

我的爱好英语作文 50 字 导语:爱好也要注意利人利已。良好的爱好陶冶情操。不良的爱好,失人丧 志。下面是 yjbs 作文 网小编为您收集整理的英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。 我的爱好英语作文(1) Who has a hobby, I am no exception, for example: ride a bike, take basketball, practice calligraphy and painting (art), electronic piano, etc., these are my hobby, and I like reading books best. I didn't like reading books, then slowly just like reading, because when I was four or five years old mother discovered a have time to just pick up the book and read with relish, I'll ask a mother: "mom, the book interesting?" "The book is very interesting!" Mom replied. Under the guidance of my mother, I slowly fell in love with the reading. Remember once, mom and dad all asleep, I took a book from the bookcase, with relish. The name of the book is called "PHS roaming the future", one of the protagonist, nicknamed PHS. The book has three parts: the PHS roaming in the future, six years later, the PHS swim again in the future and 16 years of PHS three Tours in the future. I was to see their eyelids heavy, a little nod off, just endure a endure, see again, read the book in a breath. Another time, I take a book "the diary of a lot of trouble to see in the toilet, forget the time we watch them, my father said:" Liu Peixin, you repair the toilet? Is too slow." I have to hurry up. The book is good, I like reading books. 谁都有爱好, 我也不例外, 例如: 骑自行车、 拍篮球、 绘画(美术)、 练书法、 弹电子琴等,这些都是我的爱好,而我最喜欢看书。 我原来不喜欢看书,后来慢慢地才喜欢看书,因为我四、五岁时发现妈妈一 有时间就把书拿起来看,读得津津有味,我就问妈妈:“妈妈,书有意思 吗?”“书很有意思啊!”妈妈答道。在妈妈的引导下,我慢慢 地喜欢上了看书。

记得有一次,爸爸妈妈全睡熟了,我把书从书柜里拿出来,看得津津有味。 那本书的名字叫《小灵通漫游未来》,其中有一个主人公,绰号小灵通。全书有 三个部分: 《小灵通漫游未来》 、 六年后的 《小灵通再游未来》 和十六年后的 《小 灵通三游未来》。我当时看得眼皮沉,还有点犯困,就忍一忍,又看了起来,一 口气把书看完了。 还有一次,我拿一本《淘气包日记 》在厕所看,看着看着就忘了时间,爸爸说:“刘佩鑫,你修厕所呢? 太慢了。”我只好赶紧起来了。 书是有益的,我喜欢看书。 我的爱好英语作文(2) My hobby is not novel, but a wide, even the parents often plaint. Love reading hobby also from about four years ago. That's naughty I didn't love reading, but on one occasion, from toys pile was found in a book is opened. Curiosity prompted me to look down. All of a sudden, I was immediately beautiful illustrations in the book and the wonderful content to attract. Grew up, more and more, I love reading, watching every day, a day watching less all not line, become a real bookworms. To this end, I still made a joke! Remember once, my mother let me boil water, boiling water, I picked up a book, by the way, taste with relish to read the contents, get carried away. Although I because reading by mistake, but I still love reading, because from the book, I learned many knowledge,'ve learned a lot, know many friends: the ugly duckling, Cinderella, sun wukong, bing xin, lu xun, Edison... Reading is to improve my writing level by a lot! 我的爱好虽不新奇,但广泛得连父母都时常感叹。 爱看书的爱好还得从四年前说起。 那是贪玩的我并不怎么爱看书, 但有一次, 从玩具堆中发现了一本被翻开的书。好奇心促使我看了下去。一下子,我马上被 书中那精美的插图与那精彩的内容给吸引了。长大后,我越来越爱看书了,每天 都要看,少看一天都不行,成了一个不折不扣的“小书虫″。为此, 我还闹出了笑话呢!记得有一次,妈妈让我烧水,烧水时,我顺便拿起一本书, 津津有味地品读书中的精彩内容,看得忘乎所以。 虽然我因为看书误了事, 但我仍然爱读书, 因为从书中, 我学会了许多知识, 悟出了许多道理,认识许多朋友:丑小鸭、灰姑娘、孙悟空、鲁迅、冰心、爱迪 生……读书还使我的作文水平提高了不少呢!






