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This graduation project is designed for the high-voltage , low-voltage system protective relay system of transformer substation for the building of Sudan GNPOC oil headquarters, In the whole design, the design materials that I offered according to country's relevant design specification and standard and relevant specialities, design the transformer substation. The main content designed includes high-pressure distribution system , low-voltage distribution system , distribution room system, protective relay system, namely confirm the quantity , capacity , type of the voltage transformer and assign according to relevant design standards; Confirm the main wiring way, confirm the quantity , type of the high , low-voltage cupboard and assign; Confirm that controls and protects the type , specification of the electric apparatus, carry on checking computations; Confirm the type , specification of cable , bus bar and other main lines, carry on checking computations; Confirm distribution equipment of such equipment as lighting , power , Confirm the components of relay protection devices and design secondary wiring program,etc.

Keywords: high-pressure distribution system low-voltage distribution system protective relay system,


摘要...................................................................... I ABSTRACT ................................................................... II 第一章绪论. (1)

1.1 原始资料背景 (1)

1.1.1 负荷状况 (1)

1.1.2 气象、土壤等资料 (1)

1.2 设计内容和基本思路 (1)

1.2.1 变配电所高低压系统图设计 (2)

1.2.2 变配电所照明设计 (2)

1.2.3 二次系统图设计 (2)

1.2.4 防雷接地设计 (2)

第二章负荷计算 (3)

2.1 负荷计算 (3)

2.1.1 计算负荷的确定 (3)

2.1.2 负荷计算的方法 (3)

2.1.3 负荷计算结果 (3)

2.1.4 变压器的容量及台数的选择 (7)

2.1.5变压器的损耗 (8)

2.1.6.无功功率的补偿 (10)

第三章电气主接线的设计 (12)

3.1高压侧一次接线 (12)

3.1.1一次接线的设计原则 (12)

3.1.2 实际方案设计 (12)

3.2 低压侧一次接线 (13)

3.2.1 低压侧一次接线的设计原则 (13)

3.2.2 实际设计方案 (13)

第四章短路电流的计算 (15)

4.1短路电流计算的目的及方法 (15)

4.2短路电流计算 (15)

4.2.1标幺值法 (15)

第五章高低压设备选型及短路效应校验 (20)

5.1高低压设备选型 (20)

5.2设备选型应验算的项目及计算公式 (20)

5.3电气设备的短路效应校验 (21)

5.3.1断路器的断流容量、热稳定及动稳定校验 (22)

5.3.2负荷开关及熔断器的短路效应校验 (30)

5.3.3隔离开关、电流互感器、支持绝缘子的短路效应校验 (30)

5.3.4母排的动稳定及热稳定校验 (30)

5.3.5线路的热稳定校验 (30)

第六章变配电所 (32)

6.1变配电所的布置 (32)

6.1.1基本设计要求 (32)

6.1.2高压配电室的布置 (33)

6.1.3低压配电室的布置 (34)

6.1.4变压器室的布置 (35)

6.2变配电所的照明 (37)

6.2.1照度计算 (37)

6.2.2设计方案 (38)

6.3变配电所的接地 (38)

6.4变配电所的防雷 (39)

第七章继电保护及二次接线 (40)

7.1继电保护的配置方式及保护元件 (40)

7.1.1继电保护的基本要求 (40)

7.1.2设备的保护方式 (40)

7.2.继电保护整定值的计算 (41)

7.2.110/0.4kv变压器高压侧采用断路器保护 (41)

7.2.2 10kv进线继电保护整定计算 (43)

7.2.3 母联的继电保护整定计算 (46)

7.3二次接线的设计方案 (48)
