
61 subject The defence lawyers claimed that

the prisoners had been subjected to

cruel and degrading treatment.

vt. 使遭受

n. 学科,科目;主题;题

adj. 易受……的,常受…


vt. 使服从;使经受;使遭


62 team Elton teamed up with Eric Clapton

to wow thousands at the rock


vt. 使合作

n. 队;组

vt. 使协作,使合作;使相

vi. 合作,协作

63 trip She tripped and fell last night and

broke her hip.

vi. 绊倒

n. 出行;绊(倒)

vi. 绊(倒)(on,



vt. 将…绊倒;使犯错误;



64 wear You've worn a hole in your sock. vt. 穿破vt. 穿着,戴着;穿破;磨损

vi. 穿破;磨损;耐用;耐穿

65 weigh We have to weigh the benefits of

the scheme against the costs.

vt. 权衡

vt. 称……的重量;认真考


vi. 重若干;称得重量

66 wind Quiet mountain roads wind through

groves of bamboo and cedar.




行人) 蜿


n. 风

vi. 弯曲前进;迂回;


vt. 绕;包;裹;给...上发


2023词汇积累高考英语常考熟词僻义(含用法例句) 1 1. about 熟义:prep.关于 生义:prep.&adv. 到处=(美)around We spent the whole afternoon walking about the town. 2. absent 熟义:adj. 缺席的 生义:adj.茫然的,心不在焉的 He looked at me in an absent way. 3. abuse 熟义:v. 滥用;谩骂 生义:v. 虐待 She is quite a successful career woman, but actually she’s much abused at home. 4. accept 熟义:接受 生义:vt.&vi. ①同意(接受别人的观点,看法) Tom accepted her explanation. 生义:②认可,领受,认为 I accept that the aircraft has no choice but to crash into the sea. 5. accommodate 熟义:v.住宿,留宿 生义:vt 容纳 This hotel can accommodate more than 500 guests. 生义:v. 顺应,适应(新情况) I have to accommodate to the new schedule. 6. ache 熟义:v.&n.疼痛 生义:v.渴望 He was aching for home. 7. act 熟义:vi. 行动 生义:vi. 起作用 It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act.


2022年高考英语一轮复习:熟词生义和一词多义 A 1. about (熟义:关于)prep.&adv.到处=(美)around 到处 We spent the whole afternoon walking about town. 我们整个下午就在城里到处逛来逛去。 2. act (熟义:行动)vi.起作用 It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act. 只需几分钟,药物就起作用了。 3. add (熟义:加)vt 接着说,又说,补充说 “They don't know.”he added.“ 他们不知道。”他接着又说。 4. address (熟义:地址,写地址)vt. ①称呼②向……发表演说 The president should be addressed as “Mr President.” 总统应称为“总统先生”。 He is going to address the meeting in a minute. 他一会儿就要在大会上讲话了。 5. admit (熟义:承认)vt. ①允许进入②容纳 The servant opened the door and admitted me into the house. 仆人打开门,请我进去。 The theatre only admits 1,000 persons. 这个剧场只能容纳一千人。 6. adapt (熟义:适应)vt.使某物适合与新的用途,情况等;修改;改编或改写(稿本) These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes. 这些式样均可改动以适应个人不同的爱好. This novel has been adapted for radio from Russian original. 这部小说已由俄文原著改编成无线电广播节目. 7. adopt (熟义:收养; 过继)vt.①采纳;采取;采用 We adopt their teaching method. 我们采用了他们的教学方法 8. against (熟义:反对,违背)prep.衬着,迎着,靠着 The picture looks good against the white wall. 这幅画在洁白的墙的衬托下显得很好看。 9. agree with (熟义:同意)与……一致,协调,适合 Your story agrees with what I heard. 你讲的与我所听到的一致。 Long plane trips don't agree with me. 我不适合坐飞机长途旅行。