《我的爱好作文》 我的爱好作文(一): 我的爱好 每个人都有自我的爱好。我也不例外,我也有自我的爱好,此刻就让我来告诉你我的爱好吧。 我的爱好是画画,绘画是我最喜欢的爱好命根,所以我的房间堆满了许多画。 记得小时候,每当我在外面看到新奇的东西或者有好处的事情,我都会情不自禁地停下来认真观察,记住它们的特征,然后回家把它们画下来,几乎是见什么画什么。 我不仅仅爱好画画,而且还爱好动手做小手工。因为做小手工不但能开发智力、协调手脑配合潜力,而且还能培养创造力。 爱好是每个人的天赋,期望全世界的爸爸妈妈不要逼孩子去做自我不愿意的事,这样全世界都是快乐的! 我的爱好作文(二): 我的爱好 人人都有自我的爱好,我也有我的爱好,我的爱好是画画。 我爱画画,因为有一件事情让我对画画十分喜爱,又一次,班主任樊老师来到班级,说:咱班谁想画画,就选两个人,谁画的好,谁的画就能够去参见比赛。 举手的人有:我,宋娟,吴更林,唐艳新,孙刘乐,门中宇,史亚楠,徐晨和范雨薇。我怕老师不选我,所以就跑到老师面前说:老师,我能够参加画画吗?宋娟看我跑到前面,她也跑到前面跟老师说她也想参加,老师就给了我们每人一张素描纸。唐艳新看到我和宋娟参加了画画,她不服气,我心想:她不服气也没办法,我和宋娟已经参加了。老师给的素描纸一张是打完框的,一张是没打完框的,老师把打完框的给了我。晚上妈妈和爸爸带我去阿姨家看电脑上的图案照着画。我画的时候觉得就像在玩似的。画完以后,我看着我的画,又看了看电脑上的画,虽然有点区别,但是我觉得这是我画得最好的一幅画。我给爸爸妈妈看,爸爸和妈妈都夸我画的好看,爸爸还说:可欣,你以前是不是学过画画啊!画的真不错。到了第二天,我和宋娟的画,老师选了我的画。 临近艺术表演还有6天,老师给我们发了树苗纸,我们分别有自我喜欢的作品,我画了一幅毛毛虫画,每个毛毛虫都很可爱,再加上点颜色,就显得更生动了,这幅画我费了好大得劲才画出来。虽然画的不是那么好看,但是这是我努力


关于我的家庭英语作文5篇 有家就有爱,父母给予我们的爱像蜜糖一样让我们开心的生活,你知道怎么写一篇我的家庭的英语作文吗?下面是小编为大家收集关于我的家庭英语作文5篇,欢迎借鉴参考。【篇一】 I have a happy family, I love my father and mother love me. And a sister. Who is that? He is my grandfather. That? She is my grandmother. My family are all very healthy, very love me. I am very happy, I love my family and my relatives. 【篇二】 I love my family,because I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher.His name is Jacky.He is thirty-eight.He likes playing basketball.My mother is a teacher.She is very kind and nice,and she is thirty-seven.I love my parents! On Saturday and Sunday,I often go to the library and play the piano.My father go to play basketball.Sometimes we watch TV and listen to music at home. I love my family.Because I’m very happy to live with my parents together! 【篇三】 This is my family. There are four people in my family. My grandmother, my father, my mother and me. My grandmother has short white hair. She looks very nice. My father has short black hair and small eyes. He looks very fat, so I often call him “fat man”. He works at a factory. My mother works at a L.D.T. My mother has long black hair. She likes sports and traveling, so I often go on sports with my mother. On holidays my family often go to travel. I study at Guiyuan Primary School. We are very happy. 【篇四】 Do you want have my name?I want tell you. My name is Betty, I’m fouteen, I’m a student, I’m in NO.1 High School. I have a happy family. My father is an office worker, he works in an office. My mother is an office worker, too. Bananas, rice are my father’s favorite food, but apples are my mother’s favorite food. I like chicken very much. I have a happy family and I love my family!


