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1.What are the Core Axioms of Public Relations?

Public relations is the management function that establishes and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the publics on whom its success or failure depends.

2.Define”Issues Management”,and give an example.

A distinction is sometimes made between different types of issue, for example:

software errors or "bugs" in the developed technical solution,

more general problems that concern the project team,

issues that represent a requested change to the system, and

problems or "bugs" that need to be reported to an external supplier.

3.Explain Public Relations’Sevelopment”.

Development is a specialized part of public relations in nonprofit organizations that builds and maintains relationships with donors and members to secure financial and volunteer support.

4.Explain “Investor Relations”

Investor Relations is a specialized part of corporate public relations that builds and maintains mutually beneficial relationships with shareholders and others in the financial community to maximize market value

5.Explain “Issues Management”

Issues Management is the proactive process of anticipating,identifying,evaluating,and responding to public policy issues that affect an organization’s relationships with its publics.

6.Define”Lobbying”, and explain its significance

The US Senate defines lobbying as “the practice of trying to persuade legislators to propose,pass,or defeat legislation or to change existing laws.

Lobbying is specialized part of pubic relations that builds and maintains relations with government primarily to influence legislation and regulatio/

7.Explain“Public affairs”.

Public affairs is that specialized part of public relations that builds and maintains relationships with governmental agencies and community stakeholder groups in order to influence public policy.

8.Define“Press agentry”and explain its purpose.

Press agentry is creating newsworthy stories and events to attract media attention in order to gain public notice. Purpose:the goal of press agentry is to creat the perception that the subject of the publicity is a newsworthy subject deserving public attention.


Advertising is information placed in the media by an identified sponsor that pays for the time or space.it is a controlled method of placing messages in the media.


Publicity is information provided by an outside source that is used by the media because the inrormation has news value.

This is an uncontrolled messages in the media because the source does not pay the media for placement.

11.What is”Internal Relations”

Internal relations is the specialized part of public relations that builds and maintains a mutually beneficial relationship between managers and the emplo yees on whom an organization’s success depend.

12.According to PRSA,public relations?(1-9)

Public relations uses advertising to reach audiences other than the customers targetd by marketing.

13.What is thePRSA’s”Official Statement of Public Relations”?

This interactive concept appeared in Webster's Third New International Dictionary's definition:"The art or science of developing reciprocal understanding and good will"

14.Define and explain:reciprocal,mutual,and between.

blue-ribbon panel of PASA leaders attempted to provide society members a definition of the field that stressed public relations' contributions to society.

15.Outline how public relations helps improve organizations and society.
