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interest account 利息帐户
interest-bearing check account 有息[计息]支票户
inter-fund account 基金间往来帐户
intermediate account 媒介[中间]帐户, 期内帐单
international equalization account 国际平衡帐户
inventory account 存货帐
inventory suspense account 存货暂记帐户
investment account 投资帐(户)
issuing account 发行帐户
itemized account 明细帐
journal account 流水帐
keep account with 与 ... 继续交易, 与...有帐务往来
keep accounts 记帐
labour cost account 劳务费帐户
landing account 起货单, 卸货报告; 栈单
ledger accounts 分类帐帐户, 总帐, 分户帐
liability account 负债帐户[表]
liquidated account 已清算帐户
liquidation account 清算变产表, 清理帐户
loan account 贷款[放款]帐户
long account 多头帐户, 经纪人用雇客证券或货品登记簿
loss and gain account 损益帐
lot and building account 房地产帐
machinery account 机器
margin account 证券交易中的顾客保证金户
master control account 总统驭帐户
master's account 所有主帐
mate account 对应科目
material purchased account 材料采购帐
memorandum account 备查帐册(即在资产负债以外的备忘记录)
merchandise inventory account 商品库存帐户
merchandise purchases account 进货帐户
merchandise sales account 销货帐户
merchandise trading account 商品购销[贸易]帐户
miscellaneous accounts 杂项帐户
mixed account 混合帐户
money account 现金帐
mutual currency account (MCA) 相互通货帐户
mutually offsetting accounts 对比帐户
national account 国民核算[帐户], 国民收入和生产核算帐户
national capital account 国民资本帐户
national income account 国民所得帐户, 国民收入核算帐户
national income and product account 国民收入和生产帐户
natural expense account 按性质分类费用帐户
negative assets account 负资产科目
net cost account 进价的净价帐户, 进货纯价帐
net profit and loss account 纯损益计算
net worth accounts 净值帐户
nominal accounts 名义帐目, 名目帐, 非实物帐, 损益帐户
nominal capital account 名义股本帐户
non-commercial accounts 非贸易帐户
non-personal account 非人名帐户
non-resident account 无户籍存户(指国外的外国人存户)
note payable account 应付票据帐
note receivable account 应收期票帐
number account 不列户名、仅以数字编号的(存款)帐户
numbered account 帐号

office building account 营业用房屋帐
office expenses account 办公费帐
offset account 抵销帐户
offset against accounts 帐款抵销
on one's own account 为了自己 依靠自己 自担风险
open account (OA) 未结清帐户, 公开帐户, 无保证赊欠户, 应收帐款; 贸易帐户;
open an account with 与...开一往来户头; 开了...的头
open consignment account

opening balance account 期初差额帐
operating account 营业帐户
operating result accounts 业务成果帐户
opposite accounts 对方科目, 相对帐目
outlay accounts 支出帐户
outstanding account 应收[未清]帐款; 未付帐单, 未结算帐目
over-and -short account 零星差额帐户, 长短数帐户
overdraft account 透支帐户, 往来存款透支帐
overdue account 逾期帐款, 过期未付帐款
overhead account 管理[间接]费用帐户
overlapped account 重复帐户
partly convertible account 部分可兑换帐户
partner's drawing account 合伙人提款帐户
pass to the account of 并入...帐内
past due account 过期帐款
pay ... on account 把...付作定钱
payable account 应付帐款
payee's account 收[受]款人帐户
per contra account 对照(应)帐户
permanent account 实帐户, 永久帐户
personal account 业主往来帐户, 人名帐户, 人名帐
petty cash account 零用现金帐
petty expenses account 杂费帐
place to the account of 并入...帐内
pool account 暂记帐(即待分配的费用帐户)
postal transfer deposit account 邮政汇划[划拨]储金帐户
posting accounts 过帐
prepaid expense account 预付费用帐
primary account 主要[初级]帐户
principal account 主要帐户
private account 私人帐户
production cost account 生产成本帐户
profit account 利润帐户
profit and loss account 损益帐[表], 盈亏计算
profit and loss adjustment account 损益调整帐户
profit and loss appropriation account 损益分配帐(户)
property account 财产清查[帐户]
property managing account 财产管理帐
proprietary account 业主帐户; 所有主帐户
proprietorship account 业主帐户; 所有主帐户
provisional account 临时帐户
purchase account 购料帐; 进货帐
purchase price adjustment account 买价调整帐户
quarterly account 季度帐
real estate account 不动产帐; 房地产帐
receivable account 应收帐款; 应收款帐户
receiving account 收入帐
reciprocal account 相对[对方, 相互]帐户

