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Title The Business Strategy of Advertising In Online Games


With the continuous development of IT and network industry, the online gaming industry has developed rapidly, and continue to reduce the effect of traditional commercial advertising, network-game advertising came into being. Online games as a platform to engage in advertising as a marketing model, the early stage of development by the advertisers, game makers have a high degree of concern, given the high expectations. However, the development of the domestic online game product placement is not satisfactory, not as rapid as people think. Through the collection of related materials to organize at home and abroad, and analyzed in-depth, more detailed analysis in the text describes the meaning of online game product placement features, contrast abroad is relatively mature online game product placement industry, the domestic online games home advertising is still in the early stages of development, there are many defects and congenital. This article, several major forms of the current domestic and international network game product placement, combined with the analysis of specific cases the advantages and disadvantages of various forms of business model and then propose a comprehensive online game product placement. The last part of the paper summarized some of the problems in the development of the domestic online game product placement, analysis of these problems a number of reasons, mainly because of the short development time, the domestic online game development technologies in perfect professional online game embedded advertising business has just started, the market is in an increasingly mature state, and so the status quo of a few principles to do the domestic online game product placement industry, and thus conducive to the development of the industry as a whole.

Keywords: Online Games Target Tudience Product Placement Advertising Strategy


1 引言 (1)

2 网络游戏植入广告的基本情况 (1)

2.1 植入式广告的定义 (1)

2.2 网络游戏植入式广告定义 (2)

2.3 网络游戏的分类 (2)

2.4 网络游戏植入广告的特点 (3)

2.5 网络游戏植入广告的发展及现状 (5)

3 网络游戏植入广告的具体经营策略 (6)

3.1 网络游戏植入广告的主要形式 (6)

3.2 网络游戏植入广告整合营销 (9)

4 网络游戏植入广告存在的问题 (10)

4.1 缺乏自主研发技术 (10)

4.2 缺乏成功的商业模式 (11)

4.3 缺乏专业的游戏内置广告公司 (11)

4.4 缺乏强有力的主导者 (12)

4.5 广告费用价格不统一 (12)

4.6 广告内容与网络游戏内容不匹配 (12)

5 网络游戏植入广告投放原则 (13)

5.1 相关性原则 (13)

5.2 吻合性原则 (13)

5.3 平衡性原则 (13)

5.4 合法性原则 (13)

结论 (15)

致谢 (16)

参考文献 (17)