介绍自己的英语作文50词 My name is Yang jiao, I am a girl, but high forehead, nose slightly tilted, appears somewhat reiki. My body is thin, when I was a child often sick. Therefore, mom and dad is everything depends on me, over time gradually formed the habit of love lost his temper, a little a bit is not good, to mom and dad lost his temper. Remember once, have more minutes at 9 o ‘clock, I have finished my homework and went to watch TV, my mother won’t let me see, turn off the TV. I am not talk to her a, turn on the TV again, just like that, mom, I drive, back and forth several times, mom finally angry, loudly say: “you are not obedient, give me out.” I have heard, stared at mother, pushed the door open and ran outside. In the end, still mother took me to back up. You see, at that time, my temper is what kind of ah! I gradually grew up, or a lot of temper, I also fell in love with music, has become a small fan. Mom and dad bought me a tape let me learn many children’s songs. I am also a love of labor of a little girl, my mother got up very early every morning, mom told me don’t you wash the clothes today, but when I get up in the, see home there are a lot of clothes


英语作文50字 英语作文50字(一): my day英语作文50字 Today was Sunday and I was very happy!In the morning,I stayed at home to do my homework and watch TV。In the afternoon,I went to a park with my best friends。There were many flowers,and some birds were singing songs。We played games and talked about our dreams。At last,we went home for dinner。Today, I had a great time! 这天是星期天,我十分高兴!早上,我呆在家里做作业看电视。下午,我和我最好的朋友去了公园。那里有许多花儿,一些鸟还在唱歌呢、我们一齐玩游戏,谈论我们的梦想。最后,我们就回家吃晚饭了。这天玩的真的很开心! 英语作文50字(二): my favourite animal英语作文50字 Most kids like animals。 Girls like cats, and boys like dogs。 However, my favorite animal is the horse。 The horses are strong, not like the tame cats or puppy dogs。They look wild and hard to get close。 Yet, they will be very timid and friendly after they get to know you。 Horses remember


小学生我的家庭英语作文(五篇) 【篇一】 There are four people in my family, my father, my mother,my sister and me. My father likes reading. My mother likes cooking. They both work in Leliu. They always go to work by car. They work hard. My sister and I are pupils. I study in the primary school affiliated with Shunde No.1 Middle School. My hobby is collecting coins. My sister studies in Xishan Primary School. She likes watching TV. We love our family very much. 【篇二】 My name is Yu Geqin. I’m nine years old. There are three members in my family, my father, my mother and I. My father is a teacher. He is very handsome. He always wears a pair of glasses. He works very hard. He’s busy from morning to night. He’s the cleverest man of my family. He can solve the difficult problems, too. My mother is very beautiful. She has two big eyes and her black hair is long. My mother is worker. She is good at her job. She is also a good housewife. I have a happy family. I like it very much.


关于旅行的英语作文50字 Yesterday, mom and dad took me to follow tour group to visit the west lake together. To the west lake, I saw the beautiful west lake scenery, attracts many tourists. From a distance, the west lake lake calm like a big mirror bright. After a while, we followed the guide on the ship. Boat, tour guide will introduce us to the west lake. The west lake have broken bridge, why called middle-east? Actually broken bridge isn't broken, it is snow in winter, snow on the broken bridge. Melting, seen from the sky, I feel like a broken. There is leifeng pagoda, gem mountain west lake... We listened with relish. The ship stopped, we went to the just, saw many green lotus leaves, they each other, like small handfuls of umbrella. Some lotus flowers in bud, some lotus in full bloom already. Beside the lotus has two mandarin duck to swimming merrily on the surface of the lake. Then we saw quite a few big carp. Visitors to give food to big carp, carp jump up and splash water around


我的兴趣爱好 小学的时候,作业不多学业不重,比较闲,闲下来也是在玩,宁愿在家里四处游荡,我也不愿意看书,父母让我学个乐器我也不肯,可现在到中学就愁了。 六年级下半学期时,妈妈总鼓励我去学吉他,起初,我觉得学吉他太难太烦了,总是拒绝她,但后来在妈妈的鼓舞和自己的好奇心下我同意去学了,可因为周木偶太忙了,所以学习时间又推迟了。妈妈说只好等到暑假里再学吉他了。 时光飞逝,暑假已经过了几天,妈妈和我去了附近的琴行报了名,琴行的老师说过几天就开课了,我听了也很激动,我挑选了一只我喜欢的吉他。开课的那一天终于到了,我怯怯地走进教室发现有两位女生与我一起上课,心里轻松了许多。 前几节我们学了如何弹弦、按弦及音阶,觉得好简单哦,但是当老师问起do(中音)在哪,我们大家都懵了,只得一个个数过去,最后背出每个音的位置,接下来老师教了一些简谱里的符号:大复点、小复点、连线等,老师说现在我们可以弹《小星星》和《欢乐颂》了,我弹《小星星》时一个音一个音总是连不起来,发现吉他“想来没有那么简单”,回家后也经常练习这首曲子,终于可以弹得比较流畅。这也使我在学习《欢乐颂》时得心应手。后来我们又学了几首曲子,觉得越来越不容易弹顺了,老师说教我们和弦,可以更流畅,我们一听就想是何妙法可使曲子弹顺?老师先教C和弦,说是简单,可手指头跨三个品,同时按3根弦而且很容易压住了一根弦,按久了手指

