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• One of the critical problems of diagnosis today is determining what should be looked upon as a routine screening laboratory test and what should be a special test. • Certain studies of blood,urine and feces have become accepted as routine. • Multiphasic scrounge, testing for several disorders simultaneously with a number of tests,is now broadening this base substantially.
• One of the critical problems of diagnosis today is determining what should be looked upon as a routine screening laboratory test and what should be a special test. 今天诊断的关键问题之一是确定什么应该被视为例行的 筛查实验室测试,什么应该是一个特殊的测试。 • Certain studies of blood,urine and feces have become accepted as routine. 对血、尿和粪便的某些研究已成为 常规。 • Multiphasic scrounge,testing for several disorders simultaneously with a number of tests,is now broadening this base substantially. 多相杂讯,在进行多项测试的同 时检测几种疾病,现在正大大地扩展这个基础。
Laboratory diagnosis
• Testing a diabetic’s urine and the detection of its sweetness may have been the first laboratory test.Out of the fields of physiology and biochemistry diverse laboratory tests have arisen. • They are an extension of the physical examination and are increasingly a part of the professional consultations,which means that certain salient features adout the patient are made known to those doing the tests.
• Tests are done on blood,urine,cerebrospinal fluids,feces,sputum,gastric contents,semen and abnormal fluids obtained from the chest,the pericardium or the peritoneal cavity.Hair,nail and skin scraping may also be tested. • The usefulness of a test has a clear relationship to the speed with which the results are made available.
• After whatever screening procedures have been done,the next stage in the examination is a critical planning based on all the information obtained. Availability,cost,physical and chemical principles,methods,error and other limitations are related to final interpretation and application of the results.
• Tests are done on blood,urine,cerebrospinal fluids,feces,sputum,gastric contents,semen and abnormal fluids obtained from the chest,the pericardium or the peritoneal cavity.Hair,nail and skin scraping may also be tested.测试是对血液、尿液、脑 脊液、粪便、痰液、胃内容物、精液和从胸腔、心 包或腹腔获得的异常液体进行的。头发,指甲和皮 肤刮伤也可能被检测。 • The usefulness of a test has a clear relationship to the speed with which the results are made available. 测试 的有用性与测试结果的提供速度有明显的关系。
• Testing a diabetic’s urine and the detection of its sweetness may have been the first laboratory test.Out of the fields of physiology and biochemistry diverse laboratory tests have arisen. 检测糖尿病患者的尿液 和检测其甜度可能是第一个实验室测试。在生理学 和生物化学领域已经出现了各种各样的实验室测试。 • They are an extension of the physical examination and are increasingly a part of the professional consultations,which means that certain salient features adout the patient are made known to those doing the tests. • 它们是体格检查的延伸,并且越来越多 地成为专业咨询的一部分,这意味着做检查的人知 道患者的某些显著特征。
• After whatever screening procedures have been done,the next stage来自百度文库in the examination is a critical planning based on all the information obtained.Availability,cost,physical and chemical principles,methods,error and other limitations are related to final interpretation and application of the results. 无论进行了何种筛选程序,考试 的下一阶段都是根据所获得的所有信息进行的 重要规划。可获得性、成本、物理和化学原理、 方法、误差和其他限制与结果的最终解释和应 用有关。