剑桥英语青少版第一版第四 级入门测试1

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1. Present simple vs. present continuous

Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous

e.g. Do you like

1) I ______ what you mean. Could you explain once again please?

2) More and more people ______ English these days.

3) Simon ______ at least 2 hours a day on the phone.

4) I ______ professional footballers get too much money. It’s


5) ______ you ______ a good time? You look a bit sad.

2. Making new friends

e.g. Jack always stands out

1) Mary often ______ at home because she has 5 brothers.

2) A way of ______ is to listen to the same music as everyone else.

3) I usually ______ quickly because I’ve changed schools so many times

so I make friends easily.

4) Claudia ______ her baby sister as soon as she was born.

5) Why are you standing on your own? Come and ______. We need a

good player on our team.

3. say and tell

Complete the expressions with say or tell.

e.g. say a prayer

1) ______ goodbye

2) ______ the time

3) ______ the difference

4) ______ thank you

5) ______ someone off

6) ______ a secret

7) ______ (it) again

8) ______ sorry

9) ______ the truth

10) ______ a lie

4. Past simple vs. present perfect simple

Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or present perfect simple

e.g. I have lived

1) I ______ French at university before I became a teacher.

2) We ______ a new computer last week.

3) Tom ______ my best friend for 2 years but we still fight sometimes!

4) ______ you ever ______ a really hot curry?

5) Where ______ you ______ on your last holiday?

5. Present perfect simple vs. present perfect continuous

Choose the correct words.

e.g. I’ve seen√ / been seeing 3 movies this month.

1) How long have you known / been knowing Steve?

2) Max has had / has been having an iPod since last year.

3) I’m so tired! I’ve written / been writing thank-you letters all day.

4) We’ve worked / been working in the garden for hours and it still

looks terrible!

5) Mum has made / has been making 5 five cakes for my birthday


6. Phrasal verbs with up

Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the

e.g. When you come to London again, please look me up

1) Don’t worry about Tim. He finally ______ at 10 o’clock last night.

2) Joanne and Ben ______ last week. They both look really unhappy


3) I ______ Matt ______ when I was in town last week, but he was

busy so we couldn’t meet.

4) If you’re free this evening, how about ______ for a coffee?

5) It’s very hard when 2 people ______.

7. Past simple vs. past continuous
