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L e s s o n 3

I 根据括号内所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。

1.Yesterday I (寄) a present to my sister who is in another city.

2.Timmy (借) a pen to me last week.

3.There is not a (一个的) word on the整个的paper.

4.I stayed at home the (博物馆) day.

5.They went to that (友好的) the day before yesterday.

6.The old man gave me a (决定) smile.

7.He made a big (公共的) on that day.

8.She often goes to that (损坏) park near her house.

9.The heavy rain (服务员) in a restaurant for many years.

II 用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。

1.I (send) a postcard to my friend Tom yesterday.

2.He (go) to the school library every day.

3.The old man (live) there since 1978.

4.The film (begin) before we got there.

5.I (not understand) what he said just mow.

III 单项选择(从A,B,C和D中选出最佳选项)。

( ) 1. You shouldn’t smoke and make such big noise public.


B. on

C. at

D. for

( ) 2. I am sorry that I can’t such a big decision at the moment.


B. do

C. make

D. work

( ) 3. What you had done my plan completely.

A.has spoilt

B. had spoilt

C. spoilt

D. spoilts

( ) 4. My mother was very angry me and began to shout at me.

A. at

B. in

C. for

D. with

( ) 5. Would you please some money me? I want to buy a new bag.

A. borrow; to

B. lend; to

C. borrow; from

D. lend; from

( ) 6. Tom is very friendly others.

A. for

B. with

C. to

D. at

( ) 7. My sister was very ill last week and I had to a doctor for her.

A. send to

B. send

C. be sent

D. send for

( ) 8. the whole, he is a good student.

A. As

B. In

C. On

D. For

( ) 9. What do you think the film that we saw today?

A. over

B. about

C. for

D. on

( ) 10. Yesterday morning I a lot of time in traffic jam.

A. took

B. afforded

C. charged

D. spent

IV 完形填空(熟读课文,然后从所给选项A,B,C和D中选择最佳选项)Postcards always 1 my holidays. I went to Italy last summer. I 2 many museums and sat in public gardens. A waiter was very 3 to me. He 4 me a few Italian words. Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, 5 I didn’t understand a word.

I 6 about postcards every day. My holidays passed 7 , but i didn’t send cards to my friends. 8 the last day I decided to do it. I 9 very early and bought

thirty-seven cards. I 10 the whole day in my room, but I didn’t write a single card!( )1. A. spoils B. spoil C. spoilt D. Spoiling

( )2. A. visit B. visiting C. visited D. to visit

( )3. A. angry B. sad C. curious D. friendlys

( )4. A. taught B. teaches C. has taught D. had taught

( )5. A. and B. but C. or D. so

( )6. A. think B. thought C. am thinking D. was thinking

( )7. A. quickly B. slowly C. quick D. slow

( )8. A. At B. In C. Over D. On

( )9. A. got in B. got off C. got on D. got up

( )10. A. spend B. spent C. spending D. have spent

V 把下列句子翻译成英语。

1. 能把你的词典借给我吗?

2. 我下定决心努力学习。

3. 我给妈妈买了一件外套。
