the event due to [Reason for declining]. I have a prior commitment that I cannot reschedule, which conflicts with the event schedule. I understand that this event is important to you and your organization, and I am truly disappointed that I cannot be there to support you. I wish you all the best for a successful and memorable event.

Thank you again for thinking of me. I hope to have the opportunity to connect with you and your team in the future. Sincerely,。 [Your name] 中文回答: 尊敬的 [邀请人姓名],。 感谢您邀请我于 [活动日期] 参加 [活动名称]。我十分荣幸收 到您的邀请,并感谢您考虑让我参加本次活动。 遗憾的是,我无法出席该活动,原因如下 [拒绝原因]。我有一 个无法重新安排的既定安排,与活动时间冲突。 我理解本次活动对您和您的组织的重要性,我非常失望无法出 席以示对您的支持。我祝您和您的活动圆满成功,留下难忘的回忆。 再次感谢您的考虑。我希望有机会在未来与您和您的团队取得 联系。


拒绝邀请函回复范文 文章一: 拒绝邀请函回复范文 尊敬的xxx: 首先,感谢您对我撰写文章的邀请。然而,由于个人原因,我无法接受这次邀请。 在此,我表示由衷的歉意,因为我深知这次邀请的重要性,也非常愿意为您的工作出一点力。 但是,由于近期个人事务繁忙,我需要处理困扰了我一段时间的一些问题,因此不得不推迟跟您的合作预计。 谢谢您长久以来的支持与信任,并期待未来有机会再次合作。 祝好! 此致 敬礼 xxxx 文章二: 拒绝邀请函回复范文

尊敬的xxx: 很感谢您对我的邀请,让我更进了解到相关行业中的新进展。我从您的邀请信中意识到您对我的推崇不已,感觉十分不好意思。尽管这是一个极好的机会,但由于时间的问题,我无法参加这个向导学习课程。 因为我已经有了之前约定的工作和研究事项,它们占据了我的主要时间,以至于我无法脱身去参加课程。 再次感谢您的邀请,并期望我们在未来有机会合作。如果您还有其他的打算,请随时与我联系。 谢谢! 此致 敬礼 xxxx 文章三: 拒绝邀请函回复范文 尊敬的xxx: 感谢您的提议,很高兴您能够考虑邀请我参与此次活动。但是,

由于个人时间冲突以及其他重要的日程安排,我对您的邀请表示歉意,我无法参加该活动。 尽管我无法参加这次活动,希望这次活动是成功的,希望您的计划能有一个愉快的结束。 如果将来有类似的机会,我期待互相帮助和交流。 再次感谢您的邀请! 此致 敬礼 xxxx文章一: 拒绝邀请函回复范文 尊敬的xxx: 首先,感谢您对我撰写文章的邀请。然而,由于个人原因,我无法接受这次邀请。 在此,我表示由衷的歉意,因为我深知这次邀请的重要性,也非常愿意为您的工作出一点力。 但是,由于近期个人事务繁忙,我需要处理困扰了我一段时间的一些问题,因此不得不推迟跟您的合作预计。


英语拒绝邀请函格式范文 英文回答: I received your invitation to attend the charity event next weekend, and I appreciate the thoughtfulness in inviting me. However, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to attend due to a prior commitment. I have already made plans to visit my family out of town during that time, and I will not be able to change my schedule. I hope you understand my situation and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. I would have loved to support your event and contribute to the cause, but unfortunately, I will not be able to make it this time. Thank you again for thinking of me and inviting me to the event. I wish you all the best with the charity event and hope it is a great success. 中文回答:


接受拒绝邀请函英语作文 英文回答: Dear [Name],。 Thank you for extending an invitation to [Event Name] on [Date]. I appreciate your consideration and am honored to be included on your guest list. After careful contemplation, I have decided to respectfully decline your invitation. While I recognize the significance of this occasion, I have prior commitments that conflict with the event's schedule. I am deeply regretful that I will not be able to attend and witness firsthand the celebration of such a momentous event. I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the honorees and wish them all the best on this special day. I hope that the event is a resounding success and that you have a

wonderful time celebrating with loved ones and cherished colleagues. Thank you once again for the invitation. I appreciate your understanding and support. Sincerely,。 [Your Name] 中文回答: 尊敬的 [姓名],。 感谢您邀请我出席 [活动名称],时间为 [日期]。我非常感谢您的考虑,并荣幸收到您的邀请函。经过深思熟虑,我决定恭敬地谢绝您的邀请。 虽然我认识到这个场合的重要性,但我先前已有安排,与活动的日程冲突。我非常遗憾不能出席并亲眼见证这一重大事件的庆祝活动。


