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Automobile is the modern traffic tools, the most common used most, also be the most convenient traffic transportation. Automobile brake system is automobile chassis to an important system, it is restricted by the car of the movement of the device. And the brake is brake system directly effect the automobile sport in a restricted key device, is the most important safety car parts. The automobile braking performance directly influence the car driving safety. With the rapid development of the industry and highway traffic density increases day by day, the people to the safety and reliability of the demand is higher and higher, to ensure the safety of the person and vehicles, must be equipped with very reliable car brake system.

This manual mainly designed saibao hafei car brake system. First this paper reviewed the automobile braking system development, structure, classification, and through to the drum brake disc brake and the structure of the advantages and disadvantages and analyzed. Ultimately determine the scheme adopts hydraulic double circuit qianpan hougu type brake. In addition, it's still around to brake and brake main cylinder design, calculation of the main parts of parameter selection and brake pipe, the design process of decorate a form, etc.

Key words: Braking; Brake drum; Brake disc; Hydroid pressure;Braking cylinder


摘要 (Ⅰ)

Abstract (Ⅱ)

第1章绪论 (1)

1.1汽车制动系的研究的目的和意义 (1)

1.2汽车制动系统的研究现状和发展趋势 (1)

1.3汽车制动系设的计要求 (5)

第2章制动系统总体方案的确定 (7)

2.1 制动系统的分类及作用 (7)

2.2 制动系统的主要参数的确定及计算 (8)

2.2.1 制动力与制动力分配系数 (8)

2.2.2 同步附着系数 (9)

2.2.3 制动器最大制动力矩 (9)

2.2.4 制动器因数 (10)

2.3 本章小结 (11)

第3章制动驱动机构的设计 (12)

3.1 制动驱动机构的结构型式选择 (12)

3.2 液压制动驱动机构的设计计算 (13)

3.2.1 制动轮缸直径与工作容积 (13)

3.2.2 制动主缸直径与工作容积 (14)

3.2.3 制动踏板力与踏板的行程 (14)

3.3 本章小结 (15)

第4章制动器设计和计算 (16)

4.1 制动器方案确定 (16)

4.1.1鼓式制动器 (16)

4.1.2盘式制动器 (18)

4.2 鼓、盘式制动器的主要参数的确定 (19)

4.2.1 鼓式制动器的结构参数和摩擦系数 (19)

4.2.2 盘式制动器主要参数的确定 (20)

4.3 制动器的设计与计算 (21)

4.3.1 制动蹄摩擦面的压力分布规律及径向变形规律 (21)

4.3.2 制动蹄片上的制动力矩 (22)

4.3.3 摩擦衬块的磨损特性计算 (23)

4.3.4 制动器热容量和温升的核算 (25)

4.3.5 盘式制动器制动力矩的计算 (26)

4.3.6驻车制动计算 (27)

4.4 制动器主要零部件的结构设计 (28)

4.4.1 制动鼓 (28)

4.4.2 制动蹄 (29)

4.4.3 制动底板 (30)

4.4.4 制动蹄的支承 (30)

4.4.5 制动轮缸 (30)

4.4.6 制动盘 (30)

4.4.7 制动钳 (31)

4.4.8 制动块 (31)

4.4.9 摩擦材料 (31)

4.4.10 制动器间隙的调整方法及响应机构 (31)

4.5 本章小结 (32)

结论 (33)

参考文献 (34)

致谢 (35)

附录 (36)
