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《英语》B 卷



1. Both Bach and Beethoven wrote c_________(经典的) music.

2.He has a strange way of making his classes a ____(有吸引的) and interesting.

3.He is a success as a m______(音乐家). So far he has composed over 100 songs.

4.You can often see some people play music to p____ (行人) in the street in the foreign countries.

5.we are c________(自信的) that we can earn much more money next year as we have such a good plan.

6.As a father and husband, his d____ (投入、付出) to the family is really touching.

7.A musical i_______ (乐器) is an object such as a piano, guitar, or violin which you play in order to produce music.

8. She said s he didn’t like it, but p____(就个人而言)I thought it was very good.

9. Smile, one of the u__________ (普遍的)languages in the world, is like a passport to every place in the world.

10. To d_____(下载)a program, video or other type of file from the Internet, click on the link to it.


11. 赢得第一名12. 开发一种新程序

13. 射进一个好球14. 事实上____ 15. 从那时起16. 毕竟、终究____ 17. 处理、对付18. 对…造成伤害

19. 注意、专心于20. 毫不留情地

21. 如释重负22. 保护…免受…

23. 突然笑起来24. 梦想;梦见

25. 开玩笑;戏弄26. 认为…很重要

27. 进行幽默表演28. 与…熟悉

29. 挣点外快30. 说实在的



Athens will welcome the 2004 Olympic Games with open arms. Not only will the Games be returning to their birthplace, but they’ll also be entering a new period of Olympic history.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has been looking for ways to make the world’s largest sporting event a bit smaller and easier for cities to host. Mexico is the only Latin American nation to have hosted the Olympics. And the games have never been held in Africa.

It costs well over$4 billion t host the Olympic Games. And this is stopping many poorer countries from trying to win the bid. Cities in Africa and Latin America, with great social and money problems, cannot even begin to make the bid.

So, the IOC has suggested 117 ways to make the Games smaller and easier for cities across the world. These ideas are to be put into practice soon---maybe in time for the Beijing 2008 Olympics. The IOC wants to save up to $400 million.

The suggestions include limiting the number of sports to 28 and the number of athletes to 10,500.

“Imagine a bus with 28 seats and some sports need to get off to give their places to other sports,” said an IOC official. Sports that might not appear in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games included baseball, softball and the modern pentathlon(五项全能)(shooting, fencing, horse, jumping, swimming and running).

“We think that the Olympic Games have to be made smaller, and the less costly so that they can be organized by all continents and subcontinents(次大陆),”said IO C president Jacques Rogge.

“Our dream is that a continent such as Africa will be able to organize the Olympic Games.”

31. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. The Olympic Games have to be made smaller and less costly

B. The Olympic Games have to increase the number of sports.

C. The Olympic games have to increase the number of athletes.

D. The Olympic Games have to enlarge their global attraction.

32. From the passage, we can know that the Olympics have been held in four continents EXCEPT____________.
