新概念英语 lesson8

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--She passed two other runners just before the finish line.
--She hasn’t passed the driving test yet .
--The committee passed the law .
--The hours passed quickly.
Lesson 8 A famous monastery
Warm-up Activity
• 1.Do you like to go a natural place or a historic place ? Why ?
• --relax/scenery/fresh air/quiet/peaceful/exercise /experience/adventure/climbing/camp
mistakes/educate/experience/love the country/ culture/ancient ideas/development of civilization/ influence on people
Background Information
• Famous monastery • Great pass
★ enclosure: n.
• 1)围场,圈地 • 2) (信中的)附件
enclose v. 围绕
• 山上云雾缭绕
• -The mountains were enclosed by mist. • en- 使…,成为… • encourage endanger enslave
★ privacy: n.
The Great St. Bernard Pass
• The pass runs northeast-southwest through the Alps .The road runs through the pass and joins Switzerland to Italy. From the north (Switzerland), the route to the pass follows the Dranse River valley , then into the wild and desolate (荒凉的) valley .
Detailed Study of the text
• The Great St. Bernard Pass connects Switzerland to Italy. At 2,473 metres, it is the highest mountain pass in Europe. The famous monastery of St. Bernard, which was founded in eleventh century, lies about a mile away. For hundreds of years, St. Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travellers crossing the dangerous Pass. These friendly dogs, which were first brought from Asia, were used as watchdogs even in Roman times.
China’s famous pass
While traveling through Gansu Province, we came across the Jiayu Pass –the largest section of the western Great Wall of China. The pass runs through central Gansu acting as a corridor(走廊) for people traveling between Dunhuang and Lanzhou.

6: to let (as time or a period of time) go by

7: to emit or discharge from a bodily part
--They pass the library every morning on their way to
--He passed the ball to Owen.
★ St. Bernard =Saint Bernard • St=strait Taiwan Strait • St=street Wall Street • St=saint • 1. A saint is a holy person, refers to
any Christian believer (all Christians in heaven are considered to be saints ) • 2. a very good , kind patient person • St. John • Saint Valentine’s Day • She’s a saint to go on living with that man.
--The drug passes quickly into the bloodstream.
• Connect 1. to join or fasten together usually by something 2. to place or establish in relationship.
rescue work
• St. Bernard dog with barrel
• The St. Bernards were bred(养) large enough to traverse(穿越) deep snow and to scent(嗅出…的气 )out lost persons.
PassHale Waihona Puke Baidun.
China’s famous monastery
Shaolin Temple( monastery) is at Song Shan, in Dengfeng, Henan Province ,China. Everyday many people including foreigners visit Shaolin Temple. The Shaolin temple (monastery) has a very long history (founded during the Northern Wei dynasty )and remains one of China's oldest Buddhist temples. It is famed for Kung Fu.
• Rashly adv.莽撞地,冒 • Easter n. 复活节
Vocabulary Learning
★monastery n.寺院,修道院
• Convent n.女修道会, 女修道院 • Monk n. 和尚,僧侣 Nun n.修女 • Abbot n.男修道院院长 abbess n.女修道院院长
• n.清静,隐居
• - I don’t want my privacy to be disturbed. • n.隐私 • individual privacy • right of privacy
★ skier: n. 滑雪者
• skiing • sleigh 雪橇 • snowboarding 滑雪板 • skateboard 滑板 • slide 滑梯,幻灯片
right to enter 通行证
• --The Jiayu pass is one of the most dangerous . • --She got a pass in French.她法语考试及格了。 • --No one is allowed to enter without a pass.
• Pass v.1: to go by

2 :give sth to sb by putting it into their hands

3 : to go beyond ;surpass, exceed

4 : to go through (as a test) successfully

5 : to give approval to
A famous monastery
• monastery: a sacred building where monks live • convent: a sacred building where nuns live
The Great Bernard Monastery
• A hospice (宗教团体开办的招 待所) for travellers was founded in 1049 by Saint Bernard of Menthon and came to be named after him in the 16th century to keep the pass safe for travellers. The hospice occupies two buildings made of grey stone (built in 1899), which provide hotel services.
★ rashly: adv.莽撞地,冒失地 rash:adj. doing sth without first thinking轻率的,鲁莽的
e.g. Don't be rash in making your decision. Think twice before doing anything rash.
abbey n. a large church together with a group of buildings in which monks or nuns live or lived in the past 隐修院;修道院,(曾为修道院的大教堂) 大教堂 e.g. Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特教堂(西敏寺)
• 1. a place through mountains which is very difficult to cross关口;关隘;山路
• 2. a successful result in an exam 及格,通过 • 3. an official document or ticket the shows you have the
• ---historic/interesting/attractive/ancient/be located in /reflect/design/sacred/holy/worship/pray for/god/
• 2. What can we learn from the historic place ? • --the past /the lesson/remember/avoid repeating the
Meaning: "Strong" or "Brave" as a bear St. Bernard of Menthon : a saint of mountaineers St. Bernard dog: named after Bernard ,used in mountain
New words and expressions
• monastery n.寺院,修 • Enclosure n.围场,
• St. Bernard 圣伯纳德 • Pass n.关隘
• Monk n.和尚 • Privacy n.清静,
• Watchdog n.看门狗 • Skier n.滑雪者
e.g. She rashly promised to lend him the money.
rashness n. [u]
3.rash: n. An area of red spots on a person’s skin , caused by illness .皮疹
一种接触传染性皮疹 A contact skin rash. heat rash 痱子