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12、《世界新闻报》The News of the World: 6 附一则作业样本,大家可以参考一下,这篇属于体育新闻

学号:10091021 姓名:某某

文件名:10091021某某体育新闻Spectacular opening ceremony kicks off Beijing Olympic Games

Ann Gripper

August 08, 2008


[1] The Olympic Games are officially underway after a dazzling opening ceremony in Beijing.

[2] The Bird’s Nest Stadium① was lit up by fireworks and a spectacular lightshow as an audience of 91,000 gathered to celebrate the start of the games.

[3] And there were thousands in the cast as well - more than 2,000 drummers taking part in the opening sequence with 15,000 volunteers performing in the three-and-a-half hour extravaganza, expected to draw a worldwide TV

audience of up to four billion.

[4] It was the biggest and most expensive opening ceremony in Olympic history, featuring a reported 30,000 fireworks, and is unlikely ever to be matched - although it is London which will have the unenviable task of

trying to live up to today’s epic in four year’s time.

[5] Heads of state including American president George Bush②, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin③and France president Nicolas Sarkozy④were among the dignitaries in the Chinese capital.

[6] Britain was represented by Olympics minister Tessa Jowell⑤, with Prime Minister Gordon Brown⑥due to attend the closing ceremony. [7] The Olympic teams paraded according to their place in the Chinese alphabet - leaving Australia as one of the last arrivals for once - with veteran swimmer Mark Foster carrying the flag for the British team, while grinning 14-year-old diver Tom Daley lapped up the experience.

[8] The end of the torch relay produced a dramatic climax, as China’s 1984gymnastics superstar Li Ning flew up into the rafters of the Bird’s Nest Stadium hoisted on wires, running around the rim as though space walking before the torch he was carrying sent a blast of flame to light the giant torch which looks out over the city.

[9] In his speech at the end of the ceremony IOC president Jacques Rogge

⑦said: “For a long time, China has dreamed of opening its doors and inviting the world’s athletes to Beijing for the Olympic Games.”

一生词New words:


kick off v. informal to begin; start【非正式用语】开始

dazzling adj. very impressive or beautiful 使人陶醉的, 使倾倒的

spectacular adj. of the nature of a spectacle; impressive or sensational 壮观的,场

面自然的, 给人留下深刻印象的或轰动的

extravaganza n. an elaborate, spectacular entertainment or display 豪华的演出
