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6. 关于厖


7. 获悉;听说8. 熟练于9. 填表

10. 在网站上

11. 上传一张生活照12. 非常胜任该职位

13. 随函附上14. 说…流利15. 与他人合作have some related knowledge about

be informed of be skillful at fill in the form on the website

upload a photo of life

be well qualified for the post/ position enclose speak 语言fluently cooperate with others 一. 申请、招聘、应聘

1. 出生于

2. 身体健康

3. 符合你的能力要求

4. 熟悉……

5. 与……交流

6. 善于

7. 性格开朗

8. 积极的,阳光的9. 外向的10. 友好的11. 乐于助人的12. 勇于挑战13. 幽默的

be born on/in be in good health

meet your ability requirements be familiar with communicate with

be good at/ be skilled at cheerful personality positive out-going friendly helpful

tackle challenges humorous

与他人合作 cooperate with others

21. 应聘者应该具备相关的工作经验。

The applicants are supposed to have relevant experience.

20. 通过以下地址联系 contact sb. at the following address








a r o u s e o n e ’s i n t e r e s t s o f f e r o n e ’s s e r v i c e a t a c q u i r e t h e f i r s t -h a n d a c k n o l e d g e / i n f o r m a t i o n f i r s t -r a t e p a r t -t i m e j o

b f u l l -t i m e j o b b e s u p p o s e d t o d e v o t e d e x

c e l l e n t ,o u t s t a n

d i n g a n n o u n c

e c e r t i

f i c a t e d e a d l i n e

e x p e r i e n c e d

曾经做过销售员 have/ has ever worked as a salesman

致力于,献身于 be devoted to +doing/名词

be committed to +doing/名词

尽某人绵薄之力 do one ’s bit

尽全力 make every effort

毫不犹豫 without any hesitation without any delay

12. 网站维护

13. 热心和耐心的14. 在我的空余时间15. 交际能力

16. 团队精神

17. 有责任感


18. 申请

申请者19. 简历20. 通过…联系sb

21. 加入你们的团队12. website maintenance 13. warm-hearted and patient 14. in my spare time

15. ability of communication 16. teamwork spirit 17. have the sense of responsibilities be responsible for 18. apply for applicant 19. Resume

20. contact sb. at +地址/电话

21. join in your staff


Dear Sir or Madam,








Dear Sir or Madam,

I was pleased to learn from了解your advertisement in +地点on+日期for a +工作岗位. I’d like to apply for the post申请职位. I was born on March 28th, 1993, and in good health身体健康. I am out-going and humorous as well as devoted阳光幽默. Besides, not only am I good at 善于communicating with others与人交流in English fluently流利的but also like cooperating with合作people,tackling challenges勇于挑战and having responsibilitie s有责任心. I have ever had a part-time job 兼职as a 工作岗位. With my educational background and work experience,I believe,I am well qualified for the position非常胜任该职位.I am eager to join your staff渴望加入你们的团队. My resume and photo are enclosed随函附上.If you have any decision , please contact me at the following address or call me at+电话. 通过以下地址或电话