2023 上海高中英语考纲词汇

2023 上海高中英语考纲词汇 【原创版】 目录 1.2023 上海高中英语考纲词汇概述 2.为什么要学习知识 3.2023 上海高中英语考纲词汇的特点 4.2023 上海高中英语考纲词汇的使用方法 5.2023 上海高中英语考纲词汇对高考的重要性 正文 一、2023 上海高中英语考纲词汇概述 2023 年上海高中英语考纲词汇是指在上海市高中英语教学和考试中,需要学生掌握的单词和词汇。这些词汇是基于上海市教育委员会颁布的2023 年高中英语教学大纲制定的,旨在为高中生提供一个明确的学习目 标和考试参考。 二、为什么要学习知识 学习知识对于一个人的成长和发展至关重要。首先,学习知识能够帮助我们更好地理解世界,提高我们的认知能力。其次,学习知识可以让我们掌握各种技能,这些技能有助于我们在职场、生活等各个领域取得成功。最后,学习知识可以让我们更加接近人类的本质,使我们更具有同理心和道德观念。 三、2023 上海高中英语考纲词汇的特点 2023 上海高中英语考纲词汇具有以下特点: 1.词汇量较大:考纲词汇包含了 4050 个单词,比往年有所增加,这意味着学生在学习过程中需要投入更多的时间和精力。

2.新增词汇:2023 年考纲词汇中新增了一些词汇,这些词汇与当今 社会热点和时事话题密切相关,有助于提高学生的社会责任感和时代感。 3.词汇难度适中:考纲词汇的难度适中,既包括了一些基础词汇,也包括了一些较高级的词汇,这有助于学生在学习过程中逐步提高英语水平。 四、2023 上海高中英语考纲词汇的使用方法 为了更好地使用 2023 上海高中英语考纲词汇,学生可以采取以下方法: 1.制定学习计划:学生可以根据自己的实际情况,制定一个合理的学习计划,确保在规定时间内完成词汇的学习。 2.采用多种学习方法:学生在学习词汇时,可以采用多种学习方法,如朗读、背诵、记忆、练习等,以提高学习效果。 3.结合实际应用:学生在学习词汇时,可以将其应用于实际情景中,如写作、阅读、口语等,以加深对词汇的理解和记忆。 4.定期检查进度:学生可以定期检查自己的学习进度,以便及时发现问题并加以改进。 五、2023 上海高中英语考纲词汇对高考的重要性 2023 上海高中英语考纲词汇对于高考具有重要意义。掌握这些词汇 有助于学生在高考中取得优异的成绩,同时也为学生的未来发展奠定了坚实的基础。


高考英语常考熟词僻义 1.board [熟义]n.板;(尤指)木板 v.上船(或火车、飞机、公共汽车等) [僻义]n.(住旅馆、住校等所包含的)伙食,膳食 e.g.A week at the hotel with half board is of course less expensive than a week with full board. 住旅馆一周含一半膳食当然比含全部膳食便宜。 2.excuse [熟义]n.借口;理由;辩解 v.原谅;宽恕 [僻义]v.同意免除;不要求;是……的正当理由 e.g.The teacher excused the class from homework that day. 那天,老师没有要求班里学生做家庭作业。 3.flood [熟义]n.洪水;水灾 v.淹没 [僻义]n.(如潮水般涌来的)大量,大批 v.充满;大量涌来 e.g.Seeing her again brought back a flood of memories. 再次见到她,回忆如潮水般涌上心头。 e.g.The room was flooded with light. 这个房间光线充足。 4.head [熟义]n.头;头部;(牲畜)头 v.领导;主管 [僻义]n.领先位置 v.朝(某方向)行进;位于排行之首;排在前头 e.g.She’s at the head of her class. 她是班里最好的学生。 e.g.The birds have already started heading south for the winter. 鸟儿已经开始向南迁徙过冬。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae19234087.html,nd [熟义]n.陆地;土地 v.着陆;降落 [僻义]v.跌落;掉落;赢得;得到 e.g.I fell and landed on my shoulder. 我摔倒了,肩膀着地。 e.g.She landed the lead part in the play. 她获得了在剧中扮演主角的机会。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae19234087.html,w [熟义]n.法律(体系);(市、州、国家等政府制定的)法规,法令 [僻义]n.(自然界的)规律,法则,定律 e.g.the law of gravity 万有引力定律 https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae19234087.html, [熟义]n.(某人的)姓名,名字 v.命名;给……取名 [僻义]v.任命;选定 e.g.The magazine named him (as) the best artist of the year. 这本杂志将他评为年度最佳艺术家。 8.note [熟义]n.(简短的)笔记,记录;记录;学习笔记 [僻义]n.短评;注释;短笺;便条 v.注意;留意 e.g.This is just a brief note to say how much I enjoyed your party. 仅以此短笺表达我非常喜欢你的派对。 e.g.You may have noted my late arrival. 你可能已经注意到我迟到了。 9.storm

