海上风电的基本术语 中英文对照

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3.13 hub height (wind turbines) 轮毂高度(风力发电机组) height of the centre of the swept area of the wind turbine rotor above the mean sea level 风力发电机风轮掠扫面积的中心点距离平均海平面的高度
3.18 lowest astronomical tide最低天文潮 lowest still water level that can be expected to occur under any combination of astronomical conditions and under average meteorological conditions. Storm surges, which are meteorologically generated and essentially irregular, are superimposed on the tidal variations, so that a total still water level belowlowest astronomical tide may occur. 在任何天文条件的组合下或一般气象条件下都可以被预 测的最低静水位。风暴潮是气象的产物,它本质上没有 规律,并与潮汐变化相互重叠,所以总静水位可能低于 最低天文潮。 3.19 manufacturer制造商 party or parties responsible for the manufacture and construction of an offshore wind turbine 负责海上风力发电机组的制造和生产的一方或多方
3.15 hummocked ice 冰丘 crushed ice and ice floes piled up into ridges when large ice floes meet with each other or with a rigid obstacle, e.g. an offshore wind turbine support structure 大块浮冰碰到其它浮冰或者坚硬的障碍物(例如海上风力发电机 组的支撑结构)时,碎冰和浮冰堆积形成的冰丘。 3.16 ice floe 浮冰 a sheet of ice in size from meters to several kilometers, not rigidly frozen to a shore, still or in motion 大小从几米到几千米的片状冰块,与岸边冻得不是很结实,可能 静止不动也可能在漂移 3.17 icing 结冰 build-up of a cover of ice or frost on parts of an offshore wind turbine that can result in added loads and/or changed properties 在海上风力发电机组的某些组成部分上形成的冰层或霜冻,这可 能引起额外载荷和/或改变特性
3.12 highest astronomical tide 最高天文潮 highest still water level that can be expected to occur under any combination of astronomical conditions and under average meteorological conditions. Storm surges, which are meteorologically generated and essentially irregular, are superimposed on the tidal variations, so that a total still water level abovehighest astronomical tide may occur. 在任何天文条件的组合下或一般气象条件下都可以预测的最 高静水位。风暴潮是气象的产物,它本质上没有规律,并与 潮汐变化相互重叠,所以总静水位可能高于最高天文潮。
3.20 marine conditions海洋条件 characteristics of the marine environment (waves, sea currents, water level, sea ice, marine growth,seabed movement and scour, etc.) which may affect the wind turbine behaviour 可能影响风力发电机组性能的海洋环境特性(海浪、 洋流、水位、海冰、海生物、海床运动和冲刷等)
3.14 load effect 载荷效应
effect of a single load or combination of loads on a structural component or system, e.g. internal
force, stress, strain, motion etc. 单个载荷或者组合载荷对某个结构部件或整个系统
3.6 external conditions (wind turbines) 外部条件(风力发电机组)
factors affecting operation of an offshore wind turbine, including the environmental conditions, the electrical network conditions, and other climatic factors (temperature, snow, ice, etc.) 影响海上风力发电机组运行的因素,包括环境条件、电网条件和 其他气候因素(如温度、降雪、结冰等等) 3.7 extreme significant wave height 极端有效波高 expected value of the highest significant wave height, averaged over 3 hours, with an annual probability 3.8 extreme wave height极端波高 expected value of the highest individual wave height (generally the zero up-crossing wave height) with an annual probability of exceedance of 1/N (“ recurrence period” : N years) 最高单个波高的期望值(通常为向上跨越零点的波高),超过这 个期望值的年概率为1/N(“ 重复周期” :N年)
3.3 design wave设计波浪 deterministic wave with a defined height, period and direction, used for the design of an offshorestructure. A design wave may be accompanied by a requirement for the use of a particular periodic wave theory 用于海上结构物的设计,具有指定高度、周期和方向的确定性波浪。 设计波浪可能要求采用特定的波浪周期理论 3.4 designer设计方 party or parties responsible for the design of an offshore wind turbine 负责海上风力发电机组设计的一方或多方 3.5 environmental conditions 环境条件 characteristics of the environment (wind, waves, sea currents, water level, sea ice, marine growth,scour and overall seabed movement, etc.) which may affect the wind turbine behaviour 可能影响风力发电机组性能的环境特性(如风、浪、洋流、水位、 海冰、海生物、冲刷和整体海床运动等
a sea state 在某个海况下,海浪跨越零点(向上或向下)的平均周期 3.24 metocean 海洋气象
abbreviation of meteorological and oceanographic 是单词“ 气象的” (meteorological)和“ 海洋学的” (oceanographic)的缩写
Offshore windpower terms
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3.1 co-directional (wind and waves) 同向(风和浪) acting in the same direction 作用在同一方向 3.2 Current 水流 a flow of water past a fixed location usually described in terms of a current speed and direction 经过一个固定位置的水流,通常由流速和流向描述
to remove variations due to waves, tides and storm surges 在能够消除海浪、潮汐和风暴潮所引起的变化的足够长的一 段时间内,海平面的的平均水平 3.23 mean zero crossing period平均跨零周期
average period of the zero-crossing (up or down) waves in
3.25 multi-directional (wind and/or wave) 多方向(风和/或海浪)a distribution of directions 方向的分布
3.9 fast ice cover固定冰盖 a rigid continuous cover of ice not in motion 静止状态下的连续刚性冰覆盖层 3.10 fetch风距 distance over which the wind blows constantly over the sea with approximately constant wind speed and direction 风以近似恒定的风速和风向持续地吹过海面所经过的距离 3.11 foundation基础 part of an offshore wind turbine support structure which transfers the loads acting on the structure into the seabed. Different foundation concepts are shown in Figure 1 together with the other parts of an offshore wind turbine. 海上风力发电机组的支撑结构的组成部分,能将作用在结构上的 载荷传递到海床上。不同类型的海上风力 发电机组基础以及其它部分如图1所示。
3.21 marine growth海生物 surface coating on structural components caused by plants, animals and bacteria 由动植物和细菌引起的结构部件表面上的覆盖物
3.22 mean sea level平均海平面
average level of the sea over a period of time long enough