翻译课课件UNIT 2

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is the difference between the English and Chinese expressions? What do you think causes the difference? Viewpoint, sentence forming E: Hypotaxis: subject + predicate Ch: Parataxis: topic + statement Does Chinese topic function the same as English subject? What is a subject?
2.2.英汉语言对比(A Contrast of English- Chinese Language)
2.2.1. Introduction(绪论 )
Why "contrast" but not "compare"? Compare: similarity of two things Contrast: differences of two things 语言对比是指不同语言间的对比分析,通常是通过 compare 和contrast两种途径。 比较语言学(Comparative linguistics)的主要任务是寻找 不同语言间的共性。 对比语言学(contrastive linguistics)是对两种或两种以上的 语言进行共时的对比研究,描述它们之间的异同特别是不同 之处。
New Zealand : An island country in the southern Pacific Ocean southeast of Australia. Discovered by Abel Tasman in 1642. Tthe islands were visited and explored by Capt. James Cook four times between 1769 and 1777. The first settlements were made in 1840 by the British, who claimed the region as a crown colony. New Zealand was set off from Australia in 1841, received dominion (主 权) status(身份)in 1907, and became fully independent in 1931. Wellington(惠灵顿) is the capital and Auckland(奥克兰) the largest city. Population, 3,265,300. 新西兰: 澳大利亚东南的一个岛 国,位于太平洋南部。1642年由艾贝尔· 泰斯曼发现,在1769和 1777年间被吉姆斯· 库克船长四次参观和考察。1840年英国第一个 确定它为王权殖民地。新西兰1841年脱离澳大利亚统治,1907年 取得主权地位,1931年完全独立。首都惠灵顿,最大的城市奥克兰。 人口3,265,300。
误译:你有两只左脚 / 你的手指头都是大拇指。 正译:你真是笨手笨脚。
2.1.2 Language dissimilation (语言的异化问题 )过于汉化
to teach fish to swim / to teach your grandmother Two heads are better than one.
Cabbage (Eng.): 卷心白菜;洋白菜;圆白菜——不完全等同于“白菜” 白 菜 (Chin.):China cabbage——不完全等同于“cabbage‖ 橙 子:China orange——不完全等同于“orange‖ 月季花:China rose≠rose 豇 豆:China bean ≠ cowpea (an annual African plant in the pea family widely cultivated in warm regions for food, forage, and soil improvement.一种一年生非洲豆科植物,广泛种植于温 带地区,可以食用、作为饲料及改良土壤) 黄 鳝:rice field eel≠yellow eel (any of various long, snakelike, scaleless marine or freshwater fishes, specially in eastern North America鳗, 任一 种长的蛇形的无鳞海洋或淡水鱼,尤指产于北美东部, 主产于 北美东部) 韦建华:Wei Jianhua≠Wei Building China nor Building China Wei 李 阳:Li Yang ≠ Li Sun nor Sun Li 王海燕:Wang Haiyan ≠ Salangane Wang nor Wang Salangane 李小梅:Li Xiaomei ≠ Li Waxberry nor Waxberry Li 赵小花:Zhao Xiaohua ≠ Zhao Little Flower nor Little Flower Zhao 陈天菊:Chen Tianju≠Chen Sky Chrysanthemum nor Sky 返回 Chrysanthemum Chen
Subject vs. topic (theme) (1)
Subject (the traditional explanation in linguistics) It refers to one of the nouns in the nominative case.
She loves her father.
What will it be when the increase of yearly production is brought to a complete stop? Here is the vulnerable place, the heel of Achilles.
2. 恩格斯(Engels, Friedrich)在一篇文章中使用过Achilles’ heel 一词:
Unit 2 Problems of Equivalent in Translation (第二单元 英汉对比) 2.1. Introduction(绪论 )
2.1.1 Interpreting without real understanding (―望文生义”现象 )
1) I’d like to see your back. 误译:我想看到你的背。 正译:我不想见到你。 2) You are telling me. 误译:你在告诉我。 正译:用不着你来告诉我 / 我 早就知道了。 3) That’s quite another pair of shoes. 误译:那是另一双鞋。 正译:那完全是两码事。 4)You have two left feet. Or: All your fingers are thumbs.

吕叔湘先生曾经指出:“只有比较才能看出各种语文表现法 的共同之点和特异之点。拿外语跟汉语进行比较,可以启发 我们注意被我们忽略过去的现象。” 汉语和英语的对比研究,始于100年多前《马氏文通》,这 是我国第一部汉语语法书,是在比较和模仿拉丁文法的基础 上写成的。 世界上每一种语言都有自己的语法,否则,人们就不能进行 翻译实践和翻译理论的研究。而通过分析和对比英汉两种语 言,译员必将更加深刻地体会到译事之艰辛。
2.1.4 英名 / 汉名英译问题 Carl Marx: 卡尔· 马克思 ≠ New York: 纽约 Kerry Waldrep: 凯莉· 瓦尔德 ≠ ≠ 卡尔· 马科斯 新约克 魏琳(外教中文名) 新约克 纽西兰
New York: 纽约 ≠ New Zealand: 新西兰 ≠
Zealand,西兰岛, the biggest island of Denmark 丹麦最大的岛。
to talk of the devil to hear the flutter of his wings
……―吕洞宾”,“猪八戒”,“陈世美”,“司马昭”…… 过于或西化
1.Your laziness is your Achilles’ heel. Story about Achilles ——Styx: 冥河 (The river across which the souls of the dead are ferried (i.e., to go across by boat), one of the five rivers in Hades). ——Hades: 冥府(Dis/Hades/Hel; but if you are a bad man, your soul will go to the hell for suffering after you die) ——―致命弱点 (vulnerability or weakness) (误译:你的懒惰是阿切列斯的脚后跟/希尔。)
Analysis II
In other words, students do not have to pass a test to be admitted to a two-year institution. 换句话说,进两年制大学学习不用考试。(original S. omitted) European interest in MBA programs had to wait until the late 1950s. 直到20世纪50年代,欧洲人才开始对MBA 产生兴趣。 Courses were designed to integrate functional skills, and to emphasize international cultural and business learning. 课程的设置旨在将实用技能融会贯通,注重国际性文 化背景和商业知识的学习。 主语与主题(subject vs. topic)
Analysis I
the following sentences and their translation. Find the difference between them. There are essential differences between China and the United States in their social systems and foreign policies. 中美两国的社会制度和对外政策有着本质的区 别。 Two widely used household electric apparatus are television and refrigerator. 电视机和电冰箱是两种常用的家用电器。
译文:如果生产根本不再每年增长的话,情形将会是怎样呢?这里正 是资本主义的致命弱点。
试比较:思味特餐馆 (较典型的音意结合的成功译法)
Sweet Restaurant
2.1.3. 汉语的造诣问题 译1. 译2. 译3. Black is white . 译4. 译5. 译6. 译7. 颠倒黑白。 黑白颠倒。 颠倒是非。 是非颠倒。 指鹿为马。 硬把黑的说成白的。 诡辩。
speaking, subject refers to a noun which can establish correspondence with the verb and which can be checked by a tag-question(反义疑问句) test.