2024届高考英语熟词生义 一词多义

2024届高考英语熟词生义/一词多义 01 1.shift n.(工厂、医院等轮班制的)当班时间 词汇专练——赏句猜义 ①(熟词生义)Public attitudes towards marriage have shifted over the past 50 years.vi.变换 ②(熟词生义)He tried to shift the blame for his mistakes onto his colleagues.vt.转嫁 ③When he came back home from his night shift, Jason tried to avoid wakening his family.n.当班时间2.plus 词汇专练——选出plus的含义 A. adj.有利的,好的B.prep.加 C.n.有利因素,好处D.conj.而且,此外 ①Fluency in Italian is a definite plus, but not a requirement.C ②Two plus three makes five.B ③He is the most intelligent boy I have met. Plus he is very hardworking.D ④The fact that the flight goes from our nearest airport is a real plus point.A 3.range 词汇专练——选出range的含义 A. n.山脉 B. n.范围 C. vi.(在一定的范围内)变动/变化 D. vi.使(人或物)排成行或列 ①Estimates of the damage range between $1 million and $5 million.C ②Some 300 trees have been ranged along the street.D ③The Alps are a high mountain range running across the central­south of the country. A ④Almost all of the houses are too expensive so it is difficult to find a house in our price range. B 4.position n.职位;位置 词汇专练——赏句猜义 ①(熟词生义)Large television screens were positioned at either end of the stadium.vt.安装,安置 ②From his position on the cliff top, he had a good view of the harbour.n.位置 ③His salary will be doubled and he'll have a much better position.n.职位 02 1.track 词汇专练——选出track的含义


61 subject The defence lawyers claimed that the prisoners had been subjected to cruel and degrading treatment. vt. 使遭受 n. 学科,科目;主题;题 材 adj. 易受……的,常受… …的,易患……的(to) vt. 使服从;使经受;使遭 受;使易受(to) 62 team Elton teamed up with Eric Clapton to wow thousands at the rock concert. vt. 使合作 n. 队;组 vt. 使协作,使合作;使相 配 vi. 合作,协作 63 trip She tripped and fell last night and broke her hip. vi. 绊倒 n. 出行;绊(倒) vi. 绊(倒)(on, over);倾斜,翻倒;失 误(on,up) vt. 将…绊倒;使犯错误; 意外触动(开关、警报 等) 64 wear You've worn a hole in your sock. vt. 穿破vt. 穿着,戴着;穿破;磨损 vi. 穿破;磨损;耐用;耐穿 65 weigh We have to weigh the benefits of the scheme against the costs. vt. 权衡 vt. 称……的重量;认真考 虑;权衡 vi. 重若干;称得重量 66 wind Quiet mountain roads wind through groves of bamboo and cedar. vi. (路、河 流或一 行人) 蜿 蜒而行 n. 风 vi. 弯曲前进;迂回; (缠)绕;上发条 vt. 绕;包;裹;给...上发 条


