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1,表示时间:at , on , 与in :

(1) at 加时间点,at eight o’clock

On 加具体日期/某日的上下午或者晚上/节日、星期等。On Sunday morning In 加一段时间(如早上,下午,晚上,季节,月份,年份,时代,朝代,


In the morning / in May / in summer / in the 21st century

(2) in 与after

In + 时间段,表示从现在起往后的一段时间,用于一般将来时。

e.g : I’ll graduate from the middle school in three months.

(3) After + 时间段,表示从过去的某时间起往后的一段时间,用于一般过去


e.g : I left there after four days.

After + 时间点,表示将来的某个时刻之后,用于一般将来时。

e.g : My friends will be here after 2 o’clock.

(3) ,for 与since

For + 时间段,表示某动作持续多久。

Tom does his homework for 2 hours everyday. / I have learned English for five years. Since + 过去的某个时间点或句子,解释为“自……以来”,主要用于现在完成时,



She has worked as a teacher since 1998.

2 , 表示地点

(1),on ,in 与at

On 表示在一个平面上,并与这个平面相接触。My book is on the desk.

In 表示在一个空间的内部。We are in our classroom.

At 表示在某一个位置点,I am at school.

(2),on , over与above

On 表示“在……之上”,两个物体表面接触。There is a photo on the wall.

Over 表示“在某物的正上方”,离开表面,与under 相对。There is a bridge over

the river.

Above 表示“在上方”,只高于某物,不一定是正上方,与below 相对。

e.g : The mountain is 1460 feet above the sea level.

(3),under 与below

Under 表示在正下方,Tom is sitting under the tree.with his dog.

Below 表示低于某物,不一定是正下方,There is a follow bed below my window.

(4),between 与among

Between 表示两者之间,There is a bookstore between the two buildings.

Among 表示三者或者三者以上之间。Who is standing among the girls.

(5),through 与across

Through 表示“穿过”,从某物空间穿过,He walked through the forest,

Across 表示“横过”,从某物表面穿过。He ran across the grass.

(6),after 与behind

After 表示顺序先后He walked out of the classroom after his teacher.

Behind, 表示位置在某物之后,相对于in front of . He did himself behind the door.

(7),before , in front of 与in the front of

Before 表示顺序先后,也可以表示位置The chair was brought before me .

In front of , 意思是“在……的前面”,表示位置在某物之前,两者是分离的,没

有包含的关系,相对于behind.. There is a river

in front of my home.

In the front of ,意思是“在……的前部”,即一物在另一物的内部,相对于at the

back of.

e.g :Don’t sit in the front of the car.

(8),in , to 与on.

In 表示在某范围之内,Shanghai is in the east of of China.

To 表示在某范围之外,Japan is to the east of China.

On,表示与某地接壤,Jiangsu is on the east of Anhui.


表示“用”的时候常用介词:with ,in 与by.

e.g : You can see it with your own eyes. / Cut it with the knife.

What’s this in English ? / Please write the letter in ink.

I go to school by bus. / We had to do all the work by hand.


Of 表示“属于……的”,所有格。Beijing is the capital of China. / she is a friend of mine.


(1),besides , except 与except for

Besides 表示“除……之外(还有);包括在……之内”

e.g : All of them have been to the Great Wall besides me.(包括我自己也去过长城)。Except , 表示“(同类事物中)除了”,不可放在句首

e.g : All of them have been to the Great Wall except me.(我没有去过)。

Except for 表示整体中扣除一部分

e.g:your article is perfect except for two spelling mistakes.要不是两个拼写错误,你的文章就很完美了。

(2) like 与as

Like 表示“像……,跟……一样”,常与look like , seem like 等习惯表达法As ,表示“作为,以……的身份”。


Talk about work at wait for take part in worry about ak for

Learn from call on sb look after enter for die of / from depend on

Arrive in / at pay for hear from spend...on look at look for

Stop…from operate on laugh at send for protect…from belong to

Listen to agree with help sb. With point at prefer…to
