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Unit 1 A land of diversity

Unit 2 Cloning

Unit 3 Inventors and inventions

Unit 4 Pygmalion

Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors

Unit 1 A land of diversity


1.Actually,these ________(申请人)can only apply for the positions as a conductor.

2.It ________(发生)to him that he had left the bag on the train.

3.The new research ________(预示着)that the seagulls staying here come from Spain.

4.My father ________(雇佣)three men to help him with the harvest last summer.

5.V oters always ______(竞选)those who represent their needs.

6.The ________(大多数)of the young people who are from Italy are learning Chinese in our school.

7.Only a small ________(百分比)of the countries are thankful for our assistance.

8.________(显然地),many Chinese women are interested in Korean movies.

9.Hardly had we put down our ________(行李)and sat down when the train started off.

10.She had looked everywhere for her children,but they were ________(到处都无)to be found,which made her very worried.


1.I was ________ (thank) to see they had all arrived safely.

2.________ (slavery) used to be sold from Africa to the new world.

3.At the meeting, young people were in the ________ (major).

4.The ________ (discover) that her husband was unfaithful to her was a shock awakening.

5.She will probably be late but she will come ________ (eventual).

6.The ________ (nation) of the minority groups in that country is still an issue.

7.As the wages were low, there were few ________ (apply) for the job.

8.________ (apparent) they are getting divorced soon.

9.Faced with such a situation, she felt a strange ________ (mix) of excitement and fear.

10.The ________ (immigrate) of the birds is a mystery to us.

11.He was the first person ________ (put) forward a good solution to the problem.

12.Since the 1980s, people from Africa ________ (live) in California.

13.________ is believed that he was the first to grow such vegetables.

14.The club ________ (consist) of five women and ten men attracted the old people.

15.In recent years, we ________ (plant) a great many trees.

16.He pretended ________ (be) dead when the bear came near.

17.Let it go, he thought; he didn't feel like ________ (argue).

18.The fact ________ he failed the exam disappointed his parents.

19.California has the second ________ (large) Jewish population in the United States.

20.________ occurred to me that I had left my handbag on the taxi.


1.A great many of people gain a great deal of information from the Internet.________

2.To team up the big company is the only way to break out of money problem.________

3.After the explosion, every means have been used to prevent the river from being polluted.________

4.Successful people are always very intelligent. They can discover that others easily ignore.________

5.Only a few of them thought highly of the plan. The majority was against it.________

6.Nowadays, many young people from the countryside are going to big cities to make life for themselves.________


When a boy was walking in the woods, he found two __1__ (starve) songbirds. He was so lonely __2__ he took them home and cared them with love. When the birds grew strong, they would greet him with a beautiful song every morning. The boy loved them very much and wanted their singing __3__ (last) forever.

One day the boy left the cage open __4__ (care). One of the birds was trying to escape from the cage but __5__ (grasp) by the boy. When opening his hand, he was sad to find it dead. __6__ was his desperate love that killed the lovely bird!

Then he noticed the other bird __7__ (move) back and forth on the edge of the cage. He could feel __8__ (it) great need for freedom. Without any __9__ (hesitate), the boy lifted it from the cage and flew it into the air. He wanted the bird to be happy. Suddenly the bird flew back and landed softly __10__ his shoulder. It sang the sweetest melody he had ever heard.

The fastest way to lose love is to hold it tight. The best way to keep love is to let it fly!


I fell love with travelling when I was a little girl. I dreamed of travel around the world one day. However, my family wasn't rich, as I couldn't ask my parents for money to travel. In order to make my dream come truly, I worked part-time to save money while I was studied at college. After I left for college and started working, I tried my best to save money, too. When I was 28 year old, I quit my job and began to realize my dream. While I was traveling, I took photographs and write articles for websites to make some money so that we could travel longer. If you have the dream, just go for it.

Unit 2 Cloning