头会很疼,但我还是努力练习,渐渐地克服了这个困难,后来我们也陆续地学习了Am、Dm、Em、F、G等和弦,可最要命的是G和弦,跨度有六根弦,还要用小拇指来按,因为许多歌曲里都有这个和弦,所以我必须要克服这个困难。下面我们应该练习换和弦,因为和弦与和弦之间有一点点的区别,所以换起弦来有些麻烦,但我相信我可以的! 我觉得只要我认真去学习吉他,就会发现它其实没有想象地那么难,因此我要哈哈学习吉他,我希望可以“更上一层楼”。


精心整理 关于我的家庭的英语作文 Ihaveaveryluckyfamily.Therearefivepeopleinmyfamily,mydad,mom,sisterandbr other. 我有一个很幸福的家庭。在我的家庭有五口人,爸爸,妈妈,姐姐和弟弟,还有我。 much. Mysisterisasportsplayer.Sheistallandstrong.Shehasbigeyes,smallnoseandmou thandtwosmallears.Sheisprettyandcute.Shelikeslisteningtomusiceverymuch.“Proudofyou”isherfavouriteEnglishsong.Shecansingverywellandsheeventeac hesmesingthissong.

我的姐姐是一个运动员,她又高又壮。她大眼睛,小鼻子、小嘴,两个小耳朵。她非常漂亮、可爱。她喜欢听音乐,“为你骄傲”是她最喜欢的一首英文歌,她能 唱得非常好,甚至教我也唱这首歌。 Iamahappygirl.Ilikelisteningtomusic,too.likeplayingpingpong.Ilovemyparen tsandtheyloveme,too. 我是一个快乐的女孩。我喜欢听音乐、喜欢打乒乓球。我爱我的父母,他们也 爱我。 e. Mymotherisawomanwithabadmemory.Shealwaysdoesalotofhousework,butsometimes shemakesmistakesoutofcarelessness.Forexample,oneday,shewashedclothesinth ewasher,afterthewasherfinishedthework,shefoundshehadn'tfilledthewasherwi thwater. 我妈妈是一位记性很不好的人。她总是做很多家务活,但有时却因为她的粗心 而做错事。比如说,有一天,她用洗衣机洗衣服,最后却发现自己忘了在洗衣机中 放水。


关于我的家人的英语作文50词 我的家人英语作文50词范文1 This is my family . there are 3people in my family .they are my mother ,fatner and me .l often go shopping with my mother . she sometimes buy a cake for me. l usually go swimming with my father .l like to swim very much.my father likes each other .we are happy! 我的家人英语作文50词范文2 I have a happy family. There are four people in it. They are my father, my mother, my brother and I .My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. My brother and I are students. At weekends, we often go to the park. My parents love us very much. We love them too. This is my family. A sweet family. 我的家人英语作文50词范文3 My family have 3 peoples. My mother ,fatner and me. My mother is a teacher. My father is a driver. I am a good student. My mother likes watch TV. My father likes plays baskerball. I like play computer games. I am very heppy! 我的家人英语作文50词范文4 My family has four members.My mother is a housewife.She looked after my family


四年级优秀英语作文50词左右 下面为大家搜集整理有关四年级的英语作文50字,希望可以帮助到大家!小学英语作文:An Old MouseAn old woman has a cat. The cat is now very old. She cannot run fast, and she cannot bite. One day the old cat sees a mouse. she jumps and catches the mouse. But she cannot bite it. So the mouse gets out of her mouth and runs away.Then the old woman is very angry because the cat cannot kill the mouse. She begins to beat the cat. The cat says to her, "Don't beat me. Be friendly to me. When I was young, I did good work for you."优秀英语作文:Our ClassroomOur classroom is bright and clean. But it is not big. There are twenty-three desks and chairs in it. They are new. There's a big desk in front of the classroom. It's for our teachers.There are five pictures on the right wall. There's a map of the world and a map of China on the left wall.Beside the window there's a bookshelf. There are many books on it. Our classroom is very nice. We have lessons here. We like our classroom.小学四年级英语作文:Our MonitorThis is Lin. She is from Beijing. She studies very hard.In class she can answer the teacher's questions very quickly. Lin loves her classmates and often helps them with their lessons. Everybody says she is a very good monitor.四年级英语作文:Our HouseOur home is near the school. We have a house.It is a good house. The house has three rooms.One is a living room. The other two are bedrooms. In the living


