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Sep. 2018


1.My family was poor, just _____ other average families in the countryside.

2.With the reform and opening-up policy ______(carry) out, my childhood dream came true.

3.As the first college graduate out of a remote village, i set an example for my folks. ____ came to realize that schooling id a good way to change one’s fate.

4.There are times______ we need to travel long distances.

5.Planting a small tree is cheap and easy, and two decades from now, when you look at _____ will have become a large tree, you will find a sense of satisfaction.

6.Robotic expert Hans says intelligent robots today are _____ smarter than the average insect. (=They are as foolish.)

7.You must be familar with Confucius, according to _____, qigong provides a means to become a Junzi through awareness of morality.

8.An ageing society is one _____ which the population of people over 60 _____(increase).

9.The population of older persons will be larger than ______ of children.

10.B irthrates have dropped ____ people , especially women, are educated.

11.M easures to slow population _____(grow) like ______(China) one-child policy have contributed to lowered birthrate.

12.____ Chinese put loose tea in teapots, add boiling water, and serve it in teacups.

13.M any English people, travelling away from home, feel ____ a loss if their favourite teabags are not available.

14.I nk ______ (apply) to the clay characters and sheets of paper were spread over them, and the printing was done.

15.T he great influence printing had ____ the advance of civilization is too clear to need any _____(explain).

16.S eeing little chance to get ______ (promote) in the company, the young man resigned last year.

17.G enerally speaking, a new product will sell better if _____(promote) with an advertising campaign.

18.W hen _____(ask) about the biggest problem today, many people say that it is the serious energy crisis.

19.G lenn did develop the ability first to stand up, then to walk---and then _______(amaze) ---to run.

20.H e even made the track team later in college, ______ he received the nickname the “Kansas Flyer’.

21.W e’ re looking forward to visiting Guilin, a city _____ scenery is said to be the No.1 under heaven.

22.T he job has been offered to a young college graduate, but it remains to be seen _____ he is equal to the position.

23.O ccasions are quite rare ______ I have the time to spend a day with my kids.

24.S itting for long periods of time before the screen has an unhealthy influence on us, contributing___ back and neck pains.

25.Y ou may depend on ___ that they will support you.

26.S he was said ______(use) her mobile phone the moment you dialed her number.

27.A notice has been put___ on the blackboard, saying that our holiday will be put off.

28.W e all enjoyed ourselves at yesterday’s party. You should ____(come) ,but why didn’t you?

29.V acation c?an be from 2 weeks to 4 weeks a year ,usually depending on how long you’ve been working for a company and _____ position you have.

30.T he test papers ______(mark) and it will not be long before the final results are announced.

31.T he red lanterns _____(hang) in the yard will be lit up on important occasions like the Spring Festival.

32._____(disappoint), he raised his voice, saying something angrily to his father.

33.M any singles say the regular dating scene has just led them from one bad experience to ____ and are ready to try something else.

34.T here used to be a bookstore at the end of the street, _____ there?

35.____ was expected, he returned the next day.

36.---Did you have a good sleep last night?--- Never ______.(well). I fell asleep the instant my head touched the pillow..

37.D uring the rush hour in the city, the average speed of a car is no better than ____ of our bicycles.

38.I am _____(nature) on your side.

39.S he desired to live in such a house and dreamed all day about how wonderful and exciting ___ must feel to live there.

40.W hen you visit _____ (old) members in the family, remember to show your respect.


1.It is much to my regret which I cannot join in you and your family.

2.I will be full occupied with an important exam come the day after tomorrow.

3.Is it possible for you and I to have a private meeting afterward?

4.I wanted to swim in the river, which some women villagers were washing clothes.

5.I looked the direction of the cry and I found that a little boy had been fallen into the river.

6.Most families are strict in their children. So do teachers in schools.

7.Children are forbidden to do anything but to study.

8.I believe many people already read this kind of news in newspaper or magazines.
