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Objective Clause & Adverbial Clause(IF, WHEN)


一.学习目标 (1min)

掌握if和when引导的宾语从句和状语从句,从而能正确区分和辨析。二.学习重点 (4min)

1. 语序, if和when作为连接词, 时态

2. if 引导宾语从句时意为“是否”,条件状语从句意为“如果,假如”。

3. when引导宾语从句意为“什么时候”,时间状语从句意为“当……时候”。


1. ----I wonder when be held. A

----If it , we’ll have it next Monday.

A.the sports meeting will, doesn’t rain

B.will the sports meeting, doesn’t rain

C.the sports meeting will, will not rain

2. ----I called you to make sure so that I could meet you at

the airport, b ut I didn’t get you through(接通你的电话).


----I was having a meeting you called me.

A. when you would come back, before

B. when you would come back, when

C. when you came back, when

3. ----I don’t know if his uncle .

----I think he if it is fine. A

A. will come, will come

B. will come, comes

C. comes, will come

4. ----I want to know .

----We can just go there . A

A.when we are leaving for the US, when our visas(签证) and

passports are issued(颁发)

B.when are we leaving for the US, when our visas and passports

are issued

C.when we are leaving for the US, when our visas and passports

will be issued

5. I am not sure if he , if he , I will tell him about the car

A. visits, will visit

B. will visit, visits

C. will visit, will visit

6. ----I don’t know when Mr. Li to Russia.

----I think he will come when he free. C

A. comes, is

B. will come, will be

C. will come, is

7. ----Mrs. Li, can you tell me you are angry when our

students don’t obey the rules in class

----A little, but I will stop them in a friendly way if . B

A. that, they indeed(确实) break the rules

B. if, they indeed break the rules

C. when, they will indeed break the rules

8. ----I wonder when you in New York. A

----I will send an E-mail to you when I there.

A. will arrive, get

B. arrive, will get

C. will arrive, will get

9. ----Steve, do you know if Phil to the zoo this Sunday if it

----Sor ry, I don’t know.B

A. goes, is fine

B. will go, is free

C. goes, will

be fine

10. They had an agreement they would get married if they were

both single when . A

A. that,they were in their thirties

B. /,they would be in their thirties

C. that,they would be in their thirties



1.引导条件状语从句的从属连词:as long as, unless

. As long as we get enough money, we can start our project.

You cannot score a high mark, unless you study hard.2.①若宾语从句本来就是陈述句,用that或者省略掉;

. I am sure (that) Susan is in classroom.




. I don’t know whether to go.

ⅱ与or not连用

. I am not certain whether she is willing to do some shopping with me or not.


. I am interested in whether my mother likes my new dress.

3. 引导时间状语从句的从属连词:while, as, as soon as, before,

after. etc.
