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This thesis mainly explains the electrical design basis, principle, methods and the conclusion of the design choice in each system in the design of certain office building. The electricity is modern industrial production, the main sources of energy and motive force, in the whole national economy in life are widely, not only improve the working environment, and greatly improve the labor productivity and the quality of people's lives, power system to perfectly for production and life service, and completes the energy conservation work, we must meet the safe and reliable, high-quality economy requirements. In modern city of power grids, power-supply once wiring design appears very important.The thesis includes six Chapters. Previous four Chapters are mostly about the design of the forceful electric power Part; Chapter 5 and 6 are mostly about the design of the light current and fire-fighting.

The part of the forceful electric power mainly including: the distribution system of the low voltage, lighting system and rounding for lightening systematical compose; among others include load calculation, illumination calculation.

The part of the light current mainly including: CATV, Public Broadcasting System, Closed Circuit Monitoring TV and Premises Distribution System and so on.

The part of the fire-fighting mainly including: the design of the warning system and linked system etc.

This electrical design of the office building is a graduation design,The purpose of this design is to give us a chance of synthetical usage of the knowledge we have learned. Besides, it can train our ability to analyze and solve practical problems in Construct electricity in dependently so that the theory is connected with practice and a solid base is made in favor of future work.

【Key words】electrical design,safe and reliable,power supply and distribution system,emergency power


摘要 ............................................................... I Abstract ............................................................ I I 引言 .. (1)

1 工程概述 (2)

1.1 建筑电气概况 (2)

1.2 设计原则 (2)

1.3 设计内容 (2)

2 配电系统设计 (5)

2.1 负荷分析及供电要求 (5)

2.1.1 负荷等级分类 (5)

2.1.2 供电要求 (5)

2.2 短路计算 (6)

2.3 负荷计算 (8)

2.3.1 一级负荷设备的负荷计算 (9)

2.3.2 照明负荷(包括电源插座)设备的负荷计算 (10)

2.4低压断路器选择 (12)

2.5 电流互感器选择 (13)

2.6 电力线缆的选择 (15)

2.6.1 线缆截面选择原则 (15)

2.6.2 选择结果 (15)

2.7 无功补偿设备选择 (16)

2.8 低压配电屏的选择 (16)

2.9 配电方式 (17)

3 照明系统设计 (18)

3.1 总则 (18)

3.2 照明光源选择原则 (18)

3.3 照明灯具选择原则 (18)

3.4 照度和照明方式选择 (19)

3.5 一般照明设计 (19)

3.5.1 办公照明设计原则 (19)

3.5.2 商场照明设计原则 (19)

3.5.3 设计结果 (20)

3.6 应急照明设计 (20)

3.6.1 应急照明分类 (20)

3.6.2 应急照明灯具选择 (21)

3.6.3 应急照明灯具布置 (21)

3.6.4设计结果 (21)

3.7 照度计算 (21)