【自我介绍英语作文50字】英语作文自我 介绍4篇 1 hello,everyone. my name is (你的名),i’m (你的年纪) years old. i study in (你的学校名) primary ‘m in class (你的班级), grade (你的年级). i like football and english very much,and i often play football with my classmates after ,she/he(女的选she,男的选he) is very nice to us,i like her/him(女的选her,男的选him) a lot. (there are three members in my family:my father,my mother and of parents love me and i love them ,too. ) that’s all,thank you! 自我介绍英语作文 i am one of my favorite stars is liu xiang because he is the fastest runner in the world and a pride of our country. i have love fruits like watermelon, grapes, banana, and so forth. when i have time, i like watching tv, playing games on my computer, surfing the web, and reading. i have a lot of friends and we often play football together. 3 hello, everyone. my name isi am years old. i like reading books very much,and sometimes i also like watching tv. there are three people in my are my mother,my father and me. i like


关于我的兴趣爱好作文800字关于我的兴趣爱好作文800字: 每个人有自己的浓厚的兴趣,有的人喜欢绘画,他们把一张张单调乏味的白纸渲染成一件件五彩缤纷的艺术品;有的人热爱足球,他们奔跑在绿茵场上,汗水、激情、欢乐在这里荡漾;有的人喜爱阅读,他们啃食着“精神的粮食”,久久陶醉在心灵的盛宴里。而我,却对那一张张彩纸、剪刀、胶水、彩色笔情有独钟。 每个星期二是我最盼望的一天,每次我都怀着希望、惊讶和满足来到学校。因为第三节的手工课是我最向往的。课堂上,老师会教我们层出不穷的手工作品,每每我都有各种不同的收获。 还记得有一天,我正在畅游书海,“出去,又在家里吸烟,真讨厌!”妈妈的怒吼声把我拉回到现实中,并且心里觉得该要做点什么。我灵机一动,有了。说干就干,马上找来白色卡纸、彩色笔。先画了一个大大的圆圈,在里面又画了一个圈,接着把两圈之间涂上了鲜艳而醒目的大红色。在圈内最里面画上了几根点燃的香烟,打上了一个大大的禁止符号。最后用很粗的黑色勾线笔写上了醒目的“no smoking”和“吸烟有害健康。”用剪刀把这个圆整齐的剪下,哈哈,一个禁烟警示牌做好了。我把做好的警示牌悄悄地贴在了爸爸床头柜的墙壁上。当爸爸回家走向床头柜拿火点烟时,无意抬头看见了警示牌,他小声地叫了声:“亲爱的。”又指了指墙壁。妈妈顿时大笑,爸爸却无语的放下了火机和香烟。当我看到这一幕时,特别高兴,暗自庆幸自己帮助爸爸戒烟颇见成效。爸爸也因此下定了戒烟的决心。

在家里,我利用了很多空余时间做了许许多多的手工作品。还把妈妈爸爸的床头墙变成了五彩缤纷的世界:“会飞的爱心”、“山茶花”、“牡丹花”、“幸运星”……妈妈为此常常夸奖我心灵手巧,还感谢我装扮她的房间。我还会用一些废旧的宣传画,做很多“方便盒”,在生活中使用也特别适用、方便。 我对做手工有着浓厚的兴趣,它既可以让自己有一双小巧手,让大脑更灵活,有创新力,还可以装饰自己的家,在生活中也给家人带来便利。 这些彩色纸有魔法,一直吸引着我,把我带进了五颜六色的制作殿堂。


