世界政治与经济 发达国家和二战后经济组织的关系 英文

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• Common ground: economic matter • The initial aim of the both sides is to push the economy development to fair way
• Mostly, it is an opposing power against KIEOS (IMF, World Bank, WTO, and other neoliberal globalization) to make the world a better and fair place for everyone.
Those Institutions
• • • • Indicate the decline of US hegemony “Rich Clubs” Not perfect, but necessary Membership is growing
Question 2
• What are the relations between postwar economic institutions and the Third World?
The IMF, World Bank, and WTO
• Effectiveness:
Those KIEOs contributed to economic growth, liberalization, and stability
• Problems:
1. The decline of US hegemony, the end of cold War the frictions among DCs 2. Middle East War OPEC limited supply of oil oil price increased 3. Limited capacity in managing the forces of Globalization 4. The growing membership interfere with management capacity
The G10, G5, G8, and G20
Development process:
G10 (1962) G5
(1967) G7(1976,
superseded the G5 in 1986)G8 (1991)
The G10, G5, G8, and G20
United States Japan Germany G5 France G7 United Kingdom +Russia=G8 Italy Canada Belgium All the G5, G7, G10 members are the Netherland advanced industrial countries (Dcs, The Sweden North) Switzerland
Wang Qinxiao
Postwar Economic Institutions
G10, G5, G7, G8, and G20 IMF( International Monetary Fund )
OECD (Organization for World Bank
Economic Co-operation and Development) 经济合作与发展组织
GATT (General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 关税及贸易总协定
WTO (superseded
GATT in 1995) 世界贸易组织
Advanced Industrial States
• DCs : US, UK, France, Japan… or the North
• Transnational advocacy networks • More useful and clear for analyzing the relations between NGOs and other actors.
3 Types of CSOs
• Conformist • Reformist • Rejetionist
Chi Yong
The Third World
• Weak position individually
• DCs’ obstacles
• With World Bank and IMF • With WTO
G77 and UNCTAD
• G77(1964)
• UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development )
• Isn’t fair enough to Third world • Struggle against inequity • Results ( China, Brazil etc.)
Question 3
• What is the relationship between these economic institutions and civil society?
• Function and dominant power of the economic institutions (KIEOS). • Function and aim of the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). • Comparison.
The economic institutions
1. Membership: 30 mainly DC members 2. It was committed to liberalize international transactions 3. A forum for the North to discuss economy issues 4. DCs Use it to develop a unified position on issues in KIEOs 5. Its membership is growing with more LDCs involved
• Managing the global economy. • Few countries have critical role. • South had little influence.
• Obviously, despite the fact that KIEOS helps to rebuild the economy order, the main function of the KIEOS is to protect the interest of the founding countries.
The IMF, World Bank, and WTO
Keystone international economic organization (KIEOs)
1. The IMF and World Bank have a weighted votes system 加权表决制 ( funding votes ) which is in DCs’ favor 2. WTO has an one-nation, one-vote system, but major trading nations (mainly DCs) has largest role in setting agenda 3. The DCs have dominant positions in bureaucracies 4. The type of economic growth follows the DCs’ prescription
Chapter 2 Managing the Global Economy Since World War II: The Institutional Framework
Group 1 小组成员: 陈瑨琰 池勇 王勤晓
Question 1
• What are the relations between postwar economic institutions and the advanced industrial states?
• These institutions are established by major powers under the leadership of the US. • Developing a liberal economic order. • And prevent a recurrence of the interwar problem. • Specifically, monitoring fixed exchange rates, and offer bilateral aid,…
A diverse group
The G10, G5, G8, and G20
• The G7/G8 continue to play an important role for like-minded DCs • G20 is more influential on terms of changing global power shifts
CSOs---Nonstate Actor
• NGOs and social movements focusing on labor, women. • A wide range of nongovernmental, commercial groups that seek to either reinforce or alter existing norms, rules, social structure, infant health, indigenous people, and economic matters.