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My resignation——Book 4 Challenge yourself Ⅲ


Teaching aim

1. Use some words and phrases to talk about children and adults.

2. Understand the passage “My resignation” with some reading skills such as skimming and scanning.

3. Learn to write back to the writer with some positive words.

Part 1:Self-study(自学)

present resignation complex schedule

lemonade stand 童谣nuclear weapons 核武器multiplication tables 汽水摊gossip 捉迷藏

nursery rhymes 乘法表play hide and seek 闲话

Part 2:Lead in(导入)

1. What does “child” mean?

C andy, cake…H I L D

2. As an adult, I have a lot of responsibilities, for example, I have to work. Now, I am not satisfied, so

I want to resign, which means .

A. to change job

B. to give up job

C. to start a new job

Part 3:Reading & display(探究展示)

1) Pre-reading

Prediction: what does the writer resign from and why?

A. The writer is tired of his present job.

B. The writer is not satisfied with his salary.

C. The writer can’t get along with his coworkers.

D. The writer is tied of being an adult.

2) While-reading

Step1. Skimming

Skim the passage and check your answer.

Step2. Scanning Step 3 Careful reading

What does the last sentence mean:“If you want to discuss this further, you have to catch me first”. A. The writer invites us to play a children’s game. B. The writer wants to escape from the discussion.

C. The writer wants to be caught.

D. The writer runs fast.

3) After-reading ( group work)

Task of an adult. Choose 5 suitable words beginning with “a, d, u, l, t” from the envelopes and explain them.

Reflection: At present, what should we do to prepare for being an adult?


1. Fill in the blanks: 1)After he (辞职), he (明白) that his (婚姻)was at an end and he became (无家可归的).

2). The football team 11 players. (由……组成)

3). At present , he is present . He presents his letter and a present .

2. Find beautiful and useful sentences of this passage and recite them.
