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第二课1)An atom's nucleus can be split apart。 When this is done, a tremendous amount of energy is released。The energy is both heat and light energy。Einstein said that a very small amount of matter contains a very large amount of energy。This energy, when let out slowly, can be harnessed to generate electricity。When it is let out all at once, it can make a tremendous explosion in an atomic bomb. 原子核能够分裂。当原子核分裂完,将会释放巨大的能量。这些能量既有热能也有光能。爱因斯坦说过一个很小的物质也包含了很大的能量。当这些能量被缓慢的释放时,可以用来发电。当这些能量被迅速的释放时,那么能产生原子弹中的巨大的爆炸。

2)A nuclear power plant (As shown in Fig.3.6 ) uses uranium as a "fuel。" Uranium is an element that is dug out of the ground many places around the world.。It is processed into tiny pellets that are loaded into very long rods that are put into the power plant's reactor.核电站使用铀作燃料。铀是一种在世界各地的许多地方都能挖出的一种元素。它被加工成装载在很长棒中的小环然后在

投放在核电站的反应堆中。3)The word fission means to split apart.。Inside the reactor of an atomic power plant, uranium atoms are split apart in a controlled chain reaction.这个单词裂变意思就是分裂。在原子

核电站反应堆中,铀原子在控制链反应中分裂。4)In a chain reaction, particles released by the splitting of the atom go off and strike other uranium atoms splitting those。Those particles given off split still other atoms in a chain reaction, in nuclear power plants, control rods are used to keep the splitting regulated so it doesn't go too fast.在链式反应中,铀原子爆裂释放出来的粒子离开铀原子并且撞击其他铀原子分裂成粒子。在链式反应中这些被释放的粒子继续爆裂其他的原子在核电站中,为了控制链式反应的速度过快经常用控制杆来保持爆裂规律。第三课1)Some of the energy we can use is called renewable energy。Renewable energy sources include solar energy, which comes from the sun and can be turned into electricity and heat。Wind, geothermal energy from inside the earth, biomass from plants, and hydropower and ocean energy from water are also renewable energy sources.。These types of energy are constantly being renewed or restored.我们使用的一些能源叫做可再生能源。可再生能源的来源包括来自于太阳并且能够转换成电能和热能的的


复。2)For example, solar thermal energy involving the collection of solar rays through collectors (often times huge mirrors) need large tracts of land as a collection site。This impacts the natural habitat, meaning the plants and animals that live there。The environment is also impacted when the buildings, roads, transmission lines and transformers are built。The fluid most often used with solar thermal electric generation is very toxic and spills can happen. 例如利用收集器来收集太阳能射线产生的太阳热能时需要大片的土地作为收集场地。之这就影响了动植物生存的自然栖息地。当修建建筑物、传输线、公路、变压器时环境也将受到破坏。大多数使用在生产太阳能电力的流体是有剧毒的并且

经常泄露。3)Producing geothermal electricity from the earth's crust tends to be localized.。That means facilities have to be built where geothermal energy is abundant。 In the course of geothermal production, steam coming from the ground becomes very caustic at times, causing pipes to corrode and fall apart。Geothermal power plants sometimes cost a little bit more than a gas-fired power plant because they have to include the cost

to drill. 从地壳成产地热能发电已经趋向于局部化。就意味着设备必须建立在地热能充足的地方。再生产地热的反应过程中来自于地表的热能有时具有腐蚀性,可以引起管路的腐蚀或破碎。地热电站的费用通常比燃

气电站的费用高,因为其中包含钻井的费用。第五课1)Walking-beam reheating furnace is an important device with lots of energy consumption in steel plants。 It is important to improve the heating quality of slab and reduce the energy consumption as much as possible.。In current system, the emphasis is often put on the heating quality while the energy saving is seldom taken into account.。Because of high nonlinearity large time delay large time-constant and various uncertain factors, the modeling and reliable control of a reheating furnace are always challenging problems。During the past decade,the challenge has attracted considerable attention and a significant progress has been made in the furnace control。
