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托福听力学习笔记之TPO2:lecture3 下面就让小编来为大家介绍一下这篇托福听力TPO2学习笔记的内容吧,这是小编的一些见解,以便帮助大家更加充分的理解TPO真题,希望能够给正在准备托福听力的考友们带来帮助。


1.ethical adj. 伦理的;道德的;凭处方出售的

2.extrinsic adj. 外在的;外来的

3. intrinsic adj. 本质的,固有的

4.instrument n. 仪器;工具


1.But he does give us a couple of criteria, or features, to keep in mind as we look for what true human happiness is.


criteria n. 标准,条件(criterion的复数)




as引导的时间状语从句,主句中we look for what true human happiness is,包含what引导的宾语从句


6. we need to discuss is Aristotle—Aristotle’s ethical theory. What Aristotle’s ethical theory is all about is this: he’s trying to show you how to be happy。开头原则中的直奔主题式,直接指出要讨论的内容,所以答案选D.

7.. About Exercise: So I desire to engage in exercise and I value exercise extrinsically . . . not for its own sake, but as a means to something beyond it.

About Teaching: but I could make more money doing other things. I’d do it even if they didn’t pay me. I just enjoy teaching. In that sense it’s an end to itself.

Health: It’s pleasant to be healthy, unpleasant not to be. So to some degree I value health both for itself and as a means to something else: productivity. It’s got extrinsic and intrinsic value for me.

Playing instrument: . I’m a musician, not a professional musician; I just play a musical instrument for fun.


8. Well, Aristotle asks: is there something that all human beings value . . . and value only intrinsically, for its own sake and only for its own sake? Aristotle thought the answer was yes. What is it? Happiness. 问答原则,问句后面的事重点,所以答案选D。

9. Second, true happiness should be something that I can obtain on my own. I shouldn’t have to rely on other people for it. …because fame depends altogether too much on other people. 强调原则,second作为信号词出现,从后面看出来答案是D

10. About Teaching: but I could make more money doing other things. I’d do it even if they didn’t pay me. I just enjoy teaching. In that sense it’s an end to itself. 转折原则,but 后面的内容是重点,答案选C

11. 答案选D.



