阅读教程 1 Unit 4 答案

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阅读教程Book 1 Unit 4答案


I. Reading for information

A. Reading to find main ideas


II. Translation

Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1 In his free time, he runs a charity that helps war veterans adjust to life after traumatic injury.


2 Still, a large and growing proportion of the population can lay claim to this problem.


3 Procrastination is considered a needless, often irrational delay of someimportant task in favor of

a less important, but seemingly more rewarding, task.


4 As with many problems that arise from the fundamental human condition,procrastination has not been easy to fix.


5 Because they believe expectancy of success is essentially a measure of confidence. The more confident you are, the less likely you are to put off a task.


III. Summary

Complete the following statements with words and expressions from the box. Use their proper forms.

1 Robert Capp is a 38-year-old publishing executive at the top of his field. He’s overseen everything from major magazines to major Internet sites.

2 It’s impossible to be in a rel ationship with a chronic procrastinator because procrastination has affected every part of his life.

3 Laziness involves a lack of desire; with procrastination, the desire to start that project is there, but it consistently loses out to our appetite for delay.

4 Modern life furnishes an abundance of endlessly reinforcing demands for our attention, such as the streams of tweets you subscribe to.

5 However much procrastination reflects a mismatch between our stone-age brains and the highly sophisticated environments those same brains have created, it reaches deep into our being.

6 The solution to procrastination, argues Pychyl, centers around deploying some skills of emotion management.

Part II Reading for Pleasure


Answer the following questions.

1 Why did Akerlof find it difficult to deal with the box of clothes left by his friend?

Because it would take him an entire workday and a whole lot of trouble to send the box off due to his clumsiness in such matters and the inefficiency of the Indian postal service.

2 What did procrastination reveal according to Akerlof?

He argued that procrastination revealed something important about the limits of rational thinking and that it could teach useful lessons about phenomena as Student’s Book 81 diverse as substance abuse and savings habits.

3 When does procrastination as a serious problem seem to have emerged?

It seems to have emerged in the early modern era. The term itself entered the English language in the sixteenth century, and, by the eig hteenth, Samuel Johnson described it as “one of the general weaknesses” that “prevail to a greater or less degree in every mind.”

4 Why is procrastination also a surprisingly costly problem?

Each year, Americans waste hundreds of millions of dollars because of their habit of procrastinating, such as when many fail to file their tax returns on time.

5 For what reason are some philosophers interested in procrastination?

Philosophers are interested in procrastination because it’s a powerful example of what the Greeks called akrasia —doing something against one’s own better judgment.
