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Passage 1

Passage One Artist Sam Easterson’s “Animal, Vegetable, Video” project offers a unique look at people in the world: the world as seen by animals and plants. The videos are taken by placing cameras as tiny as half an ounce on animals or plants. There's no specific length for the shooting; it lasts until the camera falls off. The result is a unique perspective applauded by naturalists in which the stars of the film are also the videographers. "If people can see things from the animal and plant perspective, they are far less likely to harm them or their environment, and that's why I present it," Easterson said.

It all started from equipping a small flock of sheep with cameras in 1998. Easterson said he learned a lot about his new craft and the nature of animals. "The first thing I realized was how intelligent and aware they are," he said. "The project changed everything in terms of respect. I was shocked to realize all the other animals in the flock could tell that this one sheep with the camera had been 'altered' in some way. She kept trying to enter, and they kept treating her as an enemy. I also learned sheep can run very fast."

While not a scientist, Easterson works with researchers by offering details that they may have never seen. Easterson said no animals have been hurt working as videographers. In the long term, Easterson said he hopes to create a library of hundreds of animals, from the unique "first animal" perspective.

Questions 1-5: Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 从A, B, C, D选项中选择一个正确的答案写在答题卷上。

1.Easterson’s cameras on animals will keep on working _______.

A. for a specific length of time set by Easterson

B. until they are taken off by Easterson

C. as long as they are still in their positions

D. until they cannot offer him something new

2.Easterson has presented the world seen by animals and plants mainly to


A. gain fame and recognition in his own field

B. encourage people to protect animals and plants

C. exhibit his innovative techniques as a video artist

D. help museums to deal with their financial difficulties

3.The phrase "changed everything in terms of respect" in paragraph 2 probably

means _______.

A. changed my understanding of how to show respect

B. changed my understanding of what is respect

C. changed my attitude toward my job

D. changed my attitude toward sheep

4.Easterson used to consider sheep as _______.

A. intelligent and slow

B. unintelligent and slow

C. sensitive and fast

D. insensitive and fast

5.It can be inferred from the passage that Easterson _______.

A. is of a great help to the scientists

B. has gradually become a scientist

C. doesn't think much of scientific researches

D. doesn't want to take part in scientific researches

Passage Two

The Inca Empire in South America was known for its huge reserves of gold and silver and its stone architecture. The Incan leader originally named the capital city Qusco, meaning "navel." This name signifies how central the capital city was to the vast empire.

During its nearly 300-year existence, the Inca Empire was the largest in the world. "The social and political organization was amazing in the Incas," Nunez said, noting how well the Incan leaders controlled the vast territory they conquered. The Incan people were considered warriors, but their day-to-day existence was relatively peaceful. Jails did not exist, for two reasons. The crime rate was low, and keeping prisoners would require feeding them with precious food resources. All law boiled down to three basic rules: Don't steal, don't lie and don't be lazy.

Their cities, carved out of stone, also draw praise. The Temple of the Sun is the reason why the Spanish conquerors came. The walls of the temple were covered in gold so that the sun would enter the room, and cast a blinding light on the golden statues. When the conquerors arrived, they immediately began melting down the statues to be shipped back to Spain.
