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编写目的:本案例将学员置身于证券分析师的角色,将财务报表分析、股票估值等知识点与证券分析师的估值过程进行匹配分析,建构了以学员为中心的、教师主导的、锁定《财务管理理论与实务》课程、结合真实股票投资情景的估值分析案例。估值分析作为价值投资决策的基础,面临的最大难题在于预测的不确定性和经典模型的可用性。一方面,透彻分析公司的历史绩效,是解决预测不确定性的必由之路。然而,由于会计体系本身带来的计量误差以及管理层自由裁量权导致的偏差,使得会计信息的估值作用大打折扣。另一方面,起源于西方的CAPM 和现金流量折现等经典财务模型,本身源自完美的假设,若将其应用于我国企业价值的评估,需要对模型的功能价值和变量的选择问题进行缜密地思考和严谨地处理。本案例在透彻的公司战略分析、经营分析和财务分析的基础上,提供一个“桥接”企业的当前业绩和未来发展前景、历史财务信息与未来现金流量的预测框架;接着通过运用CAPM模型、现金流量折现模型以及情景分析,得到估值的合理结果,同时验证经典模型的实用价值;最后与相对估值法的估值结果进行比较,从而检验折现现金流预测和估值的合理性,并揭示出关键的价值驱动因素。知识点:现金流量折现估值模型、WACC、自由现金流量、资本资产定价模型




英文摘要What is value? In Graham's classical theory ,value is the discount of future cash flow, so valuation analysis is the most classical method for value investment.In acounting field, the accounting informatiin's value correlation is also providing losts of empirical evidence continuously.Tencent,the internet leading correlation,will be our analysis object in this case , which focuses on thinking about internet corporations' value correlation of accounting and finational problem on the premise of its unclear profit model .And in the base of fully reasonable hypothesis ,the case begins with practical application to build a prediction model connecting corporation's performance and future development prospect, past financial information and future cash flow.At the same time , the case explores CAPM model,cash flow discount valuetion model and many other classical models' application in the risk ,return and valuation .The whole process is an interesting and deeply exploration which puts valuation analysis up to the level of company's strategy and management directly .So, the classical finational theory and model can be used vividly in the realistic equiry valuation . During the prosse of case analysis and application , teacher can inspire students' all kinds of ideas and realistic thinking, make valuation analysis out of thelevel of given variable data, using valuation model and calculating in the fixed frame. Teacher can also make students experience the real scene of company valuation and help them to understand and apply company.
