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e.g. There are numerous examples to illustrate this point of view.


adj. 许多的,多种的,相当于many and varied

e.g. The government performed competently in the face of multiple challenges.

3. A tremendous amount of

许多的,相当于 a large amount of

e.g. A tremendous amount of people are affected by the accident.

4.The majority of

⼤大多数,相当于most of

e.g. The majority of people rejected his ideas at the time.

5. A wealth of/a great deal of

许多的,可以替换a lot of ,后接不可数名词

e.g. a wealth of/a great deal of information/knowledge/money


adj.越来越多的,相当于more and more

e.g. There's mounting evidence of a link between obesity and some forms of cancer.

7. A mounting number of

越来越多的,可以替换an increasing number of

e.g. A mounting number of people are influenced by the unexpected storm.


adj. 最⼤大量的,最⼤大化的

e.g. Working at home is more advisable, for it can bring the maximum benefit.

9.Make maximum use of

最⼤大化使⽤用,相当于make the best use of

e.g. They made maximum use of the resources available.


adj. 很重要的,可以替换important

e.g. iPad is one of the most significant inventions of Apple Company.


adj. ⾮非常重要的,可以替换extremely important

a. Hard work and sheer tenacity are all crucial/essential to career success.

b.It is essential to acquire certain skills before finding jobs.


adj. 不可或缺的,可以替换 extremely important

a.Cell phones have become and indispensable part of our daily life.

b.Food is indispensable to humans.


adj. 巨⼤大的,⽤用来表⽰示程度,可以替换huge/great

a.an enormous/immense /a tremendous amount of

b.make a tremendous effort to

c.He has made an enormous/immense/a tremendous progress in his fiel


d. TV has brought an enormous/immense/a tremendous change to human lif



adv. 很⼤大程度上地,⼤大⼤大地,可以替换greatly/a lot

a.Modern society have benefited enormously/immensely /tremendously from

these scientific breakthroughs.

b.Phones and computers have enormously/immensely/tremendously changed

people’s lives.

15.Devoid of /Destitute of

adj. 缺乏…的,形容词词组,相当于lack of

a. A majority of companies do not like job applicants who are destitute

of/devoid of working experience.

b.The worst solitude is to be destitute of / devoid of sincere friendship.

16.Conscious of / Cognizant of

adj. 意识到的,可以替换 aware of

a.Parents begin to be increasingly conscious of / cognizant of the negative

influence of TV programs on children’s study.

b.Few people are conscious of / cognizant of the damage caused by air



v. 追求

a.Pursue dream/ perfection/ individual enjoyment