reckon accounts 结帐, 算帐
reconciliation account 调节[协调]帐户
reconciling bank account 核对银行存款帐户, 调节银行存款帐户
regional account 计算国民收入的地区帐户
regular bank account 普通银行存款户
reliable account 可靠帐户
remit account 划帐
render account 开出帐目; 结帐; 送呈帐单
render an account 开送帐单; 报帐
rent account 租金帐
repair and maintenance account 修缮费帐
reserve account 公积金帐; 准备金帐户
reserve fund account 储备基金帐户
residential account 居民帐户(住在本国居民的帐户)
returned purchases account 进货退出[回]帐
returned sales account 销货退回帐户
revaluation account 重估价帐户
revenue account 营业收入帐户[会计], 收益帐, 进款帐
revenue and expenditure account 出入[收支]帐目
revolving funds account 周转

run up an account 赊欠, 挂账; 负债; 登账
running account 流水[往来]帐户
sale on account 赊销
salvage account 残废料帐户
savings account 储蓄帐户
secondary account 附属帐户, 次级帐户
sector accounts 部门帐户
secured accounts 担保帐户[款]
securities account 证券帐户
send in an account 开送帐单; 报帐
separate account 专帐
sequestered account 根据法院命令查封的帐户
service account 劳务帐
settle another's account 垫帐
share draft account 股金提款帐户
short account 抛空[卖空]帐户
short landing account 短卸帐单
short period cost account 短期成本帐户
simple cost account 品别成本帐户
single account 个人帐户
skeleton accounts T 字形帐户
sleeping account 停滞帐目
small saving account 零星蓄储存款
society account 社团帐户
special account 专用帐户; 特种帐单
special account for traffic revenue 运输收入专户
special current account 特别往来存款
special drawing account 特别提款权帐户
special fund appropriation accounts 特种基金拨款帐户
special fund receipt accounts 特种基金收入帐户
special surplus account 特别公积金帐户, 特别准备金
specified account 专用帐户; 特种帐单
standing job accounts 经常工作帐户
state appropriation account 国家拨款帐户
statistical account 统计帐户
stock account 存货帐, 股份或股本帐目, 资本帐
stock record account 库存记录帐
storage charge account 存储费帐
store imprest account 备用材料帐
sub-control account 局部统制帐户
subscriber's account 用户帐单
subsidiary ledger accounts 辅助[明细]分类帐户
substitution account 替代帐户
successor account 备付帐户
summary account 汇总帐户

sundries personal account 各种人名帐目
sundry account 杂项帐户
supplementary account 补充帐单
surplus account 盈余滚存帐户, 公积金帐户, 滚存款帐; 盈余帐
surplus adjustments account 盈余提拨[调整]帐
surplus appropriation account 盈余分配帐户
suspense account 暂汇(临时)帐户, 暂记帐户, 未定帐, 悬帐
suspense payments account 暂付款帐户
suspense receipts account 暂收款帐户
swing account 自动调整结算
system account 制度帐户
T account "T" 字式帐户
tandem account 存款货款串联帐户
tax equalization account 税金平准帐户
tax payable account 应付税款帐户
tax-accrual trust account 应缴税款信托帐户
technical account 业务帐单
temporary proprietorship account 暂记资本帐户
temporary receipts account 暂记收入帐户
term-end account 期末帐额
terminal account 终结帐户
thrift account 储蓄[节约]帐户
trading accounts 购销帐, 贸易[营业]帐户, 营业表
transaction account 交易帐户
transfer appropriation account 转帐拨款帐户
transferable account 可转拨帐户
transit account 未达帐
transition account

treasury stock account 库存股票帐户
trust account 信托[托管]财产; 信托帐户
trust fund account 信托基金帐户
trustee's account 受托人帐户
trustee's cash account 管理人[清算人, 受托人]现金帐户
unbalanced account 未结算帐户
un-collectible account 坏帐, 呆帐
underwriting account 保险帐户
unliquidated account 未清帐目
unpaid account 尚未付讫的帐款, 帐款未清, 未付帐目
unsecured account 无担保帐项[债权], 无保证的帐户
unsettled account 悬帐, 未决帐项, 未结帐
vacation club account 零存整取度假储蓄
valuation account 估价[计价]帐户
variance accounts 差异帐户
vendor's accounts 卖主帐
venture account 投机买卖帐户
vouchers account 凭单帐户
working account 往来帐户, 活期借贷帐户
writing-off uncollectible accounts 注销坏帐