小学四年级英语作文:我的家庭 【篇一】 I have a happy family. There are three people in my family, my father, mother and me. My father is a businessman. He is always busy with his work and he often goes to business trips. But when he is free, he stays with us. My mother is a worker. She works hard, too. She works hard to take care of our home. I love my parents. 我有一个幸福的家庭。 我家有三口人,我爸爸,妈妈和我。 我的父亲是一个商 人。他总是忙于他的工作,他经常去出差。但当他是免费的,他和我们在一起。我 妈妈是一个工人。她也努力工作。她努力工作照顾我们的家。我爱我的父母。 【篇二】 Hello,everyone! Today I'm very glad to tell you about my family. I have a happy family. There are four people in it. They are my father、 my mother、my little brother、and I.My father is working in anther city.He is so busy that he has no time to come back to see us. We miss him very much. My mother is a housewife .Every day,she cooks delicious meals and does a lot of housework.My brother and I are both students.We work very hard. In my family ,there are lots of happinesses around me.I love my family! 大家好!今天我很高兴告诉你关于我的家庭。 我有一个幸福的家庭。 有四人。 他们是我的父亲,我的母亲,我的弟弟,和我。我的父亲是在另一个城市工作。他 很忙,他没有时间回来看我们。我们非常想念他。我妈妈是一个家庭主妇。每一 天,她烹饪美味的饭菜和做很多家务。 我的弟弟和我都是学生。 我们工作很努力。 在我的家人,在我周围有很多的快乐。我爱我的家人!


英语作文50词 篇一:My Friend Sally is my best friend. She is a girl. Both of us are good at English, so we often talk in English in our spare time. After school, we often do homework together. When we are playing, she runs so fast that I cannot catch up with her. She is an excellent student. She likes pop and classical music. Her dream is to become a teacher. I love my friend Sally. 篇二:My family I have a family. There are three people in my family. They are my father, mother and me. My father is a teacher in the university. He likes doing sports. He swims every evening. He is tall and thin. He is sweeping the floor now. My mother is a teacher, too. She likes doing housework. She cooks everyday. She is not fat and not short. She is walking now. I am a student. I like reading books in my bedroom. I take a bus at 7:30 a.m. I am short and thin. I am writing now. I love my family. 篇三:Lantern Festival The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival because the first lunar month is called yuan-month and in the ancient times people called night Xiao. The 15th day is the first night to see a full moon. So the day is also called Yuan Xiao Festival in China. According to the Chinese tradition, at the very beginning of a new year, when there is a bright full moon hanging in the sky, there should be thousands of colorful lanterns hung out for people to appreciate. At this time, people will try to solve the puzzles on the lanterns and eat yuanxiao (glutinous rice ball)and get all their families united in the joyful atmosphere . 篇四:My Hobbies I have many hobbies, such as sports, singing, and keeping a diary. In school, I often hear the P.E. teacher say, sports do good to one’s health,() and will make one live longer. So, I like sports very much. I go running in the morning, and after classes in the afternoon. I play basketball with my friends. These sports have kept me healthy. At home, I like to sing . I hope I will be a singer when I grow up. Of all my hobbies I like reading books best. In my bedroom there are nearly six hundred


五年级写我的家庭英语作文(带翻译) 下面是语文迷小编为大家整理的关于我的家庭的英语作文 带翻译,希望对你有帮助。 【篇一】 I have a happy family, I love my father and mother love me. And a sister. Who is that? He is my grandfather. That? She is my grandmother. My family are all very healthy, very love me. I am very happy, I love my family and my relatives. 我有一个幸福的家,我有爱我的爸爸和爱我的妈妈。和一个姐姐。那个人是 谁?他是我姥爷。 那个呢?她是我姥姥。 我的家人都很健康, 都很爱我。 我很幸福, 我爱我的家和我的亲人们。 【篇二】 I love my family,because I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher.His name is Jacky.He is thirty-eight.He likes playing basketball.My mother is a teacher.She is very kind and nice,and she is thirty-seven.I love my parents! On Saturday and Sunday,I often go to the library and play the piano.My father go to play basketball.Sometimes we watch TV and listen to music at home. I love my family.Because I’m very happy to live with my parents together! 我爱我的家庭,因为我有一个快乐的家庭. 我的爸爸是一名英语教师,他的名字叫 Jacky.他今年 38 岁.他非常喜欢打篮 球.我的妈妈是是一名教师.她是一个很亲切、友善的人,她今年 37 岁.我爱我的 父母. 在星期六和星期天里 ,我经常去图书馆和弹钢琴.我爸爸去打篮球.有时侯, 我们都在家看电视和听音乐. 我爱我家.因为我和爸爸妈妈一起生活得很开心! 【篇三】 I have a happy family. There are five people in my family. They are