高考英语常用熟词生义 1.head [熟义]头,头部 [生义]首脑;负责人 [例]He is the head of that country. 他是那个国家的首脑。 2.brain [熟义]大脑 [生义]聪明的人;有智慧的人 [例]The company has some of the best brains in the world working for it. 这家公司汇集了世界上最优秀的人才为其效力。 3. feed [熟义]喂养 [生义]滋养;给……提供 [例]The exhibition will feed your mind. 这个展览会滋养你的心灵。 4. pick up [熟义]捡起;拿起 [生义](碰巧或廉价地)买到 [例]We managed to pick up a few bargains at the auction. 我们从拍卖场买到了几件便宜货。 5. advertise [熟义]做广告 [生义]宣扬;张扬 [例]I didn't want to advertise the fact that he hadn't driven me to the airport. 我不想宣扬他没有开车送我去机场的事。 6. average [熟义]平均数;平均的 [生义]平常的;普通的 [例]Freddy was an average student, but not an average person. Freddy是一个普通的学生,但不是一个普通的人。 7. set [熟义]放,放置 [生义]安排好的 [例]Each person was given set jobs to do. 分配给每个人的工作都是预先确定好的。


高考英语常考熟词生义 1.sweep [熟义]v. 扫;打扫;清扫;清除 [生义]n. 绵延弯曲的地带;广博的范围,广度 【2022•全国乙卷】 The sweep of the land and the stoicism (坚忍) of the people move her to some beautiful writing .土地的辽阔和人们的坚毅让她写出了优美的文字。 2.drive [熟义]v.驾驶;开(车) [生义]v.推动 n.冲劲;干劲 【2022•新高考全国卷Ⅰ】 It drives the evolution of human beings. 它推动了人类的进化。 【2022•全国甲卷】 We ' ve got a foundation built on ancient cultures but with a drive and dynamism of a young country .我们的根基建立在古老的文化之上,但也有着年轻国家的干劲和活力。 3.run [熟义]v .跑 [生义]v .发表;刊登;管理;经营 n .旅程,航程 【2022•新高考全国卷】 Fitness Magazine recently ran an article titled " Five Reasons to Thank Your Workout Partner ."《体线》最近刊登了一篇题为"感谢健身伙伴的五个理由"的文章。 【2022•全国甲卷】 After our third run Andrew shut down the engine,and we went our separate ways --- he for a lunch break , I to explore the city . 第三次航程结束后,安德鲁关掉引擎,我们各奔东西——他去吃午餐,我去探索这座城市。 【2020•全国卷Ⅱ】 Biologist Edmond Mouton runs the nutria control program for Louisiana. 生物学家埃德蒙·穆顿负责路易斯安那州的海狸鼠控制项目。 4. stick [熟义] v.粘(住);贴(住) [生义]v.(尤指迅速或随手)放置 【2022•新高考全国卷Ⅰ】 I stuck the chicken in the freezer . 我把鸡肉放进了冰柜。 5. pick up [熟义]v.提起;拿起 [生义]v.(风)变大;增强 【2022•新高考全国卷Ⅰ】The wind picked up and thunder rolled.风越刮越大,雷声隆隆。 6. produce [熟义]v. 生产;产出 [生义]n.农产品 v.展示;出示 【2022•新高考全国卷Ⅰ】Last year it recovered more than 807,500 pounds of food by taking donations and collecting blemished (有瑕疵的) produce that otherwise would have


2024上海市高考英语考纲词汇 2024年上海市高考英语考纲词汇是指考生需要掌握并熟练运用的单词和词组。在高考英语考试中,词汇是考生取得高分的重要因素之一。因此,了解并掌握 2024年上海市高考英语考纲词汇对于考生来说是至关重要的。 下面是2024年上海市高考英语考纲词汇的详细内容: 1. 名词类:考生需要掌握各个领域的专业词汇,如科学、艺术、政治、经济等。例如,biology(生物学)、literature(文学)、government(政府)、economy (经济)等。 2. 动词类:考生需要掌握常见的动词及其不同形式的变化,以便能够准确地表 达自己的意思。例如,achieve(实现)、communicate(交流)、establish(建立)、expand(扩大)等。 3. 形容词类:考生需要掌握形容词的用法,以便能够准确地描述事物的特征和 属性。例如,creative(有创造力的)、efficient(高效的)、flexible(灵活的)、responsible(负责任的)等。 4. 副词类:考生需要掌握常见的副词,以便能够准确地描述动作的方式、程度 或时间。例如,carefully(小心地)、completely(完全地)、gradually(逐渐地)、suddenly(突然地)等。 5. 介词类:考生需要掌握常见的介词及其用法,以便能够准确地表达地点、时间、原因等。例如,in(在...之内)、on(在...上)、with(与...一起)、for(为了)等。 6. 连词类:考生需要掌握常见的连词及其用法,以便能够准确地连接句子或词组。例如,and(和)、but(但是)、because(因为)、although(尽管)等。

