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1, watch TV 看电视

2, TV shows 电视节目

3, my favourite TV shows 我最喜欢的电视节目

4, cool sports shows 很酷的体育节目

5, great nature shows 很棒的的自然节目

6, fantastic music shows 极好的音乐节目

7, interesting news shows 有趣的新闻节目

8, fantastic children’s shows 极好的儿童节目

9, talk shows 座谈节目

10, these shows 这些节目

11, for example 例如

12, table tennis = ping-pong 乒乓球

13, famous singers 著名的歌手

14, talk about 讨论

15, wonderful cartoons 精彩的动画片

16, how about=what about 怎么样

17, on Saturday evening 在周六晚上

18, at 6:00 pm 在下午六点钟

19, every evening 每天晚上

20, on sports shows 在体育节目中

21, learn about 学习关于

22, different countries 不同的国家

23, different activities 不同的活动

24, be on 上映

25, with their family 和他的家人

26, no more than 不超过

27, tell stories 讲故事

28, no one 没有

29, variety shows 综艺节目

二,字母组合“ wh ”的单词

1, white 白色的 2, white 鲸 3, whisker 胡须

4, what 什么 5, where 在哪 6, when 什么时候

三, 词型转换

1, they’re (完全形式) they are 2, watch (单三) watches

3, they (宾格) them 4, they (物主代词) their

5, this (对应词) that 6, watch (现在分词 ) watching

7, skate (现在分词) skating8 , 8, swim (现在分词) swimming 9, this (复数) these 10, , he (宾格) him

11 , country (复数) countries 12, activity (复数) activities

13, child (复数) children 14, children (名词所有格) children’s

15, table tennis (同义词) ping-pong 16, many (比较级 ) more 17, know (同音词) no 18, don’t (完全形式) do not 19, because (对应词) why 20, let’s (完全形式) let


四, 句子

1, What are your favourite TV shows ?


2, My favourite TV shows are music shows .


3, When do you usually watch sports shows ?


4, I usually watch sports shows on Sunday .


5, Are they interesting ? Y es , they’re fantastic .


6, I like watching skating and swimming on sports shows .


7, What are her favourite TV shows ?


8, Her favourite TV shows are nature shows .


9, When does he usually watch news shows ?


10, He watches news shows on Monday morning .


11, Why do you like cartoons ?


12, Because they are cool . 因为他们很酷。

五, 句型转换.

1, My favourite TV shows are children’s shows .(对划线部分提问)

What are your favourite TV shows ?

2, I usually watch sports on Sunday . (对划线部分提问)When do you usually watch sports shows ?

3, They’re wonderful .(改为一般疑问句)

Are they wonderful ?

4, Her favourite TV shows are nature shows . (对划线部分提问)

What are her favourite TV shows ?

5, He watches news shows on Monday morning . (对划线部分提问)

When does he usually watch news shows ?

6, Sandy likes c hildren’s shows .(改为否定句)

Sandy doesn’t like children’s shows .