《英语作文50字》 英语作文50字(一): my day英语作文50字 Today was Sunday and I was very happy!In the morning,I stayed at home to do my homework and watch TV。In the afternoon,I went to a park with my best friends。There were many flowers, and some birds were singing songs。We played games and talked about our dreams。At last,we went home for dinner。Today, I had a great time! 这天是星期天,我十分高兴!早上,我呆在家里做作业看电视。下午,我和我最好的朋友去了公园。那里有许多花儿,一些鸟还在唱歌呢、我们一齐玩游戏,谈论我们的梦想。最后,我们就回家吃晚饭了。这天玩的真的很开心! 英语作文50字(二): my favourite animal英语作文50字 Most kids like animals。 Girls like cats, and boys like dogs。 However,my favorite animal is the horse。 The horses are strong, not like the tame cats or puppy dogs。 They look wild and hard to get close。 Yet, they will be very timid and friendly after they get to know you。 Horses remember the way home。 They are also faithful to their masters。 They even understand what you are trying to tell them。I've heard many stories about how a horse saved his master's life。 That's also the reason why I love horses。 They never betray you。 大多数孩子喜欢动物。男孩和女孩喜欢猫,喜欢狗。然而,我最喜欢的动物是马。 马是强大的,不像温顺的猫或狗狗。他们看起来野生和难以接近。然而,他们将会十分胆小,友好的了解你之后。马还记得回家的路。他们也对他们的主人忠心耿耿。他们甚至明白你想告诉他们什么。我听说许多故事关于一匹马救了主人的命。这也是为什么我喜欢马。他们永远不会背叛你。 英语作文50字(三): 英语作文50字:my bedroom Look ,I have a nice room 。Come and have a look 。Its small and nice 。


七年级英语作文大全 目录 1.假期去过的地方 (3) 2.假期计划 (3) 3.描述图片中人物正在做的事情 (3) 4.喜欢的动物My favourite animal (4) 5.喜欢的季节 (4) 6.我的爱好 (4) 7.喜欢的节日 (5) 8.梦想 (5) 9.我的学校 (5) 10.喜欢的运动 (6) 11.我的朋友My friend (6) 12.自我介绍 (6) 13.我的家庭 (7) 14.给朋友写一封信告诉他你上个周末所做的事情 (7) 15.我一天的生活 (8) 16.介绍一位名人 (8) 17.Library Rules (9) 18.我的家乡My hometown (9) 19.我的书包My Backpack (10) 20.我的房子My House (10) 21.My winter holiday (11) 22.My My friend (11) 23.Future Robot (12) 24.My winter holiday (13) 25.My classroom (14)

26.我喜爱的食物 (14) 27.我的同学 (15) 28.记一次种花 (16) 29.做错的一件事 (16) 30.春节所见所闻 (17) 31.根据给出的材料,写一写Mike这个周末的活动计划。 (18) 32.根据下面提供的内容,写一篇英语短文。要求语句通顺,条理清楚,字数不少于50个单词。 (18) 33.题目:My net friend(我的网友) (19) 34.提示:根据下面所给出的这张Ann的小名片,以“我的好朋友”为题,写一篇小短文,介绍Ann的基本情况。 (19) 35.要求:写一封介绍你一家的电子邮件给Jay 65个单词左右 (20) 36.Jack 昨天跟他妈妈买东西,请根据下表的信息,写一篇不少于60个单词的小作文。 20 37.假设你是May, 请用不少于60个单词来向你的笔友Jay介绍你的家庭情况,请在文中使用3个最高级和2个比较级。 (21) 38.根据提示,从表格中获取信息写一篇不少于60个单词的小作文。 (21) 39.描写你的周末生活,注意用一般现在时。 (22) 40.昨天是3月20日,也是你的生日,请描写你的生日派对,注意用一般过去时。 (22) 41.写一个你最喜爱的人,请对他/她进行一定的外貌描写。 (22) 42.请描写一下你的房间,注意要使用“there be ”句型。 (23) 43.请以你所在的学校“育英小学”描写你的学校。 (23) 44.请写一个你最喜爱的季节,要写出你喜欢的原因。 (24) 45.描写一种你最喜爱的动物,要对它进行外形描写。 (24) 46.同学们,你一定有很多的爱好,请你写一个你的爱好,字数不少于60个单词。 (25) 47.寒假很快就要到了,请你为你的寒假写一个计划。快点把你的计划写出来吧! (25) 48.假设Jack 是10岁,短发,1.5m, 50kg; 而May 是12岁,长发,1.6m,45kg。请运用学过的句型介绍和比较一下他们的特征。 (25) 49.Important Education (26) 50. My weekend (27)