高中英语常见熟词生义60词(含-WPS Office

高中英语常见熟词生义60词(含义+例句),你的同学已经收藏 考生总会遇到这样一种情况:见到一个词非常眼熟,就是不能立马明白它此时此刻的意思。 众所周知,初、高中英语教材中的单词清单所给出的只是每个单词最基本和常见的意思,即“熟义”。然而,教材“熟词”在高考文章中却产生了“生义”,这便是人们常说的“熟词生义”现象。 熟词生义是近几年中高考考查的重难点。知道一个单词的基本意思还不够,因为在具体语境中它代表的可能是你平时不知道的比较生僻的含义,所以,掌握熟词生义非常有必要。 趁着暑假,每天进步一点点,科学提升词汇量,把常用英语熟词生义单词背熟吧~ 1.absent adj.缺席的→adj.茫然的,恍惚的 She looked at the picture in an absent(茫然的)way. 2.ache v.& n.疼痛→v.渴望 Having left for ages,he was aching(渴望)for home. 3.address n.地址v.写地址→vt.发表演说 The president will address(发表演说)his speech at 3:00 pm. 4.against prep.逆着,反对;倚,靠;碰→prep.以...为背景 The picture looks nice against(以...为背景)the white wall. 5.attend v.出席;参加→v.看护;治疗;陪同 The nurse attended(看护)to him day and night. 6.blank adj.空白的n.空白→adj.没表情的;空虚的;没兴趣的 The stranger returned my greeting with a blank(没表情的)look. 7.blue adj.& n.蓝色→adj.忧伤的 His songs always make me feel blue(忧伤的).


考点21 2021真题阅读之熟词生义和常考词 汇(原卷版) 【命题趋势】 阅读理解越来越难,主要原因还是在于词汇明明都认识,在文中就是理解不了其意思。近年高考真题中,不仅阅读理解出现了大量的熟词生义,完形填空,七选五以及听力也出现大量的熟词生义。所以词汇的学习和集中记忆迫在眉睫。最好学习词汇的方法就是从真题中学习。以下内容主要以2021年真题为例,练习熟词生义,以及总结了2021年高考真题阅读理解中常考词汇。 【重要考向】 一、高考真题阅读熟词生义练习; 二、高考真题阅读常考词汇; 考向一 1. 【2021新高考全国卷1阅读理解C】Millions of acres of wetlands were dried to feed increasing populations, greatly reducing waterfowl habitat (栖息地). ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.【2020北京卷阅读理解A】Lancom cares about you and addresses your individual learning type. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 【2021年新高考全国卷Ⅰ阅读理解B】I was turning the page to get ready for the next page, but the draft wind from the turn caused the spare pages to fall off the

2022学年上海市中学生考纲词汇默写word版 A- 中译英教师版

2022学年上海市中学生考纲词汇默写word版A- 中译英教师版 上海市初中英语教学基本词汇表 A able adj. 能够;有能力的 ●be able to do sth =can do sth 会;能 ability n. 能力;才能 about prep. 关于 adv. 大约;到处;四处 above prep. 在……上面 abroad adv. 在国外 ●from abroad 从国外 absent adj. 缺席的;缺乏的(absence n.) ●be absent from school 旷课 accept v. 接受;认可 ●accept one’s invitation/suggestion 接受邀请/建议 ●It is widely accepted that....人们普遍认为 accident n.车祸, 事故;意外的事 ●have an accident 出车祸 ●by accident=by chance-happen to 碰巧 account n. 账户;账号 ●apply for a Wechat/bank account 申请微信、银行账号 accountant n. 会计 accurate adj.精确的=exact ●provide accurate information提供精确的信息 ache n. 疼痛

