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景观landscape 园林建筑业〔术〕landscape architecture

风景园林师landscape architect 建筑学architecture

园艺业〔学〕landscape gardening 建筑师architect

重大思想的设计师the architect of sth。理论theory

改革开放refore and opening—up policy 代表representatives

思想mao Zedong’s thought 校园campus

大一freshman 大二sophomore 大三junior 大四senior

景观都市主义Landscape Urbanism景观根底设施〔Landscape as Infrastructure〕

城镇景观〔town-scape 〕乡村景观(land-scape)

无边界景观(limitless landscape) 生态城市〔Ecological City〕

后现主义风景园Post Modernism Landscape Architecture 现主风景园Modern Landscape Architecture 景观生态landscape ecology城市景观系统The urban landscape system

城市景观的人类主导性The city landscape human sexual

城市景观的生态脆弱性The city landscape ecological vulnerability

城市景观的破碎性The city landscape fragmentation

城市景观构造成分The urban landscape structure position

调整和优化城市用地空间构造Adjustment and optimization of urban spatial structure

中国古典园林Classical Chinese garden

中国传统园林Traditional Chinese garden

中国古代园林Ancient Chinese garden

中国山水园Chinese mountain and water garden

帝王宫苑Imperial palace garden

皇家园林Royal garden

私家园林Private garden

江南园林Garden on the Yangtze Delta

西方古典园林Western classical garden

英国式园林English style garden

中英混合式园林Anglo-Chinese style garden

意大利式园林Italian style garden 西班牙式园林Spanish style garden

法兰西式园林French style garden

勒诺特尔式园林Le-Notre's style garden 文艺复兴庄园Renaissance style villa

洛可可式园林Rococo style garden

巴洛克式园林Baroque style garden

庄园manor,villa garden

廊柱园Peristyle garden,patio



灵囿Ling You Hunting Garden

灵沼Ling Zhao Water Garden

灵台Ling Tai PlatformGarden 阿房宫E-Pang Palace

上林苑Shang-Lin Yuan

未央宫Wei-Yang Palace

XX宫Luoyang Palace

华清官Hua-Qing Palace

艮岳Gen Yue Imperial Garden 圆明园Yuan-Ming Yuan Imperial


颐和园Yi-He Yuan Imperial Garden,Summer Palace

XX避暑Chengde Imperial Summer Resort

XX园林Suzhou traditional garden

悬园Hanging Garde

英国皇家植物园Royal Botanical Garden, Kew garden 凡尔赛宫苑Versailles Palace Park

枫丹白露宫园Fontainebleau Palace Garden

视野Visual field

秋色Fall color,autumn


园林空间Garden spac

开敞空间Wide open space,

wide space

封闭空间Enclosure space

意境artistic conception,poetic imagery


空灵spaciousness,airiness 动观in-motion viewing

静观in-position viewing视错觉Visual illusion

园林艺术布局Artistic layout of garden

对称平衡Symmetrical balance 不对称平衡Asymmetrical balance

左右对称Bilateral symmetry 辐射对称Radial symmetry透景线Perspective line 轴线axis,axial line主轴Main axis

副轴Auxiliary axis暗轴Hidden axis,invisible axis

树冠线skyline园林色彩艺术Art of garden colors

单色谐调Monochromatic harmony

复色谐调pound chromatic harmony

比照色突出Contrast colors accent

近似色谐调Approximate colors harmony

暖色Warm color冷色Cool color

色感Color sense

传统园林traditional garden

城市园林绿地系统urban gardens and greenbelts system


远景Distant view

近景Nearby view

障景Obstructive scenery,blocking view

借景Borrowed scenery,view borrowing

对景Opposite scenery,view in opposite place

缩景Miniature scenery,abbreviated scenery

漏景Leaking through scenery

框景Enframed scenery

尾景Terminal feature

主景Main feature
