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Basic Principles of Flame Shaping火焰形状调节基本原理

Reading the mass flow meters and manometers indication, at every step of the adjustment, will allow the operator to perform an easier and more organized procedure. 操作员在每个调整过程中通过流量和压力表变化作为依据,这样才能更容易和更有依据的对火焰形状进行调整。

With the high flexibility new main burner, the basic principles of flame shaping must be noted at all times, in order to prevent damage to the kiln refractory lining. For this procedure, the operator must always start up with a long and narrow flame and then begin shortening the flame, also noting that kiln shell temperature response is not immediate and therefore adjustments should be made with the appropriate time delay. 新型燃烧器调整起来非常灵活,所以火焰形状调节过程中要全时严格遵守调节原理,防止损坏回转窑内耐火砖。在调节火焰形状过程中,操作员必须总是以细长火焰作为初始状态,然后开始对火焰形状进行调节,在调节过程中注意回转窑筒体温度是否有变化,同时还要注意回转窑筒体温度的变化不会随着火焰调节后会立即改变,筒体温度有一定的时间滞后,因此调整时一定要注意延迟时间。

External Air 外风

The external air increases the overall turbulence level of the flame, increases the participation of axial velocity components in the primary airflow and increases the secondary air infiltration (external recirculation) into the flame. 外风增加会增加火焰整体的紊流强度,同时增加一次风比例和轴流风速度,同时加强了二次风(外部循环风)到吸到火焰中去。

Except during the first hours of kiln heat up, the external air valve will be 100% opened. 除了回转窑刚点火升温的第一个小时外,外风阀门要开到100%。

An increase of the external air flowrate will make the flame narrower and, due to its peripheral position, will also give the flame more rigidity and stability. 增加外风流量会使火焰变窄,由于燃烧器周围风速变化,火焰会更硬更稳定。

Tangential Air 切向风

The tangential air increases the participation of the tangential (swirl) velocity components in the primary airflow. The tangential air makes the flame wider and shorter, thus it is important to follow the shell temperatures when using high tangential air flow.切向风主要增加一次风的切向(旋流)风速度。切向风会使火焰更短更粗,因此在增加切向风的同时一定要注意回转窑筒体温度的变化。

It increases the presence of the fuel at the flame recirculation zone and burning zone that is poor in oxygen and rich in reduction species. When the tangential air flow is used, there is a better control of the NOX generation for a same amount of swirl, when compared to Dispersion air. 增加切向风会使燃料在火焰的回旋区和燃烧区的处于缺氧和还原气氛。与分散风相比,使用切向风时,可以在同样旋流风量的情况下更好的控制NOx的生成。

Dispersion Air 分散风

The dispersion air promotes a better dispersion of the fuel cloud and increases the contact between the fuel and the hot secondary air improving the flexibility on the flame adjustment. The dispersion air also promotes an oxygenation of the flame core. 分散风可以促进燃料更好的分散,并加强燃料与二次空气的接触,改善火焰的可调节性。分散风还可以火焰中心的含氧量。

Due to both reasons described above, the use of dispersion air is more efficient to promote the dispersion of fuel
