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FDA guidance on genotoxic impurities

By Nick Taylor, 16-Dec-2008

Related topics: Materials & Formulation, QA/QC & validation

The FDA has issued draft guidance on how manufacturers should evaluate the safety of products that contain genotoxic and carcinogenic impurities.

Genotoxic and carcinogenic properties can be acceptable traits of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) but when these are impurities, which generally do not have a beneficial effect, their presence should be minimised.

To help manufacturers achieve the lowest technically feasible levels of these impurities, or reduce them to quantities that convey no significant cancer risk, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued guidance on the subject.

By following the guidelines manufacturers should understand what the FDA requires to approve applications at various developmental stages and how these standards can be achieved.

One recommendation is that manufacturers change the synthetic or purification routes to reduce impurity formation or increase its removal.

The FDA regards 1.5μg per day as an acceptable level for impurities but this may not be appropriate in every case. In addition, higher levels may be allowed during clinical development.

Further characterisation of the risks posed by the impurities by studying the mechanism of action or performing weight-of-evidence approaches can also add support to impurity specifications.

Products released prior to the issuing of the guidance are covered by it if a specific safety signal highlighting increased risk is detected.

Supplemental applications in previously approved products are also covered if they require a significant change to the labelling that suggests potential for increased carcinogenic risk.

The complete guidance can be found here.





2006年欧洲药品局(EMEA)首先颁布了《基因毒性杂质限度指南》(GUIDELINE ON THE LIMITS OF GENOTOXIC IMPURITIES),并自2007年1月1日起正式实施。该指南为限制新活性物质中的基因毒性杂质提供了解决问题的框架和具体做法。

基于EMEA上述指南实施两年后和ICH相关指南,FDA于2008年12月也正式签发了类似指南:Guidance for Industry――Genotoxic and Carcinogenic Impurities in Drug Substances and Products:Recommended Approaches。对指南发布的background,原料药和制剂中的基因毒性杂质生成的预防办法,基因毒性杂质的分析方法、处理方法和减少方法,上市申请和临床研究申请的可接受限度作了详细阐述和说明。FDA也同时发布了草药原料药和制剂中基因毒性杂质评估指南。


在EMEA的指南中,当一种化合物(杂质)的毒性物质限量(Threshold of Toxicological Concern,TTC)值达到1.5微克/人/天时,就被归类为基因毒性物质。TTC值最初由美国FDA提出,用来对食品接触性物质的含量制定一个“规定限值”。制定TTC值是为了对任何没有得到充分研究的化学物质通常应用的接触水平作出限定,从而最大程度的阻止它们产生较大的致癌风险或其它毒性作用。



基因毒性试验(genotoxicity study) :目的在于检测试验物质是否直接或间接引发基因损伤,并测知其对基因的损伤程度。测定方法可分为体内(in vivo)与体外(in vitro)分析。基因毒性试验有助于了解化合物的致癌性,且有助于致癌性试验的结果分析。一般而言,基因损害可能导致遗传疾病的发生或是体细胞突变,若试验物质有可能造成此方面的风险,则该测试物质有可能成为人体致癌物或致突变剂。