●aches and pains 疼痛 achieve v.得到;实现 ●achieve one’s dream 实现梦想 ●achieve one;s success 取得成功 across prep. 穿过;横过 act v.扮演; 表演n. 行动 action n. 行动;动作;措施[U] ●put your plan into action 将计划付诸行动 ●take action /steps/measures to fight the haze 采取措施治理雾霾●Action speaks louder than words.行动胜于语言。 active adj. 积极的;主动的 ●take an active part in 积极参加 ●an active child 活泼好动的孩子 activity n. 活动 actor n. 男演员 actress n. 女演员 actually adv. 实际上;事实上= in fact add v.加上 ●add..to...加上。。。 addition n.加;增加 ●in addition to=besides =what’s more 此外;还有 address n. 地址 admit v. 承认;录用;允许进入 (admit-admitted-admitted) ●admit doing sth 承认做过。。。 ●admit sb to/into a theatre 允许进入剧场 adopt v. 采用, 采纳;收养(adoption n. ) ●adopt English/one’s advice/a child 采用英语/采纳建议/收养孩子adult n. 成年人 an adult education programme 成人教育课程 advantage n. 有利条件;优势;优点


高考核按钮考纲词汇60练答案2022 magician n.魔法师;变戏法的人 magistrate n.地方行政长官 magnet n.有吸引力的人 magnetism n.磁;魅力;催眠术 magnify vt.放大,扩大 magnitude n.大小;重大;星等 maid n.少女;处女 maiden n.少女,未婚女子 main n.总管道,干线 maintenance n.扶养;坚持 majesty n.威严,尊严;陛下 makeup n.组织;性格;化装品 malice n.恶意;蓄意犯罪 mammal n.哺乳动物 manifest vt.表明a.明白的 manipulate vt.操作;控制,手持 mansion n.大厦,大楼;宅第 manuscript n.手稿,底稿,原稿 maple n.槭树,枫树 margin n.余地;幅度;赚头

marginal a.记在页边的;边缘的market vt.销售 Mars n.火星;战争 marsh n.沼泽地,湿地marshal n.元帅;陆军元帅martyr n.烈士,殉难者marvel n.奇迹;惊奇vt.惊奇masculine a.男性的`;强壮的massacre n.大屠杀,残杀massive a.粗大的;大而重的napkin n.餐巾 narration n.叙述;故事;叙述法negative a.负的,阴性的negligible a.微不足道的negotiate vi.谈判,交涉,议定neighbouring a.邻近的,接壤的nest vi.筑巢vt.为筑巢 net vt.用网捕;用网覆盖network n.网络;广播网neutron n.中子 nice a.细微的,微妙的 nickel n.镍;镍币


【高考英语】59个高考常考熟词生义(阅读完型必备) 59个高考常考熟词生义 1.absent adj.茫然的,恍惚的(熟义:adj.缺席的) She looked at the picture in an absent way. 2.ache v.渴望(熟义:v.& n.疼痛) Having left for ages,he was aching for home. 3.address vt.发表演说(熟义:n.地址;v.写地址) The president will address his speech at 3:00 pm. 4.against prep.映衬(熟义:prep.逆着,反对;倚,靠;碰) The picture looks nice against the white wall. 5.attend v.看护;治疗;陪同(熟义:v.出席;参加) The nurse attended to him day and night. 6.available adj.(人)有空的(熟义:adj.可得到的;可找到的) The professor is now available. 7.blank adj.没表情的;空虚的;没兴趣的(熟义:adj.空白的;n.空白) The stranger returned my greeting with a blank look. 8.blue adj.忧伤的(熟义:adj.& n.蓝色) His songs always make me feel blue. 9.cloudy adj.不明朗的,不清晰的(熟义:adj.阴的,多云的) Who will take his place still remains cloudy. 10.coach v.辅导,指导(熟义:n.教练) She coached me in playing football. 11.count vt.有价值,重要(熟义:n.& v.计算,数) It is not how much you read but what you read that counts. 12.course n.一道菜(熟义:n.课程;过程) The courses vary with seasons. 13.cross adj.生气的(熟义:v.跨越,横穿;n.十字) Don't be cross with him—after all,he is a child.


