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able 指有能力做某事,强调聪明、能干、有本事,后面可接动词不定式,后加-er,—est构成比较级和最高级形式,用例:There are many able students in our institute.//You are able to do it better than I.//She is an abler actress than I thought.

capable 意为“有能力的、有才能的”,与able相比语义较弱,有时两词可以互换使用,但capable 后面只可接介词of,而不能接动词不定式,前接more,the most构成比较级和最高级形式,用例:Let me introduce the capable doctor to your parents.//Show your teacher what you are capable of //He is capable of running a mile in four minutes.

competent 除表示“有能力”外,还兼有“胜任的”之义,后面可接动词不定式或介词as,for 或to,前接more,themost构成比较级和最高级形式,用例:He isn't a very competent director.//Is she competent to do the work?//Is she competent as a teacher?//They are competent for designing this type of machine.//He is not competent to the task of teaching English.【absurd,ridiculous】ddj.[定,表,补]荒谬的,可笑的

这两个词前接more,the most构成比较级和最高级形式。

absurd 意为“荒谬的、可笑的”,表示某种言论因其极不符合逻辑、常识和情理而令人发笑,往往指无稽之谈,常后接介词in 用例:It is absurd in theory.//n is absurd to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow.//What could be more absurd than that?

ridiculous 指某人或某件事是“荒唐可笑的”,常后接介词in 用例:He looks ridiculous in that hat.//Don't be ridiculous! //The idea seemed ridiculous to him.

【abundant,ample】adj. [定,表,补]大量的这两个词意义相近,许多情况下可互换,但仍有差异。

abundant 意为“大量的、多的”,多指某物品有“充裕的”供应,前接more,the most构成比较级和最高级形式,但很少使用,用例:abundant rainfall //an abundant supply of meat,milk and eggs。

ample 本义为“充分的”,可引申为“大量的’,表示足够或超出必要的程度,通常后接不可效名词或可数名词复数形式,可前接more,the most或后加·er,·est构成比较级和最高级形式,用例:ample opportunities//ample time //We have ample money for the journey.【acid,sour】adj.[定,表,补]酸的

acid 一般指自然的酸味,通常是因含有化学酸,其引申义可表示辛辣、刻薄或讽刺,无比较级或最高级形式,用例:acid rain//acid fruits//Lemons have an acid taste.—//His wit became acid.

sour 有时可与acid互换使用,用例:The fruit is still green and tastes sour.该词也表示物质由于发酵或变质而发酸,后加-er,—est构成比较级和最高级形式,用例:sour garbage//sour milk //He has a sour temper.用于形容人时,指人脾气坏、尖酸挑剔,用例:Jane took a sour view of everything.


accurate 意为“准确的、精确的”,往往含有小心谨慎地做到与某一标准或客观事物相符合或相一致的意味,可后接介词at,in等,前接more,the most构成比较级和最高级形式,用例:Clocks in railway station should be accurate./He was accurate in his work.//His memory was not accurate.

exact 意为“确切的、精确的、贴切的”,强调与事实、真实情况或标准绝对相符、严格吻合,语气比accurate强,常后接介词in无比较级或最高级形式,用例:He is always exact in his words.//I can hardly find an exact word to express.//What is the exact size of the room? precise 意为“准确的、精确的”,着重指具有高度的精确度和准确性,表示连详情细节都精确无误、分毫不差,因此有时含有过于讲究细节甚至吹毛求疵的意味,常后接介词in前接more,the most构成比较级和最高级形式,用例:He is precise in a11 his habits.//It is hard to give a precise definition to it.

