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本论文系统开发上使用三层架构,SQL Server数据库,IIS服务,Visual Studio2010和Dreamweaver CS5开发工具。结构上使用B/S结构,B/S模式是现在比较流行的数据库应用模式,通过Internet进行通信,可以不受地域的限制。在编程思想上采用面向对象编程的特性及“封装性”的特点。本系统界面简单,容易操作,方便医院的管理与使用者的交流。关键词:预约挂号;设计与实现;Web应用;;三层架构

The Design and Implementation of Hospital Online

Registration Booking System

Abstract: With the continuous development and progress of science and technology, the using of 忽略puter network has gone deeply into all walks of life and Internet has been a part of people’s life as well. With the increasing urban population, people always wait in a long line for hospital registration, which is a very headache problem for the people whose time is tight. People even spend half a day for hospital registration. To alleviate the problem of waiting in a long line for hospital registration, this thesis will discuss the continuous development and progress of network technology that can be utilized in implementing online appointment.

This thesis mainly introduces the design and implementation of hospital online registration booking system that is based on and the foreground application and background management of the system and so on. People can make appointments online, search the appointment, and cancel the appointment through Internet. In addition, people can search the doctors; deal with the background management, etc.

Three-tier architecture, SQL Server database and IIS service will be utilized in the development of the system. Visual Studio2010 and Dreamweaver CS5 will be used as the development tools. B/S mode will be utilized in the structure design, which is a very popular database application mode. 忽略municating through the Internet is no subject to regional restrictions. Object Oriented Programming thought will be utilized and the encapsulation characteristic as well. This system has the following characteristics: easy interface, easy operation and convenient management of the system and also the 忽略munication between the users.

Key words: Booking registration; Design and Implementation; Web application; ;

Three-tier Architecture


绪论 (1)

1 需求分析和可行性分析 (3)

1.1 系统设计的原则 (3)

1.1.1 系统设计架构 (3)

1.1.2 模块要求 (3)

1.2 系统可行性分析 (4)

1.2.1 技术可行性 (4)

1.2.2 经济可行性 (4)

1.2.3 操作可行性 (5)

1.3 相关技术介绍 (5)

1.3.1 浏览器/服务器结构 (5)

1.3.2 技术简介 (6)

1.3.3 SQL Server数据库 (8)

1.4 开发工具和开发坏境 (8)

1.5 本章小结 (8)

2 数据库设计 (9)

2.1 数据库需求分析 (9)

2.2 数据库E-R图设计 (10)

2.3 数据库表设计 (11)

2.3.1 医生信息表(doctor-info) (11)

2.3.2 科室信息表(subject) (11)

2.3.3 预约信息表(booking) (11)

2.3.4 普通用户表(users) (12)

2.3.5 系统用户表(sys) (13)

2.4 本章小结 (13)

3 详细设计 (14)

3.1 系统设计思想 (14)

3.2 系统功能模块设计 (14)

3.3 系统结构设计 (15)

3.4 后台系统界面设计 (16)

3.4.1 用户管理 (16)