高考英语“一词多义熟词生义” 高频词汇总 1.average adj.普通的,不好不差的 (熟义:adj.平均的 n.平均数) Freddy was an average student, but not an average person. 2.back v.支持 (熟义:n.背) Many of his friends backed his plan. 3.badly adv.迫切,很 (熟义:adv.坏) English teachers are badly needed in our school. 4.behavior n.性能,特点 (熟义:n.举止,行为) The behavior of this new computer is good. 5.bare v.向某人袒露心声 (熟义:adj.裸露的) He likes to bare his heart/soul to his close friends. 6.bear v.显示,带有 (熟义:v.忍受,容忍) He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the pain. 7.bar vt.禁止,阻止 (熟义:n.条;棒;条状物) The players are barred from drinking alcohol the night before a match to keep their scores effective. 8.bend vt.专心 (熟义:vt.使弯曲 vi.弯身;弯腰 n.弯;拐角) You have to be able to bend a little in class so that you can follow your teacher. 9.blank adj.没表情的;空虚的;没兴趣的(熟义:adj.空白的;n.空白) Steve looked blank and said he had no idea what I was talking about. 10.blanket vt.覆盖;掩盖 (熟义:n.毛毯;毯子) Snow soon blanketed the frozen ground and the whole field looks white. 11.blue adj.忧伤的(熟义:adj.& n.蓝色) He has been feeling blue all week. 12.cast vt.描述 (熟义:扔;投;掷) He cast himself as the innocent victim of a hate campaign. 13.cloudy adj.不明朗的,不清晰的(熟义:adj.阴的,多云的) Who will take his place still remains cloudy. https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae19234087.html,mand vt.控制 (熟义:n.& vt.命令;指令;掌握) Soon after the conflict, the police arrived and commanded the situation. 15.coach v.辅导,指导(熟义:n.教练) Dad volunteered to coach me in English before my English midterm. 16.condemned vt.宣判 (熟义:vt.谴责;使……处于不幸的状态) The man in his twenties was condemned to death for murder and later hanged. 17.count vt.有价值,重要 (熟义:n.& v.计算,数) Your habits count but the belief that you can succeed affects whether or not you will. 18.course n.一道菜 (熟义:n.课程;过程) The courses vary with seasons. 19.cross adj.生气的 (熟义:v.跨越,横穿;n.十字) Please don’t get cross.Let m e explain. 20.decoration n.奖章 (熟义:n.装饰) The mayor presented him with a gold decoration for his bravery in the fire. 21.desert v.抛弃,离弃 (熟义:n.沙漠) The man had a bitter childhood, who was deserted for his disability. 22.determine vt.调查 (熟义:vt.决定;确定;下定决心) A team of scientists were sent to Wuhan after the epidemic to determine the cause of the incident.


