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gifts giving and gifts receiving. 实训内容
Case for practice 自学内容
Further reading.
Unit 4 Cultural Differences in Connotative Meanings
【教学目标】 1. To get to know the differences of some culture loaded words such as dragon, phoenix, giant in the Chinese and English culture; 2. To get to know the differences of some color words in the Chinese and English culture; 3. To get to know the taboos in Chinese and English culture; 4. To get to know the differences in cultural thought patterns under the Chinese culture and the target culture.
2. To discuss about the differences between Chinese and English compliments;
3. To discuss about the common response formulas of English and Chinese compliments; 4. To analyze the reasons of those differences and the potential miscommunication; 5. To discuss about the expressions of gratitude and apology in English and Chinese; 6. To discuss about the similarities and differences between the Chinese way and the American way of
1. To get to know the differences of addressing people under the Chinese culture and the target culture;
2. To get to know how to avoid the miscommunication when making greeting during the intercultural communication;
3. To get to know that some conversation topics shall be avoided; 4. To get to know the differences of making a visit and parting under the Chinese culture and the target
2. To understand the meaning of intercultural communication, its history of the development. 3. To raise students’ awareness of the importance of politeness and appropriateness in intercultural
communication. 【教学内容】 讲授内容
1. To explain the concepts of “culture”, “cultural difference”, “intercultural communication”, and “politeness”;
2. To explain and analyze the cases of “showing concern”, “first offer”, “same language, different behavior”;
3. To discuss about the miscommunication when making greeting; 4. To discuss about some conversation topics that shall be avoided such as age, money, health and so
culture. 【教学内容】 讲授内容
1. To explain and analyze the cases of “Two cups of tea”, “Have you had your lunch? / Where are you going?”, “Sitting down”, “Different attitudes toward a fly in a beer” and “Borrow money and lend money”;
3. To introduce the history of the development of the intercultural communication. 实训内容
Case for practice 自学内容
Further reading.
Unit 2 Cultural Differences in Daily Interactivities 【教学目标】
(二)职业技能目标 能与英语国家人士进行关于日常生活和工作的正常和有效地沟通。 (三)职业素质养成目标 具备一定的跨文化商务交际知识,在原有的日常听说能力上有所提高,使学生能够灵活运用所学知 识在商务活动中进行有效交流,适应一般的外语工作。 (四)职业技能证书考核要求 熟悉英语国家文化,掌握基本的跨文化交际技能,能取得相应的英语等级及商务英语考证证书,拓 展学生的职业能力。 三、教学内容和具体标准 (一)课程教学目的要求和主要内容
课程名称:跨文化交际 总学时数:商务英语专业:60(实践课学时数:20) 学分数: 3 适用专业:商务英语专业
一、概述 (一)课程性质 《跨文化交际》是为学院商务英语专业二年级开设的一门专业学习领域课程。该课程是提高学生跨 文化交际意识,培养他们的跨文化交际能力基础课程。根据教育部相关文件规定,本课程属“语言应用 类”和“语言文化类”课程,为已基本完成“综合英语类”课程学习的学生而开设。本课程传授英语语 言国家文化,展示其独特的社会风貌,揭示中西文化在语言交际、非语言交际、生活方式、思维方式、 社会规范、宗教信仰等方面存在的一致性,揭示其差异性,使学生在对异域文化的了解中加深对其语言 现在和文化内涵的理解和领悟,提高跨文化交际敏感性。使他们能用英语与来自不同文化的人进行得体 的、有效的交际,从而培养他们成为具有跨文化交际能力的的现代人。 本课程结合了“综合英语”、“口语”课程的一些基本功能,通过对学生进行思辨能力、口语交际等 英语语言技能的训练,提高学生的口语表达能力和跨文化交际能力,为后续课程打下坚实的基础。 (二)课程定位 该课程平行课程有“综合英语”等课程。后续课程有“商务英语谈判”、“网络营销”等。《跨文化 交际实用教程》旨在提高学生跨文化交际意识,培养他们的跨文化交际能力,并以具体事例唤醒学生的 跨文化交际意识,以选文增长学生的跨文化知识,以多样性的课内外活动增加学生的跨文化情感体验, 进而实现学生跨文化交际能力的形成和提高。 (三)课程设计思路 本课程不强调一个方面的阅读或是口语能力,而是把口头表达能力和阅读理解及思辨能力以及作为 一个整体对学生进行培养,贯彻“以应用为目标,以实用为主,以够用为度”的教学理念。该课程以商 务英语专业对应的职业岗位为核心,根据各个岗位的工作任务及能力需求制定课程内容,并让学生在完 成具体项目的过程中学会完成相应工作任务,并根据各个岗位所需的英语语言技能要求设计跨文化交际 的训练方式。本课程把听说思三种学习活动有机地结合起来,以阅读和口语为手段,以发展跨文化交际 能力为目的。课堂练习形式多样,按各项跨文化交际技能的难度和特点,有步骤分阶段进行跨文化交际 训练,使学生掌握相关跨文化交际技能,提高学生的跨文化交际能力。教学过程中,要进行实践实训, 充分开发学习资源,给学生提供丰富的实践机会。教学效果评价采取过程评价与结果评价相结合的方式, 通过理论与实践相结合,重点评价学生的职业能力。 二、课程目标 (一)知识目标
Unit 1 Understanding Culture and Intercultural Communication 【教学目标】
1. To get a general idea of the concepts of “culture”, “cultural difference”, “communication” and “intercultural communication”;
culture. 实训内容
Case for practice. 自学内容
Further reading.
Unit 3 Cultural Differences in Social Value
【教学目标】 1. To get to know the differences between Chinese and English compliments; 2. To get to know the differences of the common response formulas of English and Chinese compliments; 3. To get to know the differences of the common response formulas of English and Chinese compliments; 4. To get to know how to avoid the miscommunication when making compliments during intercultural communication; 5. To get to know the differences of gratitude and apology in English and Chinese; 6. To get to know the similarities and differences between the Chinese way and the American way of gifts giving and gifts receiving.
【教学内容】 讲授内容
1. To analyze and explain the cases of “An invitation to dinner”, “Why should they do like this” and “The embarrassment caused by ‘No etiquette’”;
on and the miscommunication that will occur; 5. To discuss about the difference of making a visit and parting under the Chinese culture and the target
2. To get to know the differences between the Chinese culture and the target culture during some daily verbal communication and analyze the miscommunication that may occur because of the differences;