拒绝邀请函回复范文 篇一:拒绝邀请函回复范文 尊敬的主人: 感谢您邀请我参加您举办的晚宴,但由于我近期工作繁忙,不得不遗憾地婉拒您的邀请。 很抱歉无法出席您的活动,但我希望您能够理解我的处境。我非常感激您的邀请和对我的关注,同时也希望您的晚宴取得圆满成功,让来宾共度美好时光。 再次感谢您的邀请,我祝愿您一切顺利,期待今后能够有机会与您交流。 此致, 敬礼 XXX 篇二:拒绝邀请函回复范文 尊敬的主人: 非常感谢您给我发来邀请函,细致的叙述以及热情的邀请,让我感到了您的真情和友善。

但是我非常抱歉,我不能出席这次聚会。目前的工作安排非常忙碌,我必须全力以赴处理相关事务,因此无法出席晚宴。但是我会在心中祝福您和活动的所有参与者,希望聚会取得圆满成功,让每个人都能感受到温馨与快乐。 一次外出邀约是一次重要的社交活动,我感到非常感动,并感谢您不断地联系我,关注我。如同您一样,我也十分期待未来有机会与您面对面沟通交流,共商合作之道。 再次深表歉意,并祝聚会圆满成功,事业顺利,一切如意。 敬礼! XXXXXXXX 篇三:拒绝邀请函回复范文 尊敬的主人: 非常感谢您给我发了邀请函,十分抱歉我不能参加您的晚宴。一个人的时间和精力都是有限的,目前我身处紧密的工作安排中,时间和精力都十分宝贵,无法与他人共度愉悦的时光。在此,我对您保持一贯的诚恳与敬意,感激来自他人的邀请,期待更好的合作机会。 当我享受一个美好的周末假期时,我却发现自己的工作正处在一个紧密排期的状态下。我不能不去完成这些工作并且保证按时交付。虽然很难摆脱工作的束缚,但是我坚信只有经历过挑

战,才能获得成长和稳定发展的环境。 再次感谢您的邀请,希望我的缺席不会影响到聚会的进程和活动的热情,一定会等到机会合适的时候与您竭诚合作,共赢未来! 祝活动圆满成功! 此致 敬礼! Yours sincerely, XXXXXXX篇一:拒绝邀请函回复范文 尊敬的主人: 感谢您邀请我参加您举办的晚宴,但由于我近期工作繁忙,不得不遗憾地婉拒您的邀请。 很抱歉无法出席您的活动,但我希望您能够理解我的处境。我非常感激您的邀请和对我的关注,同时也希望您的晚宴取得圆满成功,让来宾共度美好时光。 工作虽然枯燥乏味,但是却是人们生活中不可分割的一部分,我希望能够更加积极地面对自己的工作,让自己更加成熟和有经验。我相信,有一个成功的事业会让我的人生更加完美。因


英文拒绝邀请信范文 那么英文拒绝邀请信范文该怎么写呢?下面是为大家整理的英文拒绝邀请信范文,希望对大家有帮助。 英文拒绝邀请信范文篇一Dear Mr. Johnson,We are terribly sorry that the repair of your cassette player is really beyond our reach. There are several reasons why we left your equipment unrepaired.Firstly, our technician in charge of the cassette player had been several days off for serious flu, the delayed the handling of the equipmentSecondly, there is no parts found in the present market to replace the volume control which really needs repairing.We have the ability to replace the on/off switch, however, the cost is too high to worth it, because you can use the amount of money to buy a new one.Accoring to our survey, this type of equipment is manufactured in 1985 and the manufacturer has gone out of business, so it is impossible for you to talk with them.We are really sorry for our helplessnessSincerely,MasonManager英文拒绝邀请信范文篇二Dear Professor White,Many thanks for your letter dated 15th August, inviting me to attend andchair a session of the forthcoming 2004 International Conference onParallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire, Michigan, from October 25 to 28, 2004.Much to my regret, I shall not be able to honor the invitation because Ihave been suffering from a disease since this summer. I am firmly advised that it would be unwise to undertake any


对函的回复拒绝范文(共46篇) 对函的回复拒绝范文第28篇对函的回复拒绝范文第42篇 Dear Sirs/Madam: We hereby sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our booth at The Continental Exhibition Center from April 15th to 20th 20xx. We’re one of the manufacturers specialized in sanitaryware, concluding one two piece toilet, wash basin, cabinet basin, pedestal basin, bidet, urinal, counter basin , decorated ceramics and so on. Our new models offer superb design and their new features give them distinct advantages over similar products from other manufacturers. It would be a great pleasure to meet you at the expect to establish long-term business relations with your company in future. Exhibition Center : The Continental Exhibition Center Booth Number : G-K105 G-K-106 Date : Apr 15th to 20th 20xx Best Regards Jia Jian General Manager 在应用写作中邀请函是特别重要的,而商务活动邀请函是邀请函的一个重要分支,.商务礼仪活动邀请函的主体内容符合邀请函的一般