2022年高考英语真题“熟词生义” 1. draw 熟义vt、画,绘画;吸引,引起生义vr.获取,得到 (2022•新高考Ⅰ卷阅读A)Class activities will vary from day to day,but students must be ready to complete short in-class writings or tests drawn directly from assigned readings or notes from the previous class' lecture/discussion. so it is important to take careful notes during class. 课堂活动每天都会有所不同,但学生必须为完成简短的课堂写作或测试做好准备,这些写作或测试直接来自指定的阅读材料或上节课的讲座或者讨论的笔记,所以在课堂上认真做笔记是重要的。 2. period熟义n.时期,一段时间生义n.学时,课,节 (2022•新高考1卷阅读A)An essay not submitted in class on the due date will lose a letter grade for each class period it is late. 未在截止日期上课时提交的论文,每迟交一堂课,就会失去一分。 3. excuse熟义v.原谅,宽恕生义v.准许……离开,请求准予离开 (2022•新高考Ⅰ卷阅读A)Short writings missed as a result of an excused absence will be accepted.因请假而缺失的短文写作是可以接受的。 4. stick熟义v.将……刺入;插入;粘贴;粘住生义vt.(尤指迅速或随手)放置(2022•新高考I卷阅读B)I stuck the chicken in the freezer. 我把鸡肉放进了冰箱。 5. reject熟义vt.拒绝接受;不予考虑生义vt.(因质量不好而)废弃 (2022•新高考Ⅰ卷阅读B) It's jaw-dropping how much perfectly good food is thrown away —from "ugly" (but quite eatable) vegetables rejected by grocers to large amounts of uneaten dishes thrown into restaurant garbage cans. 令人瞠目结舌的是,有多少完美的食物被扔掉了——从被食品商拒绝“丑陋”(但还可以吃)的蔬菜的,到大量被扔进餐馆垃圾桶的剩菜。 6. way 熟义n.方法;手段;途径;方式生义adv. 大量地 (2022•新高考Ⅰ卷阅读B) Even worse.I had unthinkingly bought way too much; I could have made six salads with what I threw out. 更糟糕的是,我不假思索地买了太多东西;我本可以用我扔掉的东西做六份沙拉。


高考英语阅读完形熟词生义词汇 1.agree with (熟义:同意) Your story agrees with what I heard.(与……一致) 2.back (熟义:n.背) Many of his friends backed his plan.(vt.支持) 3.cost(熟义:vt.花费;值……) His careless driving cost him his life.[vt.使失去(生命、健康等)] 4.cover(熟义:v.覆盖) Here is £5.That should cover all your expenses.(v.足以支付,够付) By sunset we had covered thirty miles.(v.走完一段路) He is carrying out a research that covers a wild field.(v.涉及) He was sent to cover the event.(v.报道) 5.book(熟义:n.书) I'll book a ticket to Beijing.(v.预订) 6.course(熟义:n.课程;过程) The main course was a vegetable stew.(n.一道菜) 7.cross(熟义:v.跨越,横穿 n.十字) Don't be cross with him—after all,he meant to help.(adj.生气的) 8.case(熟义:n.情况;状况) There are three cases of fever in school.(n.病例;案例) 9.chance(熟义:n.机会) She chanced to be in when he was called.(v.碰巧) 10.charge(熟义:v.索价,收费;指控,控告) Mother charged Alice to take good care of the baby.(v.赋予……责任或义务) 11.clean(熟义:adj.干净的) I clean forgot about calling him.(adv.彻底地;完全地) 12.damage(熟义:v.& n.损坏) He claimed $7,000 damages from the taxi company.[n.赔偿金(复数)=compensation] 13.desert(熟义:n.沙漠) He deserted his wife and children and went abroad.(v.抛弃,离弃) 14.develop(熟义:v.发展;开发;研制) Did you have the films developed?(v.冲印) develop a habit(v.逐渐形成) Most of the plants developed the disease.[v.患(病)] 15.drive(熟义:v.驾驶) Hunger drove her to steal.[v.迫使(某人做不好或极端的事)] 16.divorce(熟义:v.与某人离婚) You can't divorce science from ethical questions.(v.使分离;使脱离) 17.draw(熟义:v.画;拖;拉) What moral are we to draw from the story?(v.获得,取得,推断出) 18.date(熟义:n.日期) For a year I dated a woman who was a research assistant.(v.约会) 19.express(熟义:v.表达) His express wish was that you should come here by air.(adj.明确的) Is there an express from Nanjing to Shanghai?(n.快车) 20.encourage(熟义:vt.鼓励;激励) Good health encourages clear thinking.(v.促进,助长,刺激